6:58:13 PM | noeman5 | Live from New York (actually Barrie) it's Wednesday night!
6:58:19 PM | TheFu | Time to get the hurricane tracker out again.
6:59:19 PM | Solbu | We are Go for launch
7:00:29 PM | G_Dog1985_ | am working on it Robbief
7:01:22 PM | noeman5 | Sounds like you have tribbles in the studio.😁
7:01:40 PM | G_Dog1985_ | haha
7:01:46 PM | Solbu | Liftoff.
7:02:29 PM | Solbu | We have cleared the intro.
7:02:34 PM | Solbu | :-)
7:02:50 PM | Solbu | Been watching a Nasa documentary, ;-)
7:03:21 PM | TheFu | On what, Solbu
7:03:48 PM | G_Dog1985_ | any good solbu
7:07:46 PM | Solbu | TheFu: I'm rewatvhing the TV series ««From the earth to the moon» and plan on watching the Movie «Apollo 11» which is created using archival footage..
7:08:09 PM | Solbu | THe moovie is just released.
7:09:31 PM | noeman5 | I'd recommend the Apollo 13 movie with Tom Hanks as well. Very well done and closely follows the real events, not a lot of Hollywood hype.
7:10:32 PM | MarshMan | Shame so many highly intelligent women do not even try to enter the technical/engineering fields.
7:11:02 PM | TheFu | Ah ... real-world stuff. I saw Apollo 13 on opening day near JSC. We took the afternoon off from work.
7:11:16 PM | Solbu | Tom Hanks is the director of the TV series «From the earth to the moon» (from 1998)
7:11:40 PM | ABQTKY | Anoosheh was very fortunate to leave before the revolution. I knew some people who got out in the '80's. Not so good. OTOH, they were all lucky go get out.
7:11:54 PM | noeman5 | Anoosha's story sounds familiar. A cousin of mine was way up in Mattel's IT department in the late 60's early 70's, she was the only woman there in IT.
7:12:01 PM | TheFu | Hanks became a huge NASA fan. Same for the director - I can't remember his name. Opey?
7:12:11 PM | Solbu | One of the engineers working in the actual mission controll during the apollo program, served as a technical advisor on creating the mission controll set for the series.
7:13:04 PM | TheFu | Solbu, I worked in the MCC at JSC. Met lots of the famous flight controllers and a few astronauts.
7:13:13 PM | noeman5 | TheFu, the director's name is on the tip of my tongue but can't remember it. I can picture his face but not his name.
7:13:21 PM | TheFu | Red hair.
7:13:21 PM | Solbu | He said in a documentary 15 years ago that a few times he forgot that it was a repica set, so when shooting was over he whent to the elevator, which was just another non-working prop. ;-)
7:14:05 PM | Solbu | THe realistic details was so precise that he sometimes forgot it was a replica set.
7:14:10 PM | TheFu | They've moved all those consoles out of Bldg 30 - over to Space Center Houston. Disney runs it, I think.
7:14:21 PM | ABQTKY | Ron Howard. How can you not know Opie's actual name??
7:14:45 PM | TheFu | I'm not that old.
7:14:47 PM | noeman5 | That's it!
7:15:05 PM | ABQTKY | TheFu - Humbug!
7:15:14 PM | TheFu | I'll stay off your lawn.
7:15:29 PM | ABQTKY | Be nice, TheFu.
7:15:40 PM | TheFu | Interesting back story.
7:16:03 PM | noeman5 | I've got a dozen old computers, parts, TV's and other electronics, where can I send them to Anoosheh?
7:16:43 PM | TheFu | Is the company B2C or B2B?
7:17:00 PM | TheFu | s/B2C/C2B/
7:17:12 PM | noeman5 | I misunderstood. I thought she was an electronics recycling company CEO
7:20:51 PM | Solbu | SashaR: Quesion for Anoosheh: Does the technology involve software, and if so, what operating system does their technology support, and what license is it using.
7:24:31 PM | noeman5 | Must be a lot of fun dealing with the EPA 😜
7:26:10 PM | ABQTKY | Anoosheh mentioned heat recovery already, how often can chemical remediation cause 'byproducts' than can be reused or even sold??
7:26:15 PM | Gopher | Need to put the fires in the Amazon at the moment
7:28:14 PM | Gopher | out
7:35:49 PM | Solbu | SashaR: Turn on your mike.
7:35:58 PM | SashaR | Thank you!!
7:36:04 PM | Solbu | :-)
7:36:06 PM | SashaR | Done!
