Chat Logs for Episode 656 — #Category5 on /


With 56 Posts:RobbieF
With 20 Posts:noeman5
With 20 Posts:SweSG
With 8 Posts:MI0RTX
With 5 Posts:TheFu

Chat Logs:

7:00:36 PMnoeman5 I like having discs, especially when there are power outages or connectivity issues. (I can watch on my Lenovo laptop when power goes out.)
7:01:30 PMSweSG Hehe
7:02:48 PMSkywriter64 any show tonight?
7:03:57 PMTheFu YT says 3m
7:04:46 PMTheFu PS2 has a DVD, not BR. Right?
7:04:57 PMTheFu PS3 had BR.
7:04:58 PMSweSG Yep.
7:05:19 PMTheFu YT says 4m now.
7:05:51 PMSweSG Blu-ray came in 3an!
7:05:54 PMnoeman5 TheFu, once the counter reaches zero, it begins counting up.
7:07:40 PMTheFu Good night folks.
7:08:35 PMRobbieF run, run, run.
7:08:38 PMRobbieF is it 7:00 yet?
7:08:42 PMRobbieF yikes...
7:09:25 PMnoeman5 G'night Fu
7:09:25 PMSweSG 30 degrees hot in Sweden during the day! Too hot to live! :/
7:12:07 PMSweSG @RobbieF way over here ;)
7:13:12 PMSweSG the clock is over 1 at night!
7:17:57 PMnoeman5 SweSG, right now it's about 33 degrees celsius in my corner of Oregon, got up to 40 yesterday. That's HOT for Oregon, made me think I was back in Arizona.
7:18:13 PMSweSG :/
7:19:19 PMMI0RTX hi robbie
7:20:11 PMnoeman5 I definitely prefer the cooler Oregon weather. I grew up in Southern Arizona where 47 degrees celsius was average during the summer.
7:22:30 PMnoeman5 So SweSG, you mean it's 30 degrees at 1 am? No thanks.
7:23:14 PMSweSG Only during the day.
7:23:47 PMnoeman5 If it cools off a little at night, that makes it bearable.
7:33:13 PMnoeman5 It has suddenly become very quiet.
7:33:21 PMSweSG Yep!
7:35:24 PMSweSG I am doing block list in Pi-hole. Over 1 million now.
7:36:54 PMRobbieF I'm working too hard to chat @noeman5
7:37:02 PMSweSG
7:38:41 PMnoeman5 Everybody's busy, busy. Makes me feel like a slacker. I'm just jumping between different servers on Discord and reading entries in the PBP wiki and forums.
7:40:42 PMRobbieF haha, I want to be a slacker.
7:47:23 PMRobbieF Audio is rendering now.
7:47:48 PMRobbieF Hi there @MI0RTX
7:48:08 PMRobbieF Sorry; probably missed a bunch of ya'll. Hope you're well. Just about ready with the Episode 656 Premiere!
7:48:17 PMRobbieF Better late than never, as they say.
7:48:34 PMRobbieF The crazy thing: I really thought I was ahead of schedule this week. And I was. WAY ahead of last week.
7:48:40 PMRobbieF But it still takes this long - haha!
7:49:02 PMRobbieF If every single viewer became a Patron, I could do this full time and never be late again! πŸ™‚
7:49:14 PMSweSG hehe
7:50:24 PMSweSG I've started looking for night sounds for the night :D
7:51:10 PMSweSG I can't sleep without sound.
7:52:05 PMRobbieF Have you enjoyed our show, Nature Sounds of Ontario Canada?
7:52:35 PMRobbieF
7:52:37 PMSweSG Not that I know of.
7:53:28 PMSweSG I didn't know you had it too :D
7:54:15 PMABQTKY So, ah, RobbieF, was that a hint for all of us???
7:54:38 PMRobbieF huh?
7:54:45 PMRobbieF its' just one of our shows.
7:56:08 PMABQTKY RobbieF A couple posts up - you hinted about Patreon.
7:56:13 PMRobbieF Oh.
7:56:19 PMRobbieF Dude; could you imagine?
7:56:43 PMRobbieF What I pull off all by myself from 3:30pm on a Wednesday afternoon until I'm done.....
7:56:53 PMRobbieF Then, say, Hmm, you can now do this 9-5 every weekday.
7:57:04 PMRobbieF I can't even fathom how much amazing content I could pump out.
7:57:22 PMABQTKY RobbieF IT could be really cool. But, ahhh....
7:57:31 PMRobbieF Dreaming simply keeps life exciting.
7:58:40 PMRobbieF audio processing at 33% completion.
8:01:41 PMSweSG Maybe 8 Hours Black Screen Creaky Wooden Pirate Ship Rain Sounds in a Thunderstorm - Pirate Ship Ambience on YouTube?
8:01:45 PMSweSG
8:01:53 PMSweSG :D
8:03:12 PMSweSG I want more wind and more rain!
8:04:20 PMRobbieF okay looks like we're going to air at around 9pm guys.
8:04:31 PMRobbieF possibly a bit before if the render picks up.
8:04:39 PMRobbieF so I'll go grab dinner and then return.
8:05:22 PMABQTKY RobbieF I'm beginning to get the picture. 8-|
