Chat Logs for Episode 622 — #Category5 on /


With 37 Posts:noeman5
With 36 Posts:TheFu
With 30 Posts:YetiWizard
With 30 Posts:MarshMan
With 18 Posts:RobbieF

Chat Logs:

6:58:09 PMnoeman5 Energizer @SashaR !
6:58:12 PMTheFu Actually, it isn't Jeff.
6:58:23 PMSolbu Watching TV, on TV. Hmm. :-)
6:58:40 PMYetiWizard That's America's power grid πŸ˜›
6:59:20 PMnoeman5 Solbu, now we just need a TV in their background, then it would be TV on TV on TV!
6:59:30 PMSolbu Hehe
6:59:57 PMTheFu What's Uuuuuuuuuup! (remember that commercial for "bud")?
7:02:28 PMMarshMan Yes. Yes I do.
7:02:29 PMnoeman5 Gil Grissom was a forensic entymologist
7:02:41 PMTheFu Back to Silence of the Lamb?
7:03:02 PMMarshMan Swelled head, right there.
7:03:13 PMSolbu We are Go for launch!
7:03:36 PMMarshMan We are, they are not
7:03:44 PMTheFu Wow! That's funny.
7:04:00 PMTheFu Bugs played a key role in that movie.
7:04:45 PMnoeman5 Practicing your clog dancing @Jeff Weston ?
7:05:42 PMnoeman5 Imagine how warm it would be in your Orville uniform.
7:06:16 PMnoeman5 good luck with that @RobbieF
7:06:27 PMnoeman5 (catching Jeff)
7:08:01 PMSweSG Hi!
7:08:38 PMTheFu Once dropped a 2 day old WD-Black HDD while in use. Never worked again. Insurance paid for it.
7:08:57 PMMarshMan Echo
7:09:02 PMTheFu Robbie - LVM to the rescue!
7:09:09 PMMarshMan Turn off the camera mic
7:09:12 PMnoeman5 Echo, Echo, Echo
7:09:28 PMABQTKY Too many mics!
7:09:38 PMTheFu Sasha - tell Robbie there's a wicked Echo.
7:09:45 PMYetiWizard I though it was part of the show lol
7:09:47 PMMarshMan Good
7:09:52 PMnoeman5 Mucho
7:10:01 PMRonnicat Yes
7:10:07 PMSolbu No echo.
7:10:38 PMMarshMan Power corrupts
7:11:29 PMMarshMan Read it @Jeff Weston
7:12:26 PMSolbu MarshMan: Power corruption is fixable … by replacing the hardware. ;-)
7:13:20 PMMarshMan My comment was about giving Jeff the power. Can Jeff be replaced? Prolly not.
7:13:48 PMMarshMan With Henry?
7:13:49 PMSashaR by a robot!!!!
7:14:08 PMMarshMan πŸ˜€
7:14:20 PMTheFu SATA is usually cheaper than NVMe too. Probably won't get 6 off SATA. My "quality" SATA SSDs don't get anywhere near the theoretical bus limits.
7:14:25 PMSolbu MarshMan; I know, which is why i phrased it the way I did. ;-)
7:14:50 PMMarshMan Guess I am more blunt
7:16:09 PMMarshMan Megabytes?
7:16:26 PMMarshMan Did @RobbieF say megabytes?
7:16:47 PMTheFu Specs for that model say "Up to 450 MB/s" writes.
7:17:05 PMABQTKY MarshMan - must be the heat up there in the vast frozen wasteland of Ontario.
7:17:14 PMMarshMan πŸ₯“
7:17:17 PMnoeman5 Party like it's 1999
7:17:30 PMMarshMan Dip
7:17:47 PMnoeman5 Switches are for dips. lol
7:17:58 PMSolbu Dip the switches!
7:18:24 PMSashaR It's not frozen today ABQTKY πŸ™‚
7:18:43 PMnoeman5 Looks like the board has the same picture on it.
7:18:51 PMMarshMan They can cook πŸ₯“πŸ₯“πŸ₯“πŸ₯“πŸ₯“πŸ₯“in there today
7:19:17 PMMarshMan πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†too
7:19:25 PMMarshMan For @SashaR
7:19:32 PMSashaR πŸ™‚ Now you are talkin!!
7:19:44 PMSashaR Marshman... not Jeff πŸ™‚
7:20:48 PMnoeman5 At least @RobbieF doesn't have a screw loose, at least not right now.
7:22:34 PMnoeman5 Did I miss it? What was the cost of those M.2's?
7:22:57 PMSolbu If a raid0 fail, you loose the info on both drives, not just the failed one.
7:25:21 PMTheFu I just encrypt some storage, put backups on it and leave it at a friend or relative's house.
7:25:29 PMTheFu Solbu, testify!
7:26:23 PMTheFu Instead of RAID1, I'd rather have 2 separate disks that rotate every other week. RAID is mainly for HA needs.