7:40:32 PM | noeman5 | Elevator going down
7:42:07 PM | noeman5 | And the never-ending commercials aboutMesothelioma
7:43:59 PM | noeman5 | giggling doesn't count as words @SashaR
7:44:57 PM | G_Dog1985_ | @RobbieF fyi my cancer is in remission
7:45:28 PM | noeman5 | Congratulations @GDog1985 !
7:45:41 PM | ABQTKY | Excellent word, 'remission!!'
7:48:03 PM | TheFu | Robbie, that's the Feds. States and cities are different.
7:49:12 PM | TheFu | I think there is a US Federal law that say you can't help people break the law, so anyone paying is technically breaking that law.
7:49:40 PM | SweSG | YetiWizard: Do you like AIMP? I'm missing AIMP when running Linux. The only program I miss from Windows: / I have a lot of music on files. I use cmus in Linux. Rhythmbox too. Not as good as AIMP.
7:50:02 PM | TheFu | I use cmus and Clementine.
7:50:16 PM | SweSG | Ok
7:50:50 PM | YetiWizard | I love it, yea it's a shame that there's not a Linux version. Did you try running it with Wine?
7:51:19 PM | TheFu | And audio files are accessible through a DLNA server, so any controller or renderer for DLNA works.
7:51:19 PM | YetiWizard | I wonder how the experience would be and how it would perform. I use it on Android too.
7:52:13 PM | SweSG | yeah
7:52:18 PM | TheFu | "Pulled", versioned, backups not using any NFS or CIFS or other network file sharing storage solution.
7:53:35 PM | TheFu | Clients don't have any access to the backups.
7:54:16 PM | noeman5 | I hope my store doesn't have this problem. I work at Target and our store is just now getting solar panels installed.
7:54:40 PM | noeman5 | 7 stores out of how many?
7:55:13 PM | noeman5 | I think it's the number 7 to blame. Remember the Samsung Galaxy Note 7?
7:55:31 PM | MarshMan | The burning question @RobbieF ?
7:55:41 PM | Solbu | Hehe
7:55:54 PM | YetiWizard | How does DLNA help me if I want to use a particular player on Linux?
7:55:56 PM | noeman5 | @MarshMan , that's punny
7:56:12 PM | MarshMan | He’s on fire!
7:56:43 PM | TheFu | Any bad installation of electrical equipment can cause a fire.
7:57:50 PM | MarshMan | Wind power, they make chopped liver out of birds.
7:57:53 PM | noeman5 | I have a lot of solar flashlights, panels for recharging my electronics while camping, solar trickle chargers for my vehicles, etc.
7:58:35 PM | TheFu | Lots-o-players support DLNA.
7:59:01 PM | Cee_128d | Instead reading the headlines of the article, read the actual article. It's explains how many stores and also what the problems were that the installers made. It's actually a LOT worse than you are making it out.
7:59:33 PM | noeman5 | ➡
8:00:06 PM | Cee_128d | 240 stores have the solar panels.
8:00:18 PM | TheFu | Cee_128d, I would expect Walmart to run a data-driven business more than Tesla.
8:01:06 PM | TheFu | Tesla just seems like daily fire-drill-land to me.
8:01:57 PM | Cee_128d | Tesla is definitely a dumpster fire. Look at how many Tesla cars have spontaneously combusted over the past few years.
8:02:48 PM | noeman5 | live stream died there for a moment
8:02:57 PM | Solbu | Here too.
8:04:06 PM | YetiWizard | That's why we must battle against companies with their microtransactions.
8:04:24 PM | YetiWizard | They know that it's that easy
8:04:34 PM | YetiWizard | And make it addictive on purpose
8:05:42 PM | YetiWizard | And it ruines the games cause the devs focus on the profit from these transactions
8:06:34 PM | noeman5 | They just got torked off
8:07:42 PM | noeman5 | Interview is over @RobbieF , you can look like a hobo again.
8:07:54 PM | TheFu | Worked at a company that picked a great name for their software product before searching for it online. Turned out another company less than 1 mile away had been using it for a few yrs.
8:08:03 PM | Ronnicat | It actually died twice
8:08:20 PM | TheFu | Didn't notice any stream issues since the interview.
8:08:51 PM | noeman5 | Once in the interview and once later, just a few minutes ago.
8:09:07 PM | noeman5 | Now we can talk bad about @RobbieF
8:09:17 PM | YetiWizard | Funny the stream died for me too for a couple secs
8:09:25 PM | G_Dog1985_ | wow
8:10:42 PM | TheFu | Go ROBBIE!
