Chat Logs for Episode 651 — #Category5 on /


With 43 Posts:RobbieF
With 33 Posts:MarshMan
With 17 Posts:bp9
With 16 Posts:noeman5
With 14 Posts:Solbu

Chat Logs:

6:58:17 PMRobbieF
6:58:20 PMstormyknight3000 @RobbieF would there be any problem with me joining the coffee breaks again?
6:58:35 PMstormyknight3000 I finally got past my college semester so I should have more time
6:59:00 PMMiniMarsh moving up in the world huh robbie
6:59:11 PMSkywriter64 hi from Brooklyn,NY
6:59:44 PMMarshmanGF No bludgeonings allowed around nice floors
7:00:04 PMRobbieF
7:00:40 PMSadSack963 @RobbieF - You've been polishing your forehead again haven't you? πŸ™‚
7:01:27 PMRobbieF
7:02:03 PMbp9 Blue shirt in front of a blue wall... nearly invisble πŸ™‚
7:02:40 PMRobbieF
7:02:56 PMMiniMarsh YESSSSSS
7:03:25 PMMiniMarsh i’d love a muffler like that
7:03:44 PMRobbieF It's soooo wonderful
7:04:02 PMstormyknight3000 slight echo in the background
7:04:25 PMstormyknight3000 or, there was
7:04:28 PMRobbieF That was me
7:04:36 PMRonnicat I am loving seeing all your cool gear
7:04:40 PMRobbieF My mic was still on
7:04:49 PMstormyknight3000 ah ok
7:04:50 PMRobbieF Thanks @Ronnicat
7:05:21 PMnoeman5 Howdy all,
7:05:35 PMMarshMan @SashaR took the streamdeck πŸ˜›
7:05:43 PMRonnicat Hello
7:05:52 PMSadSack963 hey @noeman5
7:06:51 PMMarshmanGF Hello Brooklyn from New Paltz Ny
7:06:55 PMbp9 Yay Streamdeck!
7:07:27 PMABQTKY Hi, Bruuuklyn and Ulster Cty
7:07:46 PMMoeMaravilla Hello everyone (from NC, USA, Earth)
7:08:00 PMbigkitty hi
7:08:21 PMMarshMan Hey desert man @ABQTKY
7:09:21 PMnoeman5 It's much quieter today because you are in the studio, not the bridge.
7:09:28 PMABQTKY Golly gee, MarshMan, I can hardly wait another month till summer BEGINS. We're kind of there already. 8-|
7:10:01 PMbigkitty whey not use TeamViewer
7:10:44 PMMoeMaravilla @ABQTKY Cool in NC
7:10:49 PMstormyknight3000 Hello from gallifrey πŸ˜‰
7:11:22 PMMoeMaravilla I have to Join again... I won't be a noob next time.
7:11:24 PMABQTKY Enjoy the coolness, MoeMaravilla - it ain't gonna last.
7:11:33 PMMarshMan @stormyknight3000 The Master
7:11:59 PMMiniMarsh greetings from raxicoricofallapatorious!
7:12:16 PMstormyknight3000 commences evil john simm master lough
7:12:40 PMnoeman5 Wish I could join in for Coffeebreak, but it's in the middle of my workday. I'm an essential employee at two different retail stores.
7:13:42 PMABQTKY noeman5 - bragging or complaining about that??
7:14:02 PMnoeman5 A little of both. πŸ˜„
7:14:18 PMSolbu *waving*
7:14:30 PMBruce Hello, new to the live show.
7:14:37 PMnoeman5
7:14:38 PMSkywriter64 Hello again
7:14:39 PMrd_blair RDB on IRC say hi RobbieF
7:15:27 PMMarshMan Hey there @Bruce
7:15:31 PMABQTKY Greetings up there far to the north of Svalbard. 8-| Cool part of the world!
7:15:48 PMSolbu :-)
7:15:50 PMBruce Hey @MarshMan
7:16:02 PMMoeMaravilla I'm not a Linux noob... And I have learned a lot from Robbie. Thanks Robbie!
7:17:49 PMnoeman5 I didn't see the checkbox.
7:20:30 PMBruce I have been watch old episodes and love the show
7:21:00 PMMoeMaravilla Hi @Bruce
7:21:17 PMbigkitty use TeamViewer to remote your pc.
7:21:22 PMBruce Hello @MoeMaravilla
7:21:32 PMnoeman5 @DJ Wheels , Facebook + AI is an oxymoron, like Honest + Politician
7:21:34 PMbp9 Nice thing about the pocophone is that they do keep them up to date.
