7:01:53 PM | Solbu | Forgot to update the IRC topic. :-)
7:02:23 PM | Solbu | Kodi stream is working.
7:02:26 PM | Solbu | Hi Jeff.
7:02:55 PM | SadSack963 | https://live.cat5.tv/ JUST WENT LIVE
7:03:00 PM | noeman5 | Live stream from the website just came up
7:03:10 PM | SadSack963 | Whoops. Caps lock on
7:03:36 PM | SadSack963 | Evening Jeff
7:03:37 PM | noeman5 | Wow, @Jeff Weston and @RobbieF are all dressed up tonight.
7:03:41 PM | MarshMan | Is this Cat5 or Men in Black
7:04:02 PM | ubu | Howdy ya’ll
7:04:05 PM | noeman5 | Need some cheap Ray-Bans for MIB
7:04:21 PM | Solbu | Don't want to alarm you Jeff, but there's a masked man in the room with you… ;-)
7:04:21 PM | MI0RTX | bp9,when compile program in lazarus on windows it add a lot bebug info add with program so make very large there program call strip this remove the debug info add so slim it down i dont know if this add in linx version you may have find a linx version of tool strip in tool box dir
7:04:28 PM | noeman5 | We have sound
7:04:49 PM | bigkitty | hi
7:05:04 PM | ubu | What, no shorts?
7:05:33 PM | Solbu | RobbieF: Using flobby disks as coffee cup stands? :-)
7:06:14 PM | MI0RTX | hi robbie
7:06:15 PM | SadSack963 | BUZZING
7:06:21 PM | Solbu | I hear it too.
7:06:50 PM | SadSack963 | Stopped now
7:06:53 PM | Solbu | Ahh, RobbieF turned off what ever was infertering. Buzzing disapeared as soon as Robbie clicked something on the phone.
7:06:59 PM | noeman5 | Had a friend tell me that a friend of her daughter's saw a floppy disk at her house and asked why someone 3D printed a "Save" icon. She busted up laughing.
7:07:11 PM | SashaR | It was hot for me today! 22 degrees
7:07:24 PM | MarshMan | Hi @SashaR
7:07:27 PM | ubu | Buzzing is gone
7:07:36 PM | SashaR | Hi guys!!!
7:07:38 PM | MI0RTX | the men in black
7:07:39 PM | SadSack963 | @RobbieF It might have been your phone
7:07:44 PM | SashaR | Its gone now
7:07:50 PM | SashaR | Yepper
7:07:53 PM | noeman5 | Hi @SashaR !
7:08:08 PM | SashaR | I miss you!!
7:08:14 PM | noeman5 | I think it was your phone.
7:08:32 PM | SashaR | Nope! Move here :)
7:08:36 PM | SashaR | I doubt it!
7:09:21 PM | bp9 | G'day Y'all
7:09:22 PM | SadSack963 | There is quite a lot of background rustling on the audio. Maybe clothing?
7:09:54 PM | ubu | Yes
7:09:55 PM | SashaR | Haha... True
7:10:03 PM | MI0RTX | 60 hz buzz
7:10:10 PM | ubu | It was out of tokens for a bit but now it’s back
7:10:21 PM | ubu | Focus
7:11:52 PM | SadSack963 | @Jeff Weston @RobbieF Voices are coming through nice and clear, but there is a lot of background noise.
7:11:59 PM | MI0RTX | there lots background noises robbie
7:12:01 PM | noeman5 | We're having wildfires in Oregon too now. Several close to my work, but not too close to home.
7:12:48 PM | MarshMan | Lost audio when you switched screens
7:12:51 PM | MI0RTX | there lots background noise (white noise) robbie
7:15:05 PM | noeman5 | watching on my PineBook Pro
7:15:14 PM | Solbu | MI0RTX: I think he knows.
7:15:29 PM | SashaR | 830 pm in NFLD
7:16:11 PM | Solbu | But it sounds like Jeff is using a room mike and not the one on his cheek.
7:16:21 PM | noeman5 | I keep 24 hr format on my watch, computers, fitbit, everything I can.
7:16:53 PM | ubu | Yes Jeff’s Mike seems off
7:17:09 PM | ubu | Mic
7:18:11 PM | matrix | Yes I noticed it too.