8:11:16 PM | noeman5 | I think TheFu warned you about that earlier
8:11:17 PM | MarshMan | Epic fail!
8:11:18 PM | TheFu | I tried and failed to get 'weather' working about a yr ago.
8:11:22 PM | Solbu | YES! :-)
8:11:27 PM | YetiWizard | Lmao
8:11:34 PM | G_Dog1985_ | lol'
8:11:41 PM | TheFu | CLI rocks!
8:11:45 PM | Ronnicat | Lol
8:11:49 PM | noeman5 | I bet that doesn't survive the edits
8:11:55 PM | TheFu | cmus people understand completely.
8:11:56 PM | G_Dog1985_ | thatwas funny
8:11:58 PM | MarshMan | Keep laughing @SashaR , well deserved
8:13:13 PM | TheFu | I'm only seeing funky characters. What's with that?
8:13:23 PM | TheFu | â ââââââââââââââ
8:14:18 PM | TheFu | │⛅️ ⛅️ ⛅️ ⛅️ ⛅️ ⛅️ ⛅️ ⛅️ ⛅️ ☀️ ☀️ ☀️ ☀️
8:14:57 PM | Ronnicat | A must try
8:15:45 PM | noeman5 | Dumb question ahead, what is curl?
8:16:06 PM | TheFu | sorta like wget.
8:16:17 PM | SashaR | not a dumb question
8:16:22 PM | noeman5 | thanks TheFu
8:16:23 PM | TheFu | or lynx
8:17:56 PM | GWG | Logitech c920, or 930e? Thoughts?
8:18:00 PM | YetiWizard | °C master race
8:18:56 PM | noeman5 | Already a patron
8:19:09 PM | GWG | Playing bingo
8:19:39 PM | TheFu | I4
8:20:17 PM | MarshMan | Not good night
8:20:25 PM | GWG | B4, not I4
8:20:34 PM | noeman5 | Slap my wrist, I bought some computer parts recently on eBay and Newegg, but didn't go through the partner page link. ☹
8:20:37 PM | TheFu | G6
8:21:16 PM | MarshMan | Slap @noeman5
8:22:06 PM | RobbieF | Hi all!
8:22:12 PM | TheFu | I love these sorts of terminal solutions!
8:22:16 PM | SashaR | Wowsers... does time ever fly!
8:22:24 PM | G_Dog1985_ | yep
8:22:37 PM | YetiWizard | Any recommendations for Windows?
8:22:42 PM | noeman5 | Good night @SashaR
8:22:52 PM | TheFu | Sasha - try out Lynx if you want to see the internet fly!
8:22:56 PM | noeman5 | and you @RobbieF
8:22:58 PM | Ronnicat | Good night
8:23:07 PM | SashaR | Goodnight my darlings!!!
8:23:14 PM | YetiWizard | I used Python to extract data from pages and display it in cmd
8:23:28 PM | YetiWizard | Good night 😀
8:23:45 PM | SweSG | Good night all!
8:23:48 PM | MarshMan | TTFN!
8:24:11 PM | noeman5 | Off to the gym, g'night all!
8:59:39 PM | RobbieF | I all
8:59:47 PM | RobbieF | Hi all
9:05:43 PM | GWG | Logitech c920, or 930e? Thoughts?
9:05:54 PM | GWG | Hi Robbie
9:10:52 PM | RobbieF | c920
9:11:24 PM | RobbieF | unless for some reason you need the wider angle lens
9:11:38 PM | RobbieF | but if shooting normal view, the C920 will give better results.
9:12:33 PM | GWG | I am doing a conference room, so I would
9:13:02 PM | RobbieF | Then the C930e may be more suited if you want to shoot the whole room.
9:13:54 PM | GWG | That and an Android TV box will get me a conference call system
9:14:25 PM | RobbieF | Nice!
9:14:53 PM | GWG | I tested it and hosted a Zoom meeting
9:15:11 PM | GWG | Got 2 people to help
9:15:40 PM | RobbieF | Awesome. We used Zoom tonight for our interview. Worked very well, save a few blips.
9:15:46 PM | RobbieF | Better than Skype by a long shot.
9:16:29 PM | GWG | We've been using it for the last few events for remote participation
9:17:09 PM | RobbieF | I'm actually surprised I didn't try it sooner. I guess I thought it was 100% $$.
9:17:16 PM | RobbieF | Didn't realize there was a free version that would suit our needs.
9:18:43 PM | GWG | Isn't it free for two people?
9:19:09 PM | GWG | Either way, conference has a paid account
9:20:02 PM | RobbieF | Yep. Free for 1-on-1 interviews.