Chat Logs for Episode 625 — #Category5 on /


With 32 Posts:noeman5
With 24 Posts:TheFu
With 12 Posts:Solbu
With 11 Posts:ameriDroid
With 5 Posts:YetiWizard

Chat Logs:

7:00:18 PMameriDroid Howdy y'all
7:01:09 PMnoeman5 Hey @ameriDroid made it this time!
7:01:42 PMstormchaser3000 I finally made it to a stream again ๐Ÿ˜„
7:03:35 PMnoeman5 It's so much more fun watching the live feed.
7:04:05 PMSkywriter64 Hi everybody,Can the rasppi handle a 4-8 tb hdd via usb ?
7:04:14 PMSolbu Coffee is ready.
7:04:16 PMSolbu We are Go for launch
7:04:37 PMnoeman5 Go for lunch! Yum!
7:05:26 PMSolbu Lift off
7:05:41 PMnoeman5 We are used to all of you being a little off. Ha Ha! ๐Ÿ˜‚
7:05:57 PMSolbu We have cleared the tubes
7:06:06 PMSweSG @Skywriter64 Yep!
7:06:41 PMSolbu New season, Solbu in a new house.
7:06:56 PMBlokey It must be Wednesday, seems only a week ago I was here?
7:07:22 PMTheFu It was mid-90s here today. Next week, looks to be 20 degF cooler.
7:07:32 PMSkywriter64 Thanks SweSG
7:08:00 PMTheFu In July, there was a firmware update for the r-pi v4 that claimed 3-5 degC lower temps.
7:08:41 PMnoeman5 Don't let out the magic smoke!
7:09:11 PMTheFu
7:11:25 PMTheFu
7:19:25 PMMarshMan The usb ports and ethernet port are mirror image from Pi3 to Pi4 also
7:20:50 PMameriDroid Is NEMS checking the speed of all the SoC cores?
7:22:04 PMYetiWizard Can you show a chart of how the temperature changed?
7:24:31 PMnoeman5 Twin cooling fans, nice!
7:26:57 PMSolbu ยซThem fans, them fans gonna, spinn around. Them fans, them fans gonna, spinn around. Them fans, them fans gonna, spinn around. now hear the word from the streamยป
7:27:19 PMnoeman5 lol Solbu
7:28:21 PMnoeman5 Maybe if you read the instructions. ๐Ÿ˜‰
7:29:05 PMMarshMan Has to do with the height of the pins connectors
7:29:24 PMMarshMan Case would be considerably taller to hide them
7:30:11 PMnoeman5 I'm blind!
7:30:32 PMameriDroid You mean a cable like this?
7:31:27 PMMarshMan Thatโ€™s the one @ameriDroid
7:33:27 PMnoeman5 It's a micro Reel-to-Reel.
7:34:01 PMnoeman5 I like the shirt @RobbieF , one of my favorite comedies
7:34:02 PMMarshMan This one hides the wires:
7:34:58 PMBobK54 I regard myself as an "intelligent fan"!
7:35:04 PMBobK54 ๐Ÿ™‚
7:35:29 PMnoeman5 @BobK54 , an intelligent fan of Cat5, I take it.
7:36:00 PMBobK54 @noeman5 of course! All of us here qualify!
7:37:01 PMG_Dog1985_ @Jeff Weston why robbief not use tmux
7:37:08 PMnoeman5 ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ
7:37:31 PMBobK54 LOL
7:38:08 PMameriDroid Hi!
7:40:22 PMameriDroid How about the speed?
7:46:15 PMMikey11 Could you run the stress test longer than 5 minutes?
7:46:17 PMYetiWizard lol Robbie must be totally confused rn ๐Ÿ˜„
7:47:05 PMYetiWizard You've got a number of bugs to fix after the show...
7:47:36 PMMarshMan That stress test is so broken ๐Ÿ˜›
7:48:50 PMYetiWizard exactly xD
7:49:06 PMTheFu Did I miss the noise measurements?
7:50:07 PMMarshMan Yeah, @RobbieF stuck his face in the way to put his mic near the fan
7:50:16 PMTheFu Worth it? Only if the throttling impacts the normal use for the device.
7:50:32 PMMarshMan Heard nothing, blinded by the glare
7:51:21 PMMarshMan Bottom line for the RPi 4, you must have active cooling.
7:54:04 PMSolbu nine 9's?
7:55:18 PMSolbu Jeff: Using the command line util ยซdateยป: date --date '+9999999999 min'
7:55:18 PMSolbu Sun Dec 9 11:33:56 CET 21032
7:55:50 PMSolbu Jeff: My guess it will go untill Jesus comes back, it will never finnish. :-)
7:55:52 PMnoeman5 roughly 19,029 YEARS!
7:56:47 PMnoeman5 I left off the .24
7:57:17 PMnoeman5 By then the Pi365 will be out
7:57:23 PMSolbu Hehehe
7:57:46 PMBlokey Odds are I'll be long dead before the test completes