7:22:26 PMbigkitty use TeamViewer to remote your pc.
7:23:14 PMSolbu I user SSH to remote in. .
7:23:17 PMSolbu *use
7:24:25 PMbigkitty he is using windows 10 tho
7:25:52 PMbigkitty and TeamViewer is on linux
7:29:29 PMbp9 I'm already impressed with how much visibility you get on the router out of the box.
7:40:49 PMbp9 Why doesn't the NAT rule allow the traffic to pass without a firewall entry? You gave it all the details the router needed in the NAT rule.
7:41:18 PMnoeman5 @RobbieF comments aren't showing on the screen as you type.
7:43:13 PMMoeMaravilla Yup... I see login
7:43:28 PMbp9 Yup, works for me too.
7:44:08 PMSolbu Β«Category5 TV Cloud Server – Studio EΒ»
7:44:10 PMSolbu :-)
7:44:35 PMSolbu So, hack time? ;-)
7:44:40 PMSolbu *hiding*
7:44:49 PMMoeMaravilla Denial of service
7:45:42 PMnoeman5 I see the login screen
7:46:23 PMbigkitty i can not log in
7:49:00 PMbigkitty eceo
7:50:15 PMRobbieF Anyone having as much fun as me?!
7:50:24 PMbp9 YES!
7:50:30 PMnoeman5 Oh yeah!
7:50:42 PMRobbieF Good to be live!!
7:51:09 PMRobbieF A
7:51:10 PMRobbieF
7:51:12 PMABQTKY RobbieF And so early this week!!
7:51:22 PMRobbieF You mean on time!!!!
7:51:38 PMMarshMan The only way to be secure on the internet.
7:51:40 PMbigkitty ya but i can not log in on
7:51:42 PMABQTKY RobbieF Precisely so! 8-)
7:51:51 PMRobbieF Ha @bigkitty
7:52:30 PMMarshMan The only way to be secure on the internet.
7:52:32 PMMarshMan
7:52:39 PMbigkitty i can not log in on
7:52:43 PMRobbieF πŸ˜‚
7:52:52 PMnoeman5 Ah, Airplane!
7:55:58 PMnoeman5 Microsoft is a stain on everything it touches. If they merge with or buy Ubuntu, they'll screw it up.
7:56:38 PMSadSack963 There simply HAS to be an ulterior motive. Just look at all the telemetry in Windows 10. Are they trying to do the same with Linux 😦
7:57:07 PMSolbu It's still weird not having SasdhaR reading the news.
7:57:48 PMnoeman5 The telemetry is the primary reason I don't use Win10. I connect it about once every two weeks, let it update, then unplug it. (I only keep it as an emergency OS if everything else dies.)
7:58:16 PMMoeMaravilla I use W7 for my taxes
7:58:31 PMnoeman5 And to keep somewhat current on Windows
7:58:41 PMMarshMan I ❀️ Win 10
7:58:49 PMSadSack963 BOO
7:58:54 PMMarshMan 😁
7:59:21 PMnoeman5 You just lost 10 cool points @MarshMan πŸ˜„
7:59:58 PMABQTKY MarshMan That sounds like someone from _downtown_ Noo Paltz.
8:00:15 PMMarshMan I HAVE to use Win10. Being in corporateAmerica,I have no choice
8:00:31 PMRobbieF
8:00:36 PMnoeman5 Doesn't mean you have to like it.
8:00:38 PMMoeMaravilla I use W10 for work too.
8:01:03 PMMarshMan Ok
8:01:12 PMMarshMan I πŸ’” Win 10
8:01:28 PMRobbieF
8:02:00 PMSolbu The previous job I had they wanted to install windows 10. They relented when I stated that i would refuse to use it on legal grounds (I don't accept the EULA).
8:02:38 PMSolbu After I moved to my new house in another county, they installed windows 10. heh .:-)
8:03:02 PMMarshMan Good for you Solbu but some of us live in the real world
8:03:17 PMRonnicat News perfectly done πŸ‘
8:03:45 PMMoeMaravilla @Sobu If I did that I'd be let go.
8:03:54 PMbp9 Yay! Well done @RobbieF
8:04:15 PMMarshMan When 100% of your clients use Windows you do what you gotta do
8:04:24 PMMoeMaravilla Thanks Becka!!!
8:04:36 PMRonnicat Oh I think Robbie just got the big head lol
8:04:50 PMMarshmanGF Thanks Becka!
8:05:16 PMSolbu MarshMan: 14 years ago someone gave me a job offer that would pay US $100 per hour. They needed someone to maintain Windows servers. I turned it down, due to not accepting the EULA, and I won't work with proprietary software.
8:05:58 PMMarshMan Solbu... see above
8:06:19 PMMoeMaravilla Yes... Interested in Chilean Folklore
8:06:21 PMRobbieF
8:06:22 PMMarshmanGF @bek great job
8:06:50 PMbp9 @BekahF Nice job on the news!
8:06:53 PMRonnicat @bek you are doing a wonderful job with the news segment.
8:06:56 PMSolbu I like the design on BeckaF's website.
8:08:24 PMMoeMaravilla @RobbieF I clicked...... I'll have a listen.
8:08:52 PMbigkity hi
8:10:31 PMbp9 Nice @RobbieF -- early night tonight LOL
8:10:52 PMSweSG :)
8:11:04 PMRonnicat Later everyone stay safe
8:11:43 PMbp9 There's much much less delay on youtube vs. Roku channel.
8:12:36 PMRonnicat I just love my Roku though
8:12:50 PMbp9 Watch youtube on your Roku!
8:12:56 PMbp9 that's what I'm doing πŸ™‚
8:13:19 PMRonnicat πŸ‘
8:13:48 PMRonnicat Goodnight
8:13:57 PMbp9 Good night
8:15:03 PMMarshMan Roku slows everything down. YouTube on my iPad is ahead of YouTube on Roku.
8:15:21 PMSweSG I just got up!
8:15:35 PMRobbieF Night @Ronnicat
8:15:55 PMSweSG It is 2 in the morning :/
8:16:28 PMMarshMan Go back to bed
8:16:38 PMRobbieF πŸ˜›
8:16:50 PMRobbieF I beat the clock. It's only 8:15 and I've done the show!!!
8:16:56 PMRobbieF This is SO much better than a week ago πŸ™‚
8:17:29 PMMarshMan A week ago you are still three hours out
8:17:36 PMRobbieF yep
8:17:41 PMRobbieF and a bit more stressed πŸ˜›
8:17:46 PMMarshMan 😱
8:18:36 PMMarshMan I need to get on the show again. I lost cool points tonight
8:18:39 PMMarshMan πŸ˜›
8:18:52 PMRobbieF hahaha
8:19:03 PMRobbieF Yeah every in-person appearance is worth 80 cool points.
8:19:19 PMRobbieF I'm at like 52,080 cool points.
8:19:33 PMMarshMan I just don’t have any real problem with Windows
8:19:44 PMMarshMan Never have
8:19:58 PMMarshMan And that includes Vista.
8:21:53 PMSweSG @MarshMan not me either.
8:26:05 PMRobbieF That AI camera on the intro was cool!
8:26:47 PMRobbieF Haha you know me... I'm realistic. I am typing this on Windows 10 right now.
8:26:58 PMRobbieF But was thrilled to use a PBP on the show tonight!
8:27:39 PMMarshMan The PBP is a game changer
8:27:49 PMRobbieF sure is.
8:28:30 PMRobbieF Here I am saying "Windows 10 is ait" and it crashed.
8:28:31 PMRobbieF LOL
8:28:38 PMRobbieF
8:28:42 PMRobbieF
8:28:55 PMRobbieF LOL didn't see the text before posting.
8:28:57 PMMarshMan Whoops
8:29:07 PMMarshMan I saw NOTHING
8:29:10 PMRobbieF hahaha
8:29:15 PMRobbieF Solbu on IRC is like, How could you.
8:29:16 PMMarshMan πŸ˜›
8:29:54 PMMarshMan Being human
8:30:03 PMMoeMaravilla G-night all
8:30:12 PMMarshMan Later Mo
8:30:15 PMRobbieF Night @MoeMaravilla - nice seeing you again.
8:35:18 PMbp9 Hey look -- @Jeff "Meatball" Weston is here -- just in time for the end of the show LOL LOL LOL
8:36:41 PMRobbieF WOH!
8:37:47 PMMarshMan Goodnight, sleep tight.
8:38:30 PMRobbieF night @MarshMan - great to see you and your family here tonight!
8:39:18 PMMarshMan The trifecta
8:40:09 PMMarshMan Sorry... your Canadian... the Hat Trick
8:41:06 PMbp9 hee hee hee
8:41:44 PMRobbieF
8:53:14 PMSolbu I think summer has come. It is no longer dark outside at night.
9:13:20 PMbp9 All night? πŸ™‚
9:19:40 PMRobbieF πŸ˜‚


Does Not Include Lurkers