7:26:48 PMTheFu Still a nice kit for lots of reasons.
7:27:37 PMnoeman5 Bzzt
7:28:20 PMABQTKY noeman5 - Was that Jeff's wireless mic transmitter shorting out?
7:29:00 PMMarshMan In several weeks you will have more ice blocks than you know what to do with
7:29:15 PMABQTKY Just a joke, Jeff
7:29:26 PMSolbu RobbieF: Do you know How hoy it is? Is there a temperature measure/sensor which show temp?
7:30:19 PMSweSG I have an NVMe SSD:
7:30:21 PMSweSG
7:30:21 PMnoeman5 I've only got a few weeks of kayaking left.
7:31:07 PMnoeman5 I'm hoping you were talking Fahrenheit @RobbieF
7:31:11 PMSashaR I do like the season change though πŸ™‚
7:31:41 PMTheFu Probably won't need a coat here after 9am, most days until November.
7:31:54 PMnoeman5 no more coloor?
7:32:23 PMYetiWizard Robbie, your "Again" is interesting
7:32:24 PMSolbu SashaR: The colors in the fall are just awesome.
7:32:42 PMSashaR I agree wholeheartedly
7:33:16 PMMarshMan Downpour just started
7:33:17 PMnoeman5 Scary, you were looking only at @SashaR , and said "are you both here next week?" Ha, ha
7:35:23 PMMarshMan YouTubers comment below
7:37:23 PMTheFu Has anyone tried using a wall socket+USB power port (say 3.1A) to power Raspberry Pis? All the wall plug USB power I've had showed the low-voltage lightning bolt.
7:39:24 PMnoeman5 Fu, I had the same problem until I used an "Official" Raspberry Pi power supply from them.
7:40:13 PMnoeman5 Oh sure, now he reads the instructions.
7:40:32 PMTheFu I've been using a USB2 hub that claims 10A power total for the 4 ports, but still seeing the low-power about 20% of the time.
7:41:02 PMSolbu the Pi might be using power for running the internal clock.
7:41:10 PMnoeman5 Read the instructions, be the instructions...
7:42:01 PMMarshMan I have several 5V power supplies giving anywhere from 4.7 to 5.5 V output. Advice: buy quality.
7:42:29 PMTheFu ZeeFS?
7:42:51 PMYetiWizard Kaspersky - Best Antivirus
7:43:58 PMnoeman5 The valves on the wall should have a green valve in the middle. (RGB instead of Red, Yellow, Blue)πŸ˜ƒ
7:45:01 PMMarshMan Or green at the bottom for a traffic light
7:45:07 PMTheFu Zettabyte File System .... I can be wrong, again, about this.
7:45:28 PMnoeman5 Beam me up Spotty
7:45:30 PMSolbu SashaR: Seeing closeup of your dress, it is pretty.
7:46:18 PMRobbieF
7:46:36 PMRobbieF
7:47:01 PMnoeman5 Check out camel spiders.
7:47:36 PMnoeman5 I was born ready
7:48:37 PMSolbu I love this show. The bloopers dduring the live show is half the fun. :-)
7:48:51 PMTheFu More javascript security issues ...
7:50:25 PMTheFu Time to change your Android Advertising ID ...
7:51:33 PMnoeman5 camel spider
7:51:34 PMnoeman5
7:51:43 PMMarshMan People still use Facebook so why not kaspersky
7:52:05 PMnoeman5 a couple more
7:52:06 PMnoeman5
7:52:12 PMYetiWizard @RobbieF Which Antivirus would you recommend then?
7:53:54 PMTheFu Jeff - NoScript.
7:55:00 PMTheFu Privacy is hard with all the huge internet companies fighting us.
7:55:18 PMnoeman5 I use Epic browser in Windows, cuts it back quite a bit
7:56:22 PMTheFu ZFS, doesn't need extra stuff unless you need the extra stuff.
7:56:46 PMTheFu ZFS still validates that what was sent to the disk actually got there. No other FS does that.
7:57:13 PMGarbee Good evening, I'm late.
7:57:20 PMTheFu ECC is recommended, but not necessary.
7:57:43 PMTheFu Journaling.
7:57:44 PMnoeman5 Last minute @Garbee
7:58:05 PMGarbee BTRFS FTW
7:58:28 PMTheFu I wouldn't boot from ZFS on Linux, but for pure data storage I wouldn't have problem.
7:58:55 PMTheFu Disclosure: I'm an LVM+Ext4 user on Linux. Only used ZFS on Solaris many years ago.
8:00:11 PMGarbee @Jeff Weston No it's for when you put it in the microwave to pop it'll get all delicioius.
8:00:33 PMTheFu BTRFS had some strange modes that didn't work for my needs. Early on, KVM had warnings against using btrfs for VM storage.