7:58:13 PMnoeman5 Only the good die young, I'll be around forever.
7:59:04 PMTheFu CA tax people will call you?
7:59:20 PMTheFu In the US, the govt sends snail-mail.
7:59:21 PMMarshMan If you want the calls to stop @Jeff Weston turn yourself in
8:00:21 PMMarshMan Here is my number 212-555-1212
8:00:52 PMnoeman5 867-5309
8:01:08 PMMarshMan Thats Jenny Jennys
8:02:10 PMTheFu I don't know most of my phone numbers. Been on VoIP for 15+ yrs. Use a forwarding service which is the only number given out.
8:02:53 PMTheFu Spoofing (202) 456-1111 is fun.
8:03:49 PMnoeman5 yeah, go ahead Jeff
8:03:52 PMMarshMan We need some positive news items
8:04:14 PMMarshMan There is so much good stuff coming out
8:04:46 PMameriDroid Laziness on the part of the developer.
8:05:09 PMameriDroid Security is hard and time consuming
8:06:10 PMTheFu IoT devices need to force setting a password at the initial setup.
8:08:11 PMameriDroid Everyone is born selfish. Selfish
8:09:46 PMSolbu Or, they dont care.
8:10:12 PMTheFu The goal was to sell something cheap and make profit. Security was a minor consideration, since they are used to having none.
8:12:16 PMTheFu HTTPS is more about privacy, than security.
8:14:04 PMTheFu A DNS lookup is not the same as visiting a website.
8:14:29 PMTheFu URLs aren't encrypted, just the stuff inside it is. Yes?
8:15:26 PMTheFu Firefox has an option to disable/enable this setting.
8:18:20 PMTheFu Better as beg forgiveness than to ask permission.
8:18:43 PMTheFu s/at/to/
8:18:56 PMSweSG
8:20:23 PMTheFu nicht verstehen.
8:23:42 PMTheFu It is a small image.
8:24:58 PMTheFu Or a seeing eye mini-horse, which turns out to be cheaper over the life of the animal. Horses live about 2x longer than dogs.
8:25:44 PMTheFu Service animals are legally allowed anywhere. Period.
8:26:05 PMTheFu People have been bumped off airplanes so a horse could fly.
8:27:01 PMMarshMan Did you ever see a horsefly?
8:27:27 PMTheFu
8:27:54 PMnoeman5 I heard a voice
8:28:33 PMnoeman5 Dave's not here man.
8:29:25 PMnoeman5 Lots of interviews this year
8:29:57 PMBlokey I must take a drive to Barrie
8:30:01 PMnoeman5 How much are tickets?
8:30:03 PMCee128d DO NOT EVER SAY THAT AGAIN JEFF. I had a Heart Attack this past Saturday. You do NOT want to give one to anyone, not even joking about it.
8:31:03 PMnoeman5 I took a look at the visitor's bureau web page for Barrie, beautiful place.
8:32:36 PMnoeman5 Love my Power Locus headphones, don't know if that was season 12 or not.
8:36:21 PMameriDroid Favorite memory: Being on the show and getting to hang out with your posse.
8:37:38 PMnoeman5 Because of The Orville Fan Experience, I am building a new computer. It ran too slow on my current system, so it is time to upgrade.
8:38:24 PMBlokey Well done to all those invloved
8:38:33 PMnoeman5 Blame the coffee maker
8:38:44 PMMikey11 Buye and good night
8:39:36 PMBobK54 Congrats on season 12!
8:39:37 PMnoeman5 Exit stage left
8:39:47 PMYetiWizard Congrats and good night! ๐Ÿ˜„
8:40:01 PMnoeman5 Great show
8:40:22 PMBlokey I should go and watch some old shows I missed
8:40:34 PMSashaR Thank you all.... I love being a part of this show ๐Ÿ™‚
8:40:41 PMSashaR Goodnight!
8:40:51 PMameriDroid Goodnight!
8:41:37 PMnoeman5 How many dots on the NEMS stress screen now?
8:43:37 PMRobbieF Hope you all had fun!
8:43:53 PMameriDroid ๐Ÿ‘Œ
8:56:14 PMnoeman5 Had a ball. Thanks Robbie, I haven't been watching for all 12 years, but the last one or twoI have been watching have been fun.
8:59:30 PMRobbieF โค Thanks @noeman5
8:59:35 PMRobbieF A pleasure having you here.
9:01:43 PMnoeman5 Well, off to the gym, goodnight everyone.
9:01:55 PMRobbieF Night


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