Chat Logs for Episode 648 — #Category5 on /


With 49 Posts:SadSack963
With 43 Posts:MarshMan
With 43 Posts:RobbieF
With 29 Posts:MaineGeek75
With 23 Posts:noeman5

Chat Logs:

7:01:36 PMSweSG @RobbieF take your time! It is only in the middle of the night here! ;)
7:08:22 PMRobbieF 😬
7:08:38 PMRobbieF Sorry to keep you up in anticipation!
7:09:10 PMMarshMan
7:09:52 PMBobK54
7:15:35 PMMarshMan
7:17:12 PMnoeman5 Don't touch that dial! Oh, sorry, wrong generation for that.
7:18:23 PMMarshMan Same Cat time, same Cat channel!
7:20:01 PMMarshMan c uhear u
7:20:17 PMameriDroid CU hear U
7:20:20 PMrd_blair yes
7:20:27 PMMiniMarsh hewwo
7:20:45 PMSweSG I see you! But I'm at IRC ;)
7:20:49 PMRobbieF
7:21:16 PMnoeman5 What are you printing?
7:21:46 PMnoeman5 Detective Gannon: "Just the fax Ma'am"
7:21:50 PMMarshMan Ahhh the missus
7:22:09 PMMarshMan smiling!
7:22:20 PMBobK54 white noise!
7:22:24 PMMiniMarsh it’s not bad
7:22:33 PMSadSack963 @SadSack963 Yes. Not too bad though
7:22:37 PMSweSG Sweet sound!
7:23:02 PMBobK54 the noise is not bad at all. just "there"
7:23:27 PMSadSack963 Silence
7:23:48 PMnoeman5 Ohhhmmmmm!
7:25:27 PMSkywriter64 Hi from Brooklyn NY How is everyone doing?
7:25:50 PMSadSack963 Hi. Ready for bed actually πŸ™‚
7:26:22 PMMarshMan Good here Skywriter64
7:27:02 PMSkywriter64 Is there a podcast ,tomight?
7:27:22 PMMarshMan The show is live!
7:27:46 PMMarshMan Hey @wildbill
7:28:04 PMSadSack963 hi]
7:28:53 PMSweSG What kind of speakers? those white speakers!
7:29:22 PMBobK54 is an "ESSENTIAL SERVICE" so.....
7:29:52 PMSkywriter64 Where is it?
7:30:44 PMMarshMan
7:32:01 PMMaineGeek75 πŸ™‚
7:32:02 PMSadSack963
7:32:35 PMubu You are slightly out of focus
7:32:45 PMSkywriter64 Thanks
7:34:01 PMMarshMan This is ahigher quality vieo of the early seasons on Category5
7:34:04 PMMarshMan πŸ˜›
7:34:59 PMMarshMan Solo @RobbieF
7:36:07 PMSweSG I have a MikroTik router. 10GbE! Good stuff!
7:36:49 PMABQTKY Good, RobbieF has a few cables to be stepped on or kicked or whatever. It wouldn't be any fun if not for those!
7:37:31 PMGopher Well yes it is called OpenWRT
7:39:20 PMSweSG
7:41:30 PMMaineGeek75 what a time to have his audio cut out lol
7:41:50 PMSadSack963 LOL. I thought it was some self-censoring
7:41:58 PMMaineGeek75 lol
7:42:14 PMnoeman5 Yeah, sounded like he was saying something about the best pornography. lol
7:42:30 PMMaineGeek75 yup. i had to double take lol...
7:44:46 PMMaineGeek75 ya
7:44:48 PMSadSack963 PORNOGRAPHY
7:44:54 PMMarshMan One second
7:45:19 PMubu It got better
7:45:26 PMMarshMan Not out of focus, very shiny tho
7:45:46 PMMaineGeek75 so question for you...on the router, It's kind of a dumb question but, how does that router stack up to one that is AC1900?
7:48:02 PMSweSG Always AP! Never all in one!
7:48:27 PMMaineGeek75 seems like it's a Range thing.
7:48:40 PMMaineGeek75 and yes, my Netgear is completely locked down 😦
7:52:14 PMSweSG @MaineGeek75 I have one too. Custom firmware on it. Tomato firmware also works on it.
7:52:15 PMMaineGeek75 Thank you for that answer πŸ™‚
7:52:37 PMnoeman5 Echoooooo
7:52:40 PMMaineGeek75 hearing echo
7:52:44 PMRobbieF Oh no!