7:18:33 PM | noeman5 | Battery life on the PBP is amazing.
7:19:07 PM | Solbu | Hopefully he can fix it in post. I seem to remember they record each mic separate.
7:21:14 PM | MarshMan | Manjaro is nice but has its problems on PBP
7:22:29 PM | noeman5 | Been running Manjaro, no problems, but then again I don't push it to the limit.
7:22:49 PM | SadSack963 | No Sound
7:23:01 PM | Solbu | Sound disapeared.
7:23:12 PM | ubu | No sound on cutaway
7:23:20 PM | noeman5 | I also have SD cards with ARM versions of Fedora, Kali, and Debian.
7:23:35 PM | noeman5 | Lost audio when you switched to desktop view
7:24:12 PM | Scorpio66 | it's Robbie's mic when he stops talking
7:24:18 PM | SashaR | You can do it!
7:24:27 PM | SashaR | Like that its off
7:24:29 PM | SadSack963 | There is a slight echo on Jeffs mic
7:24:33 PM | TheFu | slight echo from jeff?
7:24:40 PM | ubu | Echoish
7:24:52 PM | SadSack963 | Yes sounds like static
7:24:58 PM | Solbu | Jeff: Also we think your mic is Off or is to low. It sounds like Jeffs sound is comming from a mic on the room and not the one on his cheek.
7:25:02 PM | TheFu | Robbie sods fn.
7:25:07 PM | bp9 | Sounds like an open mic that no one is talking into
7:25:13 PM | matrix | I hear room echo on Jeff’s mic
7:25:22 PM | Scorpio66 | static on robbiemic pack
7:25:23 PM | noeman5 | Jeff was sounding hollow, like he was being picked up by a studio mike.
7:25:50 PM | MI0RTX | no sound
7:25:54 PM | matrix | Better
7:25:57 PM | SadSack963 | Sounds better
7:26:02 PM | ubu | Better
7:26:03 PM | Solbu | It is better.
7:26:11 PM | bp9 | Still hearing background noise
7:26:16 PM | noeman5 | better now
7:26:29 PM | SadSack963 | Still, got that bachground noise. Also picking up server noise at the moment
7:26:31 PM | TheFu | Background fans heard when nobody talks.
7:26:32 PM | Scorpio66 | Still noise on Robbie's mic
7:26:44 PM | matrix | No sound
7:26:45 PM | SadSack963 | No sound on crossover
7:26:49 PM | TheFu | Robbie's audio died.
7:26:50 PM | bp9 | Audio still gone when swtiching to PBP
7:27:06 PM | SadSack963 | OK
7:27:10 PM | SashaR | Oh dear... This is an adventure
7:27:11 PM | MI0RTX | ok
7:27:12 PM | TheFu | we have robbie.
7:27:17 PM | matrix | Working
7:27:21 PM | SadSack963 | Good
7:27:22 PM | SashaR | Yes!!!
7:27:24 PM | ubu | That works
7:27:30 PM | Solbu | I think the noise is RobbieF's mic, it sounds like a limiter or heavy compression is on Robbie's mic, resulting in amplifying noice when he's not speaking.
7:27:42 PM | SadSack963 | Understood. It's just a backgound fluttering
7:27:58 PM | MarshMan | Yes there is noise with Robbie in studio
7:27:59 PM | MI0RTX | yes white noise
7:28:03 PM | Scorpio66 | noise on Robbie's mic when not speaking
7:28:39 PM | SadSack963 | Quite a bit better
7:28:46 PM | Solbu | Noise is much lower now. :-)
7:28:55 PM | MI0RTX | little beter
7:28:56 PM | ubu | 👍🏼
7:29:09 PM | TheFu | Still hear noise like you are in a huge church with hard floors, no carpet. After all that typing, posted anyways.
7:29:22 PM | SadSack963 | LOL
7:29:44 PM | noeman5 | High pitch whine in background when Jeff speaks.
7:29:50 PM | Solbu | And now the noise is gone.
7:29:53 PM | Scorpio66 | noise gone now
7:29:54 PM | SadSack963 | Much better
7:30:02 PM | TheFu | Seems solved.