8:03:19 PMMarshMan My company sends test emails to see if you open the attachments
8:05:05 PMSolbu I sign all my emails using GnuPG/PGP. that cannot be spoofed. It is either valid, or it is not. If I sendt it, the GPG signature is valid. But that only works if the recepient's mail client also checks the GPG signature.
8:05:54 PMGarbee I auto-open all attachments and follow all links in emails. Especially if they come from single women in Russia.
8:06:03 PMMarshMan @SashaR would end up in the hospital because @RobbieF took so long to figure out if the message was legit
8:08:29 PMTheFu Jeff - email spoofing happens without the "FROM" address knowing anything about their address being used.
8:11:18 PMTheFu Google drops support for services all the time, well before the hardware is EoL.
8:12:06 PMTheFu Robbie, Can your kids change the temperature by talking?
8:16:07 PMYetiWizard @RobbieF So what software would you recommend for protection on Windows?
8:16:21 PMGarbee ESET
8:16:46 PMYetiWizard Consumer
8:16:56 PMMarshMan Disable the network card
8:17:17 PMYetiWizard well say I use LastPass
8:17:30 PMYetiWizard and yes I want my android devices protected too
8:18:20 PMYetiWizard how many devices?
8:18:52 PMYetiWizard EU
8:19:34 PMSolbu This Week in ESET: How to sell a product.
8:19:40 PMSolbu ;-)
8:19:46 PMYetiWizard i'll check that out thanks πŸ˜„
8:20:03 PMYetiWizard btw and if i wanted a quick and free antivirus for some old comp?
8:20:08 PMTheFu Use your Canadian Accent too.
8:20:22 PMMarshMan Eh?
8:21:24 PMYetiWizard thanks, there will be more time later to discuss this πŸ™‚
8:22:58 PMYetiWizard lol but Canadian is pretty much US to me, unlike Australian πŸ˜„
8:28:15 PMTheFu NerdCore
8:29:21 PMMarshMan Soulcleanse?
8:29:38 PMYetiWizard Why is it called LinuxTechShow tho? πŸ€”
8:30:23 PMSolbu Jeff, RobbieF: I loved the memory lane part. It's nice to hear once a while what you do in your off hours.
8:30:42 PMYetiWizard that's the thing "sometimes we talk about Linux"
8:31:52 PMYetiWizard Youtube should allow to subscribe to certain playlists only
8:32:06 PMYetiWizard then that multi channel thingy wouldn't be needed
8:32:25 PMSashaR Goodnight my darling friends... I will see you all next week πŸ™‚
8:32:27 PMYetiWizard I would request a Linux automation episode
8:32:39 PMYetiWizard Since AutoHotKey is not a thing on Linux
8:33:17 PMYetiWizard But yea I understand that you do that other stuff in order to support the show
8:34:15 PMnoeman5 So, no Mac Tech Show then?
8:34:50 PMYetiWizard What about Win4LifeShow xD
8:35:12 PMnoeman5 I guess this is "C" then?
8:35:33 PMnoeman5 Disinfect those cables now
8:40:56 PMTheFu Yeti - there is lots and lots of automation on Unix/linux. But you need to think a little differently. There are mouse-type recorders, but those are seldom used.
8:44:00 PMnoeman5 Is there anybody out there?
9:14:38 PMRobbieF Regardless of your beliefs, hope you like it πŸ™‚
9:15:02 PMnoeman5 The woman on the left, was she a co-host for a while, she looks familiar? And don't tell me that's Sasha.
9:15:11 PMRobbieF Nope.
9:15:14 PMRobbieF Just a band member.
9:15:28 PMRobbieF She's the one you see in the music video (my wife is on the keyboard)
9:15:49 PMRobbieF Jeff's wife is the one creeping behind us with a camera, in fact.
9:16:27 PMYetiWizard It's great that you used your talents.
9:16:28 PMRobbieF And no, they didn't have HD video cameras back then πŸ˜„
9:16:33 PMYetiWizard What is it like today?
9:16:44 PMYetiWizard Not so much time I assume
9:20:28 PMRobbieF In case you're curious, I actually play all the instruments too.
9:21:54 PMYetiWizard How much into that whole IT stuff were you back then?
9:22:12 PMRobbieF back then? I was a web designer running a computer support company.
9:22:27 PMRobbieF After I left the radio station I ran a computer firm with my wife.
9:22:43 PMRobbieF
9:22:51 PMRobbieF ^^ Full CD right there. πŸ˜„
9:22:55 PMRobbieF Classic.
9:23:06 PMRobbieF that was like 2006 IIRC.
9:23:24 PMYetiWizard Is the one on the left singing?
9:23:35 PMRobbieF they both sing
9:23:41 PMRobbieF so depends which part you're talking about
9:24:12 PMYetiWizard the first song
9:24:25 PMYetiWizard right at the beginning
9:24:45 PMRobbieF K listening.


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