7:52:50 PMMaineGeek75 and a little blotchy video
7:52:51 PMRobbieF hang in there. I'll fix it in post!
7:53:08 PMMaineGeek75 πŸ˜„
7:53:16 PMRobbieF better?
7:53:24 PMMarshMan Noooo
7:53:28 PMMaineGeek75 ya had a squeaker for a moment
7:53:37 PMSadSack963 Seems better
7:53:38 PMMaineGeek75 better
7:53:42 PMRobbieF Woot!
7:53:43 PMBobK54 no echo
7:53:48 PMmikey11 That's better
7:53:51 PMRobbieF I'm still learning how to make Studio E go!
7:53:52 PMRobbieF πŸ˜„
7:54:13 PMSadSack963 Brain the size of a planet
7:54:46 PMRobbieF
7:55:24 PMMarshMan
7:55:25 PMSadSack963 Marvin from Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy πŸ™‚
7:56:04 PMSadSack963 Showing my age
7:56:15 PMMarshMan
7:56:34 PMRobbieF hmm...
7:56:43 PMSadSack963 Oh No
7:56:46 PMubu Newsroom just died
7:56:50 PMMarshMan
7:56:52 PMSadSack963 Youtube offline
7:57:00 PMSadSack963 Back again
7:57:02 PMnoeman5 Annnd we're back
7:57:04 PMBobK54 about that cord..... LOL
7:57:09 PMSadSack963 LOL
7:57:10 PMmikey11 oh oh yeah sweet it's back
7:57:12 PMRobbieF that was weird.
7:57:22 PMRobbieF what on earth?!
7:57:28 PMSadSack963 Again
7:57:35 PMnoeman5 gone again
7:57:45 PMnoeman5 video hiccups?
7:57:49 PMmikey11 it's back
7:57:54 PMRobbieF yeah, sorry gang.
7:57:55 PMMaineGeek75 maybe that relay got tripped πŸ˜› j/k
7:58:00 PMRobbieF I'll fix everything in post, no worries.
7:58:03 PMMarshMan
7:58:04 PMABQTKY RobbieF all okay here in the desert!
7:58:18 PMSadSack963 Powered off the modem with your script?
7:58:21 PMRobbieF a bit of buffering though.
7:58:32 PMmikey11 it's down again.
7:58:46 PMSadSack963 Rewind
7:58:53 PMRobbieF up and down for a bit. Watch on demand too k?
7:58:55 PMRobbieF I'll fix it.
7:59:02 PMRobbieF not sure what's up, but will fix it in post.
7:59:04 PMbigkitty /RobbieF what the
7:59:09 PMRobbieF IKR!
7:59:12 PMMarshmanGF Go Bekah!
7:59:27 PMSadSack963 I can just imagine Robbie now...
7:59:49 PMBobK54 I'm a double spacer. Ancient typing skills
7:59:50 PMRobbieF I go with the flow, but hope ya'll can go there with me.
8:00:00 PMSadSack963 Would love to see the studio cam now
8:00:13 PMMarshMan
8:00:14 PMubu It feels a bit like Max Headroom
8:00:19 PMRobbieF LOL
8:00:33 PMmikey11 Your doing fine with everything going on.
8:00:45 PMRobbieF doing my best.
8:00:50 PMbigkitty ?
8:01:04 PMbigkitty what
8:01:05 PMMarshMan All alone, all alone, all alone
8:01:10 PMSadSack963 Don't Panic!
8:01:13 PMMarshmanGF Flowing. All is fine
8:01:36 PMMarshMan
8:01:39 PMABQTKY Humbug - TWO SPACES!
8:01:42 PMubu Oh no now you’re buffering
8:01:49 PMMarshmanGF Lol
8:01:57 PMBobK54 he took a quick break!
8:01:58 PMmikey11 Youtube is agreeing with you
8:02:07 PMnoeman5 Now @RobbieF is buffering too. It's a buffering pandemic!
8:02:17 PMSadSack963 I'm cracking up here
8:02:23 PMBobK54 LOL
8:02:52 PMubu This is still very entertaining!
8:03:13 PMBobK54 methinks that studio is haunted!
8:03:19 PMABQTKY Okay, so NOW I see some anomalies!
8:03:20 PMSadSack963 Nope
8:03:31 PMMarshMan
8:03:33 PMmikey11 Yess that was fine
8:03:38 PMnoeman5 Seemed a hair out of sync between video and audio. Now you are buffering again.