7:30:06 PM | MI0RTX | no white noise now with robbie mic
7:30:14 PM | SashaR | I gotta get to bed... I love you all and I'll watch the produced show :):)
7:30:19 PM | noeman5 | Still getting whine from Jeff's mic
7:30:20 PM | ubu | Noise is gone
7:30:20 PM | ABQTKY | I'm deaf in one ear and the other one doesn't work - so I don't care!!
7:30:23 PM | bp9 | I don't hear a whine. Noise is gone now.
7:30:31 PM | noeman5 | good night @SashaR
7:30:32 PM | SadSack963 | There is a tiny bit of noise with just Jeff's mic. Barely noticable
7:30:33 PM | Solbu | Hehehe
7:30:46 PM | TheFu | 3 min of that would be fine.
7:31:10 PM | noeman5 | Still getting whine.
7:31:19 PM | ubu | But all of this is why I love the live feed.
7:31:20 PM | MI0RTX | noise is come robbie mic
7:31:35 PM | noeman5 | and the video is lagging a couple of seconds on YouTube
7:31:37 PM | SadSack963 | Pretty good
7:31:50 PM | Solbu | Much better than before.
7:31:56 PM | MI0RTX | ok now
7:31:57 PM | Scorpio66 | it's clear now sounds good
7:32:07 PM | TheFu | It's robbie w/ background. Voices are fine.
7:32:12 PM | Scorpio66 | it was Robbie's mic
7:32:40 PM | matrix | Sounds good
7:32:43 PM | TheFu | When long pause, something changes. whooomp, whoopm.
7:32:47 PM | Solbu | It s better.
7:32:48 PM | bp9 | Much better
7:33:02 PM | SadSack963 | Much better. Very slight rapid ticking noise from Jeff's mic.
7:33:20 PM | Scorpio66 | 9 5 now
7:33:21 PM | noeman5 | Still getting whine, must be on my end, external speaker.
7:33:23 PM | Solbu | RobbieF, Jeff: What you need is a sound engineer. To bad I live so far away. :-)
7:33:27 PM | SadSack963 | Barely noticable
7:33:33 PM | Scorpio66 | Q5
7:33:35 PM | SadSack963 | Yes. Hear you both
7:33:36 PM | matrix | Yes
7:33:40 PM | TheFu | If it isn't clar, we are clueless.
7:33:40 PM | bp9 | Audio is good with PBP on screen
7:33:52 PM | Solbu | We here you even on the laptop screen.
7:33:56 PM | SadSack963 | It's good
7:34:05 PM | noeman5 | hear you, and the whine
7:34:09 PM | ubu | Yes
7:34:47 PM | noeman5 | Gray camoflage
7:34:55 PM | SadSack963 | I can't hear it... but I'm old!!!
7:34:58 PM | Solbu | Check received.
7:35:09 PM | Scorpio66 | 9 5 into UK on my headphones
7:35:29 PM | TheFu | Like a playing card on a fast spinning bike wheel way in the background.
7:35:38 PM | ubu | Just roll with it
7:35:43 PM | noeman5 | Post production fixes everything.
7:36:08 PM | Scorpio66 | Noise stopped when Robbie changed his mic
7:37:06 PM | SadSack963 | No differenvce
7:37:07 PM | MarshMan | TheFu- i used to put baseball cards on the bike forks for that motory sound
7:37:13 PM | TheFu | No diff that I notice.
7:37:30 PM | noeman5 | No change
7:37:33 PM | bp9 | I don't hear a whine or any popping sounds.
7:37:48 PM | ameriDroid | Howdy all
7:37:54 PM | Solbu | Take 2…
7:37:59 PM | noeman5 | Hey @ameriDroid
7:38:00 PM | MarshMan | Hey Bo
7:38:01 PM | Scorpio66 | BBC quality now lol
7:38:02 PM | TheFu | bp9 - me either.
7:38:12 PM | SadSack963 | Sounds good
7:38:31 PM | bp9 | Hi @ameriDroid !
7:39:06 PM | ameriDroid | https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/495592877733183489/753399112568799322/20200908_160645.jpg
7:39:16 PM | ameriDroid | This was 4pm yesterday
7:39:22 PM | ameriDroid | Today is a bit better
7:39:38 PM | MarshMan | Yikes
7:39:46 PM | TheFu | I'm jealous of Canadian leaders on this pandemic.
