Chat Logs for Episode 633 — #Category5 on /


With 58 Posts:TheFu
With 56 Posts:MarshMan
With 45 Posts:Solbu
With 44 Posts:noeman5
With 38 Posts:RobbieF

Chat Logs:

6:58:01 PMMarshMan Hey there, Hi there, Ho there!
6:58:05 PMSolbu MarshMan, The difference is not much. ;-)
6:58:29 PMnoeman5 Ho where?
6:58:45 PMMarshMan Ho nothing!
6:58:52 PMMarshMan Just plain ho.
6:59:11 PMSashaR Refresh the live feed
6:59:55 PMMarshMan Streamed 5 minutes ago
6:59:56 PMnoeman5 I'd have so many responses if this wasn't a G rated program.
7:00:27 PMMarshMan Name the movie those lines came from @noeman5
7:01:02 PMheimans
7:02:01 PMSolbu Audio is Go.
7:02:26 PMSolbu No
7:02:35 PMSashaR We are not!!!
7:02:39 PMMarshMan Cannot see it either
7:02:42 PMSashaR Ugh... Jeff!
7:02:43 PMnoeman5 still not getting live feed online or youtube
7:03:14 PMMarshMan Do not make me come up north to defend @SashaR
7:03:16 PMnoeman5 yes
7:03:41 PMheimans noting jet
7:03:45 PMABQTKY Pretty fresh down here in the desert, too. But no show yet.
7:03:53 PMSashaR Thank you @marshman.... I am wearing the Slippers of Protection
7:04:00 PMMarshMan 🙂
7:04:22 PMSashaR Robbie is on it!!
7:04:24 PMnoeman5 At the bottom of the screen it says "Live stream offline Streamed live 10 minutes ago."
7:04:37 PMSolbu Jeff: The kodi stream is showing Robbie talking about the storrage sollution, in front of a green screen.
7:04:55 PMMarshMan Spoilers!
7:04:58 PMSolbu And now Jeff and Sasha is back, with no audio. Robbies clip had audio.
7:05:09 PMRobbieF I'm starting to despise YouTube.
7:05:12 PMSolbu Oh, streem ended.
7:05:17 PMSolbu REconnecting.
7:05:24 PMTheFu Live stream offline ....
7:05:26 PMSashaR Bahahaha
7:05:35 PMSashaR We are coming back!
7:05:41 PMTheFu Jeff! Dude!
7:05:55 PMMarshMan He can be replaced
7:06:02 PMABQTKY SashaR "RSN" Real Soon Now...right??!!
7:06:08 PMnoeman5 Clicking the button on the web site brings up ""Stay tuned, Episode 633 is live in 5 minutes.
7:06:29 PMTheFu video ok; audio zip.
7:06:32 PMRonnicat Ok what happened. No on Roku
7:06:34 PMnoeman5 Hey hey! We have video, but no audio!
7:06:36 PMMarshMan Video on YT
7:06:37 PMSolbu Tonight on Category5 TV, the silent movie version.
7:06:45 PMSolbu :-)
7:06:51 PMTheFu Hand puppets?
7:07:12 PMheimans yes live
7:07:13 PMRonnicat No sound but I can see you on Roku now
7:07:17 PMABQTKY How do I turn on Closed Captioning?? (or the sound)
7:07:36 PMSashaR We are close!!! :)
7:07:49 PMMarshMan No glasses @Jeff Weston ?
7:07:58 PMnoeman5 tonight we learn lipreading. is there an app for that?
7:07:59 PMRobbieF
7:08:25 PMABQTKY Jeff and Sasha LOOK like they're enunciating clearly....
7:08:26 PMMarshMan I couldn't even try to type without mine
7:08:29 PMRonnicat I guess reading lips will come in handy tonight
7:08:37 PMheimans anf live under YT subscrubsions on my sammy
7:08:45 PMMarshMan You would get something like this..
7:08:52 PMMarshMan nnslf w ofhpwfufh whpuqohop b
7:08:54 PMGuest_9073 all links here dead?
7:09:28 PMMarshMan If I could find my laptop
7:09:56 PMnoeman5 Maybe it's good there's no sound. Looks like @RobbieF is saying some non-G rated things.
7:10:07 PMMarshMan Anyway @noeman5 those lines were from Biloxi Blues. If you even care.
7:10:15 PMABQTKY Speak up Sasha.
7:10:33 PMnoeman5 Sorry @MarshMan , never saw that one.
7:10:36 PMTheFu "New" is the enemy of stable?
7:10:58 PMSolbu Tonight we will know how deaf people watch Cat5TV. :-)
7:11:20 PMameriDroid No audio here either
7:12:00 PMSolbu Dd you turn the packs On… Did you check the batteires. … Did you … ;-)
7:12:01 PMnoeman5 I'm thinking of all of the bad lip sync videos I've seen on YT
7:12:04 PMMarshMan Jeff is picking on Sasha so it's best we don't hear it
7:12:05 PMameriDroid Audio now
7:12:08 PMnoeman5 Now we have sound!
7:12:15 PMSolbu Sound!
7:12:19 PMABQTKY I just put my hearing aids in. Great, the batteries are dead.
7:12:23 PMSashaR This is hurting lol
7:12:35 PMRonnicat Finally
7:12:48 PMABQTKY Wow, even without fresh batteries, the sound's back! Amazing!!
7:14:07 PMSolbu ABQTKY: It's a mircacle! :-)
7:14:22 PMTheFu Was it in standby or off?
7:14:25 PMABQTKY Truly amazing Solbu!!
7:14:41 PMMarshMan Diggin the Schroedinger's cat reference
7:14:50 PMTheFu Put rice all around it.
7:15:04 PMTheFu uncooked.
7:15:23 PMRonnicat SMH
7:15:48 PMABQTKY SashaR seemed like a good idea at the time, right??!!
7:15:56 PMnoeman5 Laptops need to stay hydrated too. 🙂
7:15:59 PMSolbu SashaR: Being turned off is good, but the battery was still connected.
7:16:30 PMheimans a steampunk laptop
7:16:35 PMnoeman5 I'm nearsighted and far blind.
7:16:38 PMSolbu SashaR: But being a cloud system, you should just need to install Cloudready on a new system, and you are back with everything.
7:16:50 PMABQTKY Solbu,,,WAS is the operative word about Sasha's computer. 8-(
7:17:25 PMMarshMan @SashaR I can bring you my Pinebook. Not Pro tho
7:18:01 PMnoeman5 I'm not lazy, my code's compiling.
7:18:06 PMMarshMan I will see you next week @SashaR
7:19:07 PMSolbu Jeff: I like that you're using chairs in the studio today.
7:19:08 PMMarshMan I have to deliver the Pinebook in person I have been told
7:19:27 PMWildBill The laptop will work. I did support of a hospital and a nurse showed up with a laptop that fell into a water puddle. water was running out of it. after a about two days it fired up and ran for years after that
7:19:43 PMnoeman5 Heat up your laptop and it would be a cloud computer. Lol
7:20:08 PMSolbu I hear an ink printer. You guys need a laser printer.
7:20:12 PMTheFu The sitting mode seems more intimate. A small bowl of pretzels would make it feel homey.
7:20:42 PMameriDroid And deli mustard
7:21:03 PMSolbu Chat room is Go for launch.
7:21:10 PMTheFu Peanut gallery - CHECK!
7:21:11 PMMarshMan LET'S GO!!
7:21:15 PMheimans and a plant or some flowers in the sudio
7:21:23 PMMarshMan The missus is about to walk out!
7:21:24 PMheimans studio
7:21:30 PMnoeman5 the su-su-sudio?
7:22:35 PMstormchaser3000 hello
7:22:38 PMheimans so helpfull error messages lolz
7:22:39 PMTheFu sudo - sudo - sudodio
7:23:08 PMMarshMan She will stay for you @SashaR
7:23:24 PMTheFu Robbie - not on camera, please.
7:23:25 PMMarshMan She did get some Swedish Fish candy
7:23:46 PMABQTKY SashaR, tell Robbie, 'so long as you're happy.' He needs that, I think.
7:24:56 PMnoeman5 This just in, the FaceBook feed is following the lead of Libre. Null
7:28:08 PMMarshMan Create MEGA sized videos!!
7:30:11 PMRobbieF 😍
7:31:54 PMSolbu On the server I co-own, we have four 2TB harddrives in a RAID 1+0 configuration.
7:33:16 PMTheFu Solbu, what's the main purpose of the server?
7:33:34 PMRobbieF Our old one was dying.
7:33:54 PMRobbieF We were very fortunate it didn't die outright.
7:34:08 PMSolbu TheFu: web pages, e-mail, and IRC clients. We host a lot of domains.
7:34:33 PMRobbieF Oh, sorry; that question wasn't for us 😂
7:34:43 PMnoeman5 I'm in the process of building a NAS out of spare parts for the house. Looks like a lot of folks are playing with servers right now.
7:35:07 PMTheFu Robbie, after about 5 yrs, for your needs, server replacement is a good idea.
7:35:26 PMRobbieF It was required.
7:35:35 PMnoeman5 So at 7 years, it was overdue.
7:35:36 PMTheFu In some businesses, it makes financial sense to replace them every 3 yrs.
7:35:50 PMMarshMan
7:35:56 PMSolbu TheFu: We have allmost 60 user accounts.
7:36:03 PMnoeman5 Don't release the magic smoke.
7:36:21 PMTheFu 60 email accounts can be handled on a Raspberry Pi v4. ;)
7:36:22 PMSolbu … and 33 IPv4 addressed.
7:36:24 PMSolbu *adresses
7:36:35 PMnoeman5 A GTX 2080ti? NICE!
7:36:40 PMSolbu TheFu: No, we have 60 Shell accounts.
7:36:47 PMRobbieF Wait for it, @noeman5
7:36:53 PMTheFu SHELL! You let users login?!!!
7:37:17 PMSolbu Yes. that was the whole point in launching the service back in 2003.
7:37:23 PMTheFu That thought makes something shrivel up.
7:37:36 PMSolbu but Me and the co admin personally know every user.
7:37:50 PMnoeman5 That is a great looking case.
7:38:00 PMRobbieF Beautiful.
7:38:13 PMRobbieF They shouldn't have discontinued it.
7:38:33 PMnoeman5 I take it this wasn't done recently.
7:38:52 PMRobbieF Over the course of several months
7:38:54 PMMarshMan July and August
7:39:09 PMMarshMan Shorts weather
7:39:13 PMnoeman5 Definitely wasn't October, November
7:39:21 PMRobbieF I miss shorts. And heat.
7:39:29 PMMarshMan Already?
7:39:32 PMRobbieF Yep
7:39:38 PMheimans next time waer a face mask even ootside, breathin in all that dusk is not save
7:39:45 PMMarshMan Winter hasn't even started yet
7:39:57 PMnoeman5 I got a sheet of stickers like that with my Asus Rog Strix MB
7:40:24 PMMarshMan You are not grounded!
7:40:35 PMRobbieF I'm on a mat
7:40:40 PMRobbieF 😁
7:40:49 PMMarshMan Is the mat grounded?
7:40:58 PMRobbieF Of course
7:41:08 PMMarshMan Are you wearing rubber soled sneakers?
7:41:17 PMnoeman5 Wearing wool socks on nylon carpet. lol
7:41:40 PMMarshMan Bzzzzzt
7:41:48 PMRobbieF 12 V?
7:41:55 PMMarshMan Again I say
7:41:56 PMMarshMan
7:42:13 PMnoeman5 The Wile E Coyote school of electronics
7:42:21 PMMarshMan Acme
7:42:34 PMameriDroid I'm thinking about turning this into a rack for our SBC infrastructure. What do you all think?
7:42:35 PMameriDroid
7:42:53 PMMarshMan The rack would be smaller
7:42:54 PMnoeman5 Nice
7:42:59 PMRobbieF Room for 400 sbcs
7:43:24 PMameriDroid It's a 486 full tower. Are you old enough to remember those?
7:43:27 PMTheFu
7:43:43 PMTheFu ATX-e?
7:43:43 PMheimans jup me i am
7:43:57 PMnoeman5 I'm much older than that.
7:44:02 PMameriDroid Not as cool as the case Robbie is working on...
7:44:03 PMRobbieF @noeman5 pay attention....
7:46:02 PMTheFu Save the desiccant for Sasha!
7:46:33 PMnoeman5 Whoa!
7:46:44 PMRobbieF 😢
7:46:58 PMnoeman5 I think that was the price point too. $6k
7:48:11 PMameriDroid I've rarely seen anyone get emotional over a server build. 🙃
7:48:23 PMameriDroid But I can understand why...
7:48:40 PMTheFu
7:48:45 PMRobbieF These are donations @ameriDroid ....
7:48:53 PMTheFu basically, it is 2x faster than the 2080 Ti.
7:48:59 PMameriDroid I understand...
7:49:05 PMMarshMan I was stunned with @RobbieF when he showed this
7:49:08 PMSolbu So, this was a gift?
7:49:19 PMRobbieF Ues
7:49:20 PMMarshMan Yup Solbu
7:49:22 PMRobbieF Yes
7:49:24 PMSolbu Nice.
7:49:32 PMRobbieF $4k usd
7:49:44 PMTheFu Appropriate emotion shown.
7:49:59 PMnoeman5 I've seen that I9 box in the background on the other set, flashing. Guess you got the SBC case project done.
7:50:08 PMMarshMan Well deserved my friend!
7:50:49 PMSolbu Woa! THat is what I earn in 2 months, after taxes.
7:50:55 PMTheFu What tunes are playing?
7:51:15 PMTheFu during the build?
7:51:33 PMSashaR Cat5 has the best viewers :)
7:52:13 PMTheFu Does using the NVMe reduce the SATA ports that work?
7:52:25 PMRobbieF Yes, @TheFu#0000
7:52:55 PMTheFu I learned that the hard way on my last Ryzen build. ;(
7:53:22 PMheimans quick search that card is 5000 euros over here
7:53:35 PMRobbieF Easily.
7:53:42 PMMarshMan VERY generous viewer
7:53:49 PMMarshMan Nice job!!
7:54:02 PMnoeman5 😲
7:54:05 PMRobbieF Generous viewers bring me happy tears.
7:55:17 PMTheFu and don't touch the CPU top ... finger oil = bad
7:55:34 PMRobbieF Indeed. I'll mention it @TheFu#0000
7:55:38 PMheimans any issues under linux ?
7:55:59 PMTheFu Think this is Windows build.
7:56:03 PMSolbu When the produced version is out, I'll have to watch this part again. I have wireless headphones, and was in the bathroom when robie opened the vard, and lost his coherence, so I idn't get to See the reacion. but just hearing the the audio was powerfull.
7:56:07 PMRobbieF Unfortunately it's a Windows build... But I don't see why Linux would have any trouble.
7:56:11 PMABQTKY RobbieF Please make sure you send a thank you card (a really nice card) to donor of that Quadro from all of us loyal Catergory5 regulars.
7:56:40 PMRobbieF Will do @ABQTKY#0000 thanks for the suggestion.
7:57:06 PMYetiWizard @RobbieF Thanks for the detailed answer. I see that things get more complicated as cable TV is involved. Sorry about the "greedy" and being "dishonest" comments, the problem I have is that I've observed a lot of people resort to tactics like that and I really don't want to see you become one of them. So I got carried away there writing that but I never meant that YOU were greedy. I am just trying to discuss these things as I
7:57:38 PMTheFu I had a tear when I saw the Quadro model. Gave away an old Quadro with an i7 build to a poor college student in July.
7:58:39 PMheimans dont give it to sasha she might drop it in snow lolz
7:58:52 PMMarshMan Hey now!!
7:59:31 PMTheFu Remember when this was the CPU + heatsink?
7:59:38 PMSolbu Heatsinks. In 2014 I threw away many old computers. One of them was a 486. Back when CPU's did not need any kind of heat management. It didn't have a CPU fan.
8:00:38 PMSashaR I promise to Not Touch the Server
8:00:55 PMSashaR Or be close to it in any way :)
8:01:39 PMTheFu On desktop builds, the headsink usually has to go a specific way to avoid clearance issues with GPUs and PSUs.
8:01:57 PMSashaR It's okay @marshman.... It's a sad fact, things break a bit near me :/
8:02:40 PMABQTKY SashaR, you have such a high-voltage electromagnetic personality!!
8:02:42 PMTheFu Any consideration of using water cooling instead?
8:03:23 PMSashaR Haha... Thank you ABQTKY
8:04:47 PMSolbu Robbie: How old is the case?
8:05:05 PMRobbieF 8.. maybe 9 years?
8:05:20 PMSolbu It looks good.
8:05:22 PMRobbieF Such great clearance.
8:05:35 PMTheFu I'm still using cases from 1999 and 2001. Ain't broke. Doesn't need fixing.
8:05:51 PMnoeman5 I hate doing the front panel headers. Usually a half-dozen tiny plugs that have to connect in a tight space.
8:06:30 PMRobbieF The motherboard from Gigabyte included a wonderful header @noeman5
8:06:39 PMRobbieF Was so easy
8:06:45 PMTheFu Did I miss the network chips being used? Had to step out. I'm an intel bigot.
8:07:27 PMRobbieF Hmmm... Would have to check the board specs ... Gigabyte AORUS Master Z390
8:08:48 PMTheFu Intel® Gigabit LAN
8:08:58 PMABQTKY Did he say 24Gigs of GDDR6? Phwew!!
8:09:05 PMRobbieF Yep
8:09:28 PMSolbu Heh. The circuitry looked like a satalite image of a city. ;-)
8:10:08 PMTheFu Intel I219-V - sounds about right.
8:10:35 PMTheFu audio!
8:10:47 PMnoeman5 No sound right now @RobbieF
8:10:48 PMTheFu Robbie is talking ...
8:11:12 PMABQTKY What a shame you have to run Win10, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Hey, where did the sound go??
8:11:17 PMnoeman5 Can't hear a thing since the video stopped.