8:03:47 PMSadSack963 @MarshMan LOL
8:04:18 PMnoeman5 That's three - "We've got to take a quick break"s.
8:04:24 PMmikey11 Hey
8:04:27 PMABQTKY RobbieF any chance your chair ran over one of those cables???
8:04:40 PMMaineGeek75 almost like the internet is getting bottlenecked. or something
8:04:52 PMnoeman5 Not so Nimble streamer?
8:05:22 PMGopher Much MikroTik hardware runs OpenWRT which is fully featured Corp quality. I will have to take a look at RouterOS.
8:05:25 PMMarshMan
8:05:27 PMmikey11 Is there a program on the computer using up your resources?
8:05:41 PMMarshMan Probably Discord
8:05:44 PMABQTKY RobbieF Didn't even look like you moved the chair. Huhh!
8:05:51 PMSadSack963 OK
8:05:55 PMmikey11 Okay
8:06:14 PMRobbieF reloading wirecast
8:06:18 PMnoeman5 Funny, when @robbie freezes, it defaults to a frozen Becca.
8:06:25 PMRobbieF nice
8:06:36 PMRobbieF She's way prettier than me, so gives you something nice to look at.
8:06:44 PMMarshmanGF Yes
8:06:58 PMMarshMan I didn't want to say it @RobbieF
8:07:00 PMSadSack963 On Youtube, I get a side view of Robbir looking at the screen
8:07:23 PMnoeman5 I'm back
8:07:32 PMBobK54 back on live.cat5
8:07:34 PMmikey11 He back
8:07:39 PMSweSG @MaineGeek75 Do you already have an Asus router? Put Merlin firmware on it and you can have a lot of fun on it!
8:07:43 PMMarshMan Hey @RobbieF
8:07:43 PMSweSG
8:07:44 PMMarshMan
8:07:56 PMbigkitty says Off The Air
8:07:57 PMMarshmanGF She blew up the internet with her talent
8:08:03 PMSadSack963 Oh. Now I get Bekka after refreshing the browser
8:08:27 PMABQTKY RobbieF - The best kind of anomalies - intermittent ones!!
8:08:32 PMRobbieF Refresh @bigkitty
8:08:54 PMbigkitty i did
8:08:57 PMMarshMan Hello Robert
8:09:32 PMRobbieF It's so great to have @RobertK return to us.
8:09:40 PMSadSack963 Youtube livestream has ended
8:09:55 PMbigkitty not for me
8:10:16 PMRobbieF refresh @SadSack963
8:10:20 PMMarshMan
8:10:22 PMRobbieF Sorry for the bits of trouble.
8:10:28 PMRobertK Thank you 😊 😊 😊 😊
8:10:31 PMRobbieF Working it all out as best I can.
8:10:45 PMRobbieF How come Robert doesn't have any tech difficulties and looks flawless?
8:10:46 PMRobbieF πŸ˜„
8:10:59 PMSadSack963 Youtube says "Streamed live 54 minutes ago"
8:11:03 PMnoeman5 He had one glitch at the beginning.
8:11:12 PMRobbieF That would have been me.
8:11:14 PMRobbieF πŸ˜„
8:11:15 PMMarshMan He uses the blockchain @RobbieF
8:11:18 PMRobbieF ha!
8:11:20 PMRobbieF like a boss.
8:11:24 PMSadSack963 It's OK though, I'm wathing it on now
8:11:29 PMRobbieF awesome.
8:13:30 PMRobbieF ha!
8:13:38 PMRobbieF This is take 42 then? That makes me feel better πŸ˜›
8:14:24 PMMarshMan Thank you @RobertK
8:14:55 PMMarshMan No sound
8:14:56 PMSadSack963 No sound
8:15:13 PMnoeman5 Video but no sound
8:15:13 PMmikey11 No sound
8:15:19 PMABQTKY Oops, another anomaly!
8:15:42 PMSadSack963 This is great. It's nice to know that even Robbie has issues
8:15:54 PMMarshMan Oh he has issues
8:15:59 PMmikey11 you have to roll with the punches
8:16:05 PMABQTKY This sort of thing explains why RobbieF is called 'The Bald Nerd!!'
8:16:31 PMMaineGeek75 can hear and see you but out of sync
8:16:48 PMSadSack963 Nice to see Bekka around, haven't seen her for ages
8:17:00 PMMarshMan @BekahF is married to you @RobbieF . THAT is awesome enough.