8:07:33 PMABQTKY Oh, wait. 9PM EDT is only 7PM MDT. That's not so bad. I'll probably show up. Meanwhile I'll let my DSL cables cool off for a bit. TTYL, all youse guys.
8:10:16 PMMI0RTX robbie 9pm you time is 0200 BST UK
8:12:43 PMRobbieF πŸ‘
8:36:20 PMMI0RTX Canda joins mile hight club
8:37:43 PMRobbieF just about ready!
8:38:26 PMMI0RTX canda join mile higth club
8:38:38 PMMI0RTX
8:46:32 PMmatrix πŸ‘πŸ‘
8:55:17 PMRobbieF Here we go!!
8:55:45 PMRobbieF Enjoy the show, everyone. Apologies for the continued delays. Of course, I am doing my bestist πŸ™‚
8:59:04 PMnoeman5 You called it @RobbieF looks like we'll hit the top of the hour on schedule.
8:59:19 PMRobbieF Wahooo!
8:59:26 PMRobbieF 2 hours late, technically... but yeah!
8:59:28 PMRobbieF let's do this!
9:00:16 PMnoeman5 True, but you did say 9:00 (your time).
9:00:30 PMRobbieF And here we are! πŸ™‚
9:00:35 PMRobbieF Hope you enjoy!
9:01:00 PMnoeman5 Glad I just got a Sony Blu-Ray player, not a Samsung
9:01:26 PMRobbieF ha, could you imagine someone who JUST bought a Samsung?
9:01:27 PMRobbieF πŸ˜„
9:02:34 PMbp9 We haven't got to the news yet but I assume this is a problem with Samsung DVDs that are connected to the interwebs?
9:02:45 PMRobbieF You assume correctly!
9:02:51 PMRobbieF My goodness, did you ever.
9:03:09 PMbp9 OK so if you don't connect it to the interwebs then you're OK?
9:03:45 PMRobbieF Unsure yet since Samsung is keeping tightlipped. That is assumed, however IF the issue is actually an expired SSL cert, then it won't matter.
9:03:46 PMbp9 (I never connect my smart TV or DVD player to the internet)
9:03:58 PMnoeman5 Looking back at that clip from New Year's, you can see your weight loss. Good job!
9:04:29 PMRobbieF Thank you @noeman5
9:04:38 PMRobbieF Yep; my plan worked! πŸ™‚
9:06:04 PMMI0RTX that not good idear bp9 i had disconect my tv from internet because it keep trying to do updates it was androde tv
9:06:54 PMbp9 Read it again @MI0RTX I never connect those devices to the internet.
9:07:12 PMMI0RTX ok
9:07:51 PMSolbu As if by divine decreet, the sermon I watched, ended just when todays cat5 show started. :-)
9:08:02 PMMI0RTX are redy yet robbie ?
9:08:03 PMRobbieF I planned that Solbu πŸ™‚
9:08:11 PMRobbieF we are on the air @MI0RTX
9:08:14 PMSolbu Hehe, i noticed that. :D
9:12:04 PMSolbu Gehe. Good sales pitch: Β«I don't really know what I'm doingΒ»
9:13:04 PMnoeman5 I've had my PinePhone for about 2 months now, got it running Ubuntu Touch (UBPorts). Works very well, only the camera is not working. SMS and telephone, no problems.
9:14:03 PMbp9 Nice @noeman5 I can't wait for mine to come. How is the audio quality?
9:14:41 PMnoeman5 Pretty good, I've been trying to get some photos and MUSIC loaded on it, but haven't had any luck yet.
9:14:55 PMnoeman5 Gotta have my music
9:15:21 PMbp9 I was curious about phone audio quality because I was hearing they had issues.
9:15:39 PMbp9 But I absolutely want to support pine64
9:15:59 PMnoeman5 I haven't had any issues. I wonder which OS they were running (I think there's about 12 ports now.)
9:16:00 PMRobbieF It was REALLY TOUGH to pick clips for this, so I literally just selected a few that were fun and hopefully people will click to watch others.
9:17:11 PMbp9 I know! They are fun to binge watch LOL
9:18:13 PMRobbieF It's literally ebb-and-flow. There are some valleys, and some REALLY great geeking out.
9:18:23 PMRobbieF I love all the PineTime stuff SO much, but that's a series!
9:18:24 PMRobbieF LOL
9:18:51 PMbp9 We are such geeks
9:19:00 PMRobbieF Oh my goodness, yes.
9:19:52 PMnoeman5 You are such a big, bad dude @RobbieF lol
9:20:10 PMbp9 Not as big as he was 7 months ago LOL
9:20:17 PMnoeman5 true
9:20:37 PMRobbieF Totally @noeman5
9:22:38 PMRobbieF πŸ˜„
9:22:39 PMRobbieF haha
9:22:42 PMRobbieF I can never remember
9:23:35 PMbp9 @RobbieF nice segue from your Phantom mug to my Phantom T-shirt LOL
9:24:04 PMRobbieF πŸ˜›
9:24:30 PMnoeman5 I just ordered this mask this week.
9:24:43 PMRobbieF Oh my
9:24:45 PMRobbieF neat!


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