7:39:49 PM | bp9 | Oh that sucks. Hope you're all OK @ameriDroid
7:40:09 PM | ameriDroid | We're fine. Most of the smoke is above the inversion layer
7:41:04 PM | TheFu | Solbu, ever played with wormhole?
7:41:17 PM | Solbu | worm-what?
7:41:19 PM | SadSack963 | Deja Vu
7:41:20 PM | bp9 | I love my PBP. Just keep it out of the sun LOL
7:41:56 PM | TheFu | https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/06/wormhole-fast-secure-way-send-files-users-cli
7:42:01 PM | MarshMan | Is this Cat5 or Men in Black?
7:42:13 PM | MarshMan | Deja vu all over again
7:42:16 PM | bp9 | @MarshMan yes. 🙂
7:42:23 PM | ubu | Please do another Plex server for Raspberry pi
7:42:47 PM | TheFu | ubu - does the old video not work?
7:42:48 PM | Solbu | TheFu: Ahh. When I need to send someone a large file, I upload to my webserver and send them the link.
7:43:06 PM | MarshMan | Magnesium alloy
7:43:26 PM | TheFu | Sometimes I don't want my persona connected to my domains.
7:43:49 PM | ubu | @thefu The last few updates for the iOS has caused issues with Plex
7:44:02 PM | ubu | OS
7:44:03 PM | TheFu | ad to pay my registrar $18 for 1 domain yesterday for 1-year!!!!
7:44:37 PM | Solbu | I have 2 domains. :-)
7:44:44 PM | TheFu | iOS - you have a Cisco enterprise router?
7:44:53 PM | Solbu | And manage's 2 more.
7:44:58 PM | ubu | Haha
7:45:29 PM | MarshMan | Let’s get it going then
7:45:36 PM | noeman5 | Only 4 hours tonight. lol
7:45:42 PM | TheFu | I have about 20 domains and usually renew for 10 yrs, much cheaper.
7:47:04 PM | TheFu | 20 x $18/ea isn't worth it. I'll be consolidating sap and changing registrars within 60 days.
7:47:27 PM | TheFu | Also need a new keyboard - really bad!
7:48:29 PM | MarshMan | Take the bottom cover off. Just don’t slice you fingers open.
7:49:08 PM | TheFu | Switched from Mate back to fvwm. It is like 1995 again, but with 1000x faster hardware.
7:49:13 PM | bp9 | Boom -- lost audio again
7:49:17 PM | TheFu | Lost audio, robbie
7:49:18 PM | SadSack963 | Sound gone again
7:49:27 PM | MI0RTX | lost audio again
7:49:36 PM | ABQTKY | Are we having fun yet????
7:49:38 PM | bp9 | @RobbieF @Jeff Weston lost audio on PBP again
7:49:42 PM | Solbu | ABQTKY: Hehe..
7:49:52 PM | TheFu | Who has the bat phone to the studio?
7:50:25 PM | MI0RTX | i have turn my hear aid up robbie
7:50:31 PM | ubu | Shasta!!
7:50:39 PM | Solbu | Welcome to Category5 TV – the silent edition.
7:50:57 PM | TheFu | When he went to the laptop.
7:50:58 PM | MarshMan | I have the Bat phone
7:51:00 PM | ameriDroid | I have audio again
7:51:15 PM | ubu | Way to go marsh man
7:51:30 PM | bp9 | Thanks @MarshMan 🙂
7:52:42 PM | ABQTKY | Covid19 is SUPPOSED to be a biological virus. But, ah, guess again!!
7:52:45 PM | TheFu | Just voice over the laptop parts. Franky says RELAX. ;)
7:53:18 PM | ubu | You guys are doing an awesome job
7:53:23 PM | bp9 | @RobbieF it's all good man, don't stress.
7:53:59 PM | noeman5 | No sweat man. Life is full of "technical difficulties".
7:54:00 PM | MarshMan | The joys of live tv
7:54:00 PM | TheFu | We like you guys a bunch.
7:54:35 PM | SadSack963 | Intro was fine. Relax... and Breathe
7:55:12 PM | bigkitty | no it is 445
7:55:18 PM | noeman5 | