Chat Logs for Episode 642 — #Category5 on /


With 36 Posts:MaineGeek75
With 28 Posts:TheFu
With 24 Posts:SweSG
With 24 Posts:Solbu
With 17 Posts:noeman5

Chat Logs:

6:59:07 PMstormchaser3000 hello
6:59:12 PMMaineGeek75 rofl
6:59:54 PMnoeman5 @SashaR 's slippers are like Lister's dayglo orange Moon boots. (Red Dwarf reference)
6:59:59 PMstormchaser3000 not a hard drive crash, however, I have had a solid state crash
7:00:14 PMstormchaser3000 I don't know how that happened as it was a rather new one
7:00:50 PMSweSG MaineGeek75: I have a Samsung NVMe SSD. 970.
7:01:15 PMnoeman5 stormchaser3000, I've heard that is a problem with SSD's, that they can go without any warning whatsoever.
7:01:24 PMG_Dog1985_ Oh boy
7:01:25 PMMaineGeek75 SweSG, I actually purchased a Samsung 970 EVO Plus 500gb. LOVE IT!
7:01:46 PMSweSG Good stuff!
7:01:48 PMMaineGeek75 I have had 2 ssd's fail on me. granted they were "Cheap" sandisk drives
7:02:20 PMMaineGeek75 I purchased a WD 500gb ssd, it worked good, but wasn't as fast as I wanted. Then got the EVO and OMG I love it
7:02:38 PMMaineGeek75 boot up is like 10 seconds..give or take 2 or 3 seconds lol
7:03:26 PMSolbu Jeff: A few years ago, one of my computer's power supply exploded, taking the system down with it. Thanckfully I only needed a new PSU, and it was bak online.
7:03:31 PMstormchaser3000 fire inside a computer case... oh dear
7:03:37 PMMaineGeek75 ssd drives can still get really hot.
7:05:08 PMSweSG Mine is at 43 degrees now.
7:05:31 PMSweSG
7:06:04 PMnoeman5 I've watched RAM fry before.
7:09:22 PMMaineGeek75 Info on my drive
7:09:23 PMMaineGeek75
7:10:05 PMSweSG Nice!
7:11:37 PMnoeman5 I found it odd that the "Fat Burn" setting on the treadmill at the gym has me work at a lower rate than the "Cardio" setting. So now I routinely use the "Cardio" setting and even bump it up a little to work harder.
7:12:46 PMMaineGeek75 fat burn actually has you keep your heart rate down, but cardio wants you to be above a certain bpm. I'm always in fat burn unless I really get going lol
7:13:08 PMSweSG MaineGeek75: Is a small Lenovo
7:13:45 PMMaineGeek75 that a full system / workstation?
7:13:54 PMMaineGeek75 or those your servers?
7:14:00 PMᑭOᑭᔕIᑕᒪE I need that pinebook
7:14:49 PMSolbu «I feel it in my finger…»
7:16:44 PMSweSG MaineGeek75: Yep! i5a. 7400T, 16GB RAM, 2 SSDs. NVMe + 2.5" SSD.
7:16:47 PMSolbu My new years resolution is 1920x1080
7:17:31 PMstormchaser3000 lol
7:17:33 PMMaineGeek75 I use my fitbit Blaze along with to track everything and it helps.
7:17:42 PMnoeman5 I recently raised my daily step count goal. I easily blew through the former goal daily, so I had to do something.
7:17:42 PMstormchaser3000 I would love to see that crimson fang fight
7:17:47 PMSweSG One runs Linux and the other Windows.
7:18:09 PMMaineGeek75 @SweSG#0000 nice
7:18:25 PMstormchaser3000 has anyone here ever tested any of the Purism laptops?
7:19:01 PMstormchaser3000 (sorry about the random question, however, the information would be relevant to me)
7:21:08 PMSweSG Not me!
7:21:48 PMnoeman5 With all of those electronics in the house, you need a salt lamp to help the atmosphere balance out.
7:22:31 PMMaineGeek75 stormchaser, I just looked it up. Looks like a nice laptop! I looked at the 15", I7 dual core, 32gb ddr4 ram, 4k display...stats look nice on it.
7:28:02 PMstormchaser3000 I was considering saving up for one
7:28:09 PMnoeman5 All my mobile electronics are micro-usb except for the PinePhone (USB-C)
7:28:40 PMG_Dog1985_ Oh boy
7:28:45 PMMaineGeek75 for $1600, it should be a heck of a system :P.
7:30:53 PMMaineGeek75 wow for the layout that I would want, $2176! wow...that's more than my desktop system 😛
7:31:07 PMMaineGeek75 don't think my wife would be very pleased with me 😛
7:32:17 PMstormchaser3000 it isn't the best in terms of specifications, however, I am willing to pay that much for a disabled intel management engine and physical hardware kill switches for the Microphone, Camera, Wifi, and Bluetooth. I need such security options because I work for the college that I am attending. The law where I am requires (at least to my understanding) that employees of state-funded institutions protect that information of their
7:32:17 PMstormchaser3000 clients
7:33:01 PMstormchaser3000 it also has the option of using a coreboot variant called Pureboot which can be configured to use a usb key to decrypt the ssd
7:33:02 PMMaineGeek75 oh wow. well the kill switches are a big deal then.
7:33:27 PMMaineGeek75 ya I saw that, extra i think $299 or something like that
7:33:34 PMnoeman5 Now if they would come up with a multi-slot cordless charger.
7:33:50 PMMaineGeek75 $249, but still worth it if thats something you would need
7:34:16 PMstormchaser3000 my thoughts exactly
7:34:25 PMMaineGeek75 @noeman5 , I have seen tripple wireless chargers but not multi like this
7:34:57 PMnoeman5 A triple might work for me. I'll explore it.
7:35:49 PMMaineGeek75 I will see if I can find it online and link it to you
7:35:57 PMnoeman5 thanks!
7:36:17 PMSweSG Someone who has Bandcamp in here? Bought some albums there. .flac :
7:36:45 PMSweSG Good stuff!
7:37:05 PMMaineGeek75
7:37:15 PMMaineGeek75
7:37:22 PMMaineGeek75
7:37:48 PMMaineGeek75 and of course use Cat5's links to get the stuff, but those are triple chargers.
7:39:45 PMnoeman5 Thanks! That first one looks good. They all seem to be about $35.
7:40:06 PMSweSG I want to keep everything offline!
7:40:21 PMMaineGeek75 ya, not a bad price for them
7:40:36 PMnoeman5 SweSG, agreed. I still have LibreOffice on all of my computers
7:41:21 PMTheFu Solbu, any interest in starting a self-hosting/Anti-cloud podcast?
7:41:53 PMnoeman5 I have to use Office365 on a Chromebox at work, I hate it.
7:42:32 PMSolbu Noo. You would never get me as the host of anything that means talking into a microphone.
7:43:04 PMSolbu I can be a guest, sure. but a regular podcaster, no thank you.
7:44:57 PMTheFu audio only. No video. Does that help?
7:45:19 PMSolbu [01:42:32] (@Solbu): Noo. You would never get me as the host of anything that means talking into a microphone.
7:46:04 PMTheFu You can wear a mask. ;)
7:46:29 PMSolbu You don't get it. «talking into a Microphone».
7:47:09 PMSashaR Is it a voice thing? I don't like mine... so I do get it!
7:47:16 PMTheFu Use a vocoder.
7:48:27 PMSolbu SashaR: It does mean I have to speak english, and not my native language. That is a to big a hurdle for me to do regularely.
7:49:26 PMTheFu Don't speak English. Subtitles, especially if they don't match the words at all, would be great!
7:49:50 PMSashaR Oh yes.... I do have co-workers with the same struggle. I see they have a hard time getting the idea in their head out in a way that seems comfortable for them.
7:50:21 PMTheFu Sorta like the imported Ninja Warrior from Japan. The subtitles don't follow the Japanese at all.
7:50:37 PMSashaR But I still encourage lots of talking (because I don't mind waiting for inner-translations)
7:51:17 PMABQTKY But Solbu, your English is great! (But just in case, maybe the 'G' knows how to do Norwegian to English in real time???) Don't mind me, I'm just babbling tonight.
7:51:31 PMSolbu ABQTKY: I write english quite well. hehe.
7:51:55 PMSolbu ABQTKY: I remember 21 years ago, someone asked me in a channel if I came from a certain town in Texas… :-)
7:52:10 PMTheFu Better than I write German or Spanish, most certainly!
7:52:32 PMSolbu Men jeg snakker norsk aldeles utmerket… ;-)
7:52:52 PMABQTKY How about a 'podcast' that's in TEXT. We can even coin a new name for such a thing! Newsgroup. 8-)
7:53:31 PMTheFu Or ... IRC channel?
7:53:55 PMSolbu ABQTKY: I am and will always be a sound engineer. So I can run the sound of a podcast or livestream like cat5.
7:54:49 PMTheFu Men det meste av verden forstår ikke norsk!
7:56:47 PMSolbu Hehe, :-)
7:57:05 PMSolbu It's the Borg! Ignore the signal!
7:57:06 PMTheFu I've been playing w/ text2wave the last few weeks.
7:57:48 PMABQTKY Solbu Don't mind me, I'm just pestering. (Okay, apparently the chatroom doesn't do much with various languages. But I wonder if the chatroom can do test in various languages... Hmmm, a quick test seems to indicate that the answer to that one is 'ahh, no.'
7:57:51 PMTheFu It is part of festival - a TTS engine.
7:58:48 PMABQTKY Alternate orthographies don't seem to work quite so well in chat. Oh, well.
7:58:55 PMTheFu For translations, need to avoid google, apertium is an option.
7:59:55 PMTheFu But apertium doesn't attempt to translate as native speech order - it retains the noun, verb, adverb order of the source language.