8:11:46 PMMarshMan Audiologically challenged
8:11:47 PMTheFu Robbie toggled something in the audio at the beginning of the build to handle the feedback.
8:11:54 PMSolbu ABQTKY: The sound was overwhelmed by the build, and had to take a rest. ;-)
8:12:22 PMnoeman5 Now you're back.
8:12:22 PMTheFu Back.
8:12:49 PMheimans amateurs
8:13:06 PMSolbu Communiations are back online.
8:13:27 PMABQTKY RobbieF was Sasha playing with the "Audio OFF" button again??
8:13:38 PMnoeman5 @RobbieF is still stunned by the vid card
8:13:39 PMTheFu Floor peddle?
8:13:50 PMSashaR This is why I'm here...
8:14:20 PMnoeman5 Looks like something from the Enterprise.
8:16:55 PMheimans so vain
8:17:06 PMSolbu Is jeff's audio a little to low?
8:17:40 PMMarshMan @SashaR is in the right spot cuz she is not blocking the logo much
8:18:05 PMMarshMan Yeah @jeff has a softer voice. Ha!
8:18:40 PMMarshMan Salty or sultry? 😛
8:19:41 PMheimans my doorbell had a bug once turned out to be a real bug
8:20:08 PMSolbu «And, Action». Nice touch. :-)
8:22:45 PMTheFu What we need is a way to rotate to a new platform every month so you see what you want eventually.
8:23:00 PMnoeman5 @heimans that's how the "bug" got it's name. An actual bug, a moth brought down one of the earliest computers.
8:23:18 PMTheFu I'm on Amazon until after Xmas. Then all bets are off.
8:23:43 PMheimans its a bugs life
8:23:59 PMTheFu First world problems.
8:24:23 PMSolbu I do not pay for any streaming services. I use Free services for all my needs. The rest I freeload off of a friends system, who have access to the things I need.
8:24:39 PMMarshMan Unless you forget your master password
8:24:41 PMTheFu Solbu, you are a good friend.
8:24:44 PMSolbu By Free services, I mean Youtube and vimeo.
8:25:26 PMTheFu shows lots of streaming offers, many are 100% free/ad supported.
8:26:23 PMTheFu Seeing someone's playlist on Disney isn't the same as seeing someone's playlist on Netflix or hulu.
8:26:52 PMTheFu In the US, doesn't Disney require fingerprinting to enter their parks?
8:26:53 PMSolbu THe password need to be letters, 2 numbers 2 special characters and 3 emojs.
8:33:07 PMTheFu I'm with Jeff, but put all wifi devices on the guest network, which is treated like any internet attacker.
8:33:47 PMTheFu Only wifi devices that have access to my VPN login can get inside.
8:33:50 PMheimans but how do you ssh into a vlan ? at some point you have to poke a hole
8:35:35 PMTheFu For home stuff, Mikrotek sells a $60 version - non-wifi. Add a Ubiquiti AP. Or use a normal x86_64 PC and use OpnSense/pfSense.
8:36:45 PMTheFu Ubiquiti sells a cheap router for $55 I think that is similar to Mikrotik. Again, no wifi.
8:37:15 PMTheFu I don't know about the interfaces. Have doubts they have a helpful web GUI, but I don't recall.
8:37:21 PMSolbu I think we have this weeks episode title: «I'm not just a preaty face» ;-)
8:38:41 PMTheFu Lasers or freakin' lasers?
8:40:28 PMheimans make sure its a leap year
8:40:46 PMTheFu Jeff - don't look at your Usenet posts from the 1990s.
8:44:40 PMSolbu Hehe
8:47:05 PMSolbu Just 33 more episode till episode 666…
8:48:13 PMMarshMan @SashaR just burned herself
8:48:21 PMMarshMan Why oh why?
8:48:44 PMnoeman5 Except for the sound issues.
8:49:58 PMTheFu No more 4x3?
8:51:24 PMSashaR Good night friendly friendikins
8:51:36 PMnoeman5 We can see your fingerprints.
8:52:07 PMMarshMan @SashaR is just walking out
8:52:30 PMnoeman5 See ya folks, company just arrived.
8:52:38 PMameriDroid Have a good night!
8:52:41 PMheimans haha see ya next week
8:53:10 PMMarshMan G'night all!
8:55:14 PMRobbieF
8:56:15 PMSolbu Oh, that is a nice picture of the gang.
8:58:59 PMMarshMan No ARM support for Cloudready so no go on the Pinebooks
8:59:17 PMameriDroid Nice Pic!
9:21:33 PMRobbieF Thanks gang. Hope you had a fun time!


Does Not Include Lurkers