8:17:03 PMSadSack963 No sync issue on live
8:17:22 PMABQTKY Thank you, BekahF!!
8:17:23 PMMarshmanGF Space / time is altered
8:17:40 PMMarshmanGF Thanks for the smiles
8:17:50 PMBobK54 its all good Robbie, dont sweat it!
8:18:03 PMSadSack963 Makes a change. I'm usually asleep
8:18:39 PMRobbieF
8:18:50 PMnoeman5 Green screen
8:18:59 PMRobbieF
8:19:08 PMSadSack963 Nice
8:19:33 PMnoeman5 You brought them! I didn't think you would.
8:19:35 PMmikey11 Nice setup
8:19:57 PMMaineGeek75 can hear you and see you but out of sync for me in Maine
8:20:26 PMMarshMan Fine here in NY
8:20:28 PMSadSack963 No sync problems
8:20:29 PMubu It will all be great when it comes together
8:20:42 PMnoeman5 Not for me
8:20:57 PMABQTKY Not out of synch here in the desert
8:21:34 PMMaineGeek75 looks like we are seeing video captured from earlier this evening πŸ™‚
8:21:46 PMSadSack963 Weird
8:21:54 PMMaineGeek75 maybe i'm not on the right video lol
8:22:11 PMBobK54 breathe in....breathe out......repeat!
8:22:12 PMubu Very good
8:22:23 PMMaineGeek75 yup
8:22:26 PMmikey11 Yes the video is great
8:22:32 PMMaineGeek75 just switched over LOL i'm so dumb! rofl
8:22:49 PMMaineGeek75 looks good. sorry for the confusion πŸ˜›
8:22:50 PMABQTKY RobbieF Moving to Studio D took a while - I particularly remember the drywall episodes. This should be a bit less stressful. Just keep the chair wheels away from the cables. 8-)
8:23:03 PMMaineGeek75 not perfect in my head either πŸ˜› lol
8:23:17 PMSadSack963 Oh the drywall was horrible
8:23:25 PMMarshMan He keeps backing that chair up
8:23:35 PMMarshMan Close to the cables
8:23:45 PMSadSack963 Wait for it...
8:23:46 PMABQTKY Closer and closer to that cable!!
8:24:52 PMnoeman5 @RobbieF
8:24:53 PMnoeman5
8:26:15 PMMarshMan Hah! Amazon is a ripoff for sbcs
8:26:44 PMBobK54 stay safe and healthy!
8:27:00 PMMaineGeek75 thank you πŸ™‚ and sorry for the confusion lol
8:27:03 PMbigkitty πŸ’―
8:27:06 PMubu What is the weather the storm
8:27:19 PMMarshMan
8:27:23 PMMaineGeek75 works great!
8:27:37 PMSadSack963 Hey, don't stress. It was fun
8:27:38 PMMaineGeek75 sounds good
8:27:44 PMSadSack963 The mic is fine
8:27:48 PMBobK54 the mike works well
8:27:49 PMmikey11 yes the sounds great
8:27:58 PMMarshMan
8:28:00 PMrd_blair sounds real good
8:28:04 PMbigkitty what mic
8:28:07 PMMarshMan ooooops wrong Mike
8:28:09 PMSadSack963 We did get the occassional puff when you speak down
8:28:11 PMubu Really Demarcus great
8:28:25 PMMaineGeek75 works very well
8:28:39 PMSadSack963 LOL
8:29:05 PMBobK54 night all !
8:29:14 PMSadSack963 Good show. Very realistic
8:29:20 PMSadSack963 G'nite
8:29:37 PMnoeman5 Off to dinner. Have a good night all.
8:29:52 PMubu Have a good night thanks for a good shoe
8:29:54 PMSadSack963 Off to bed for me. It's 01:30
8:31:03 PMRobbieF
8:31:05 PMgwg Sorry I missed the show.
8:31:11 PMgwg I was hosting a Homebrew Website Club
8:31:23 PMgwg There's a second one in 30 minutes
8:31:57 PMSadSack963 Hey gwg. It was good fun. Enjoy the Youtube show when it's posted.
8:35:16 PMMaineGeek75 good night everyone πŸ™‚
8:35:27 PMSadSack963 Good night
8:39:49 PMgwg @SadSack963 Is that a Mel Blanc reference
9:11:33 PMbp9 G'day @RobbieF nice job on the episode tonight. πŸ™‚
9:11:56 PMbp9 I caught the last 30 mins or so via Roku.


Does Not Include Lurkers