8:00:36 PMTheFu adjective order too.
8:01:07 PMTheFu Rio Grande vs Grand River, for example.
8:01:07 PMSolbu TheFu: But there already exist a self-hosting/Anti-cloud podcast. I believe it's called a Richard Stallman talk… ;-)
8:01:50 PMTheFu Cloud computing is a trap, warns GNU founder Richard Stallman
8:03:01 PMSweSG Clouds are just other people's computers!
8:03:49 PMTheFu As long as we consider cloud solutions as rentals, not ownership, then we can each decide if that rental price is a "value" or not.
8:05:39 PMTheFu Bandwidth isn't always available for everyone. Not everyone has a 50+Mbps down internet connection.
8:06:25 PMSweSG I have 500/500 :D
8:06:55 PMTheFu I get 23/2.5 - for over $114/month.
8:07:44 PMSolbu I like to have things locally. I even ahve a complete package mirror of the distro version I run.
8:07:59 PMABQTKY TheFu A friend had to get two bonded DSL channels - and he still has a lot less bandwidth than you do.
8:09:01 PMSweSG
8:09:42 PMTheFu I can get 300Mbps symmetric for less than $50/month, but it requires tradeoffs, like data caps which a 4K resolution would eat through in a few weeks.
8:10:58 PMMaineGeek75 I think @SashaR might need to go home and go to bed 😛 She's got me yawning now lol
8:12:04 PMSolbu I love this story. I watched the video clip. Awesome hack. :-)
8:12:18 PMSweSG 439 Swedish kronor a month for it. 45,49 USD.
8:13:04 PMMaineGeek75 my internet is with Spectrum and I have 400Mbps/20Mbps. Wish they would remove the upload bottleneck. wouldn't bee that horrible. although, their standard is 100/10 or 15. in reality i get maybe 480/25
8:13:18 PMABQTKY SweSG
8:13:37 PMSweSG Hehe
8:14:32 PMMaineGeek75
8:14:49 PMMaineGeek75 my wife and i are both watching live streaming shows
8:15:41 PMMaineGeek75 I use Waze for everything. lol. love the fact that it tells me the posted speed limit and also other info about cars on shoulder, police and other hazards.
8:15:52 PMABQTKY Maybe Elon You-Know-who will have something interesting later this year...maybe.
8:19:04 PMTheFu ST:V
8:19:07 PMMaineGeek75 voyager maybe?
8:19:19 PMSolbu Voyager.
8:20:26 PMTheFu I time shift streaming video to avoid stuttering.
8:21:12 PMSolbu Except display cards, which keeps getting bigger.
8:21:59 PMTheFu Don't CPUs embed iGPUs these days? Most of my systems just use that iGPU. More than needed.
8:22:54 PMSolbu I prefer Intel graphics myself. hten I know I have Free Software drivers.
8:25:01 PMSweSG Solbu: Tested Clear Linux OS?
8:25:49 PMSweSG
8:26:09 PMSweSG Something from Intel.
8:26:15 PMABQTKY TheFu Robbie's new 'server' has a GPU with 24GB of video memory. True, his Intel i9 CPU doesn't have an iGPU at all. I'd rather have an SSD than some outrageous GPU, but that's just me.
8:26:51 PMTheFu My PSU couldn't handle that GPU!
8:27:36 PMABQTKY TheFU The power company must love him!
8:27:54 PMSashaR Good night chatroom buddies 🙂
8:28:04 PMTheFu I've been down Watt'ng all my systems the last 8 yrs. 125W CPUs are now 65W, if they aren't completely retired.
8:28:09 PMSweSG Gn!
8:28:11 PMMaineGeek75 good night 🙂
8:28:13 PMnoeman5 We love you anyway @SashaR
8:28:48 PMMaineGeek75 great show 🙂
8:28:50 PMTheFu Sasha makes us smile. NG.
8:29:57 PMMaineGeek75 good night everyone, was great chatting with you all 🙂
8:30:10 PMSolbu SweSG: I don't test distros. I use Mageia for everything, and Debian on external servers.
8:31:11 PMnoeman5 I'm always open to try a new distro. I have loads of spare hard drives that I can toss a distro onto to play with it for a while.
8:31:18 PMSweSG I started some music. Really loud! was a bit low before.
8:31:24 PMSolbu RobbieF: The sound was good. Even without the compressors, it was good sound.
8:31:33 PMnoeman5 yep
8:32:03 PMSweSG Solbu: Okay!
8:33:47 PMSweSG Time to sleep! It is soon morning here.
8:34:03 PMnoeman5 Well, goodnight everyone. Dinnertime! Homemade taco night. Yum!
8:35:36 PMSolbu Time to say goodbye:
8:44:53 PMTheFu Solbu, that connected to a Norwegian version of Cops video. If I'm gonna get arrested, I'd want it to happen there!
8:45:21 PMTheFu The video is NSFW, sadly.
8:47:32 PMSolbu THis is the same song, with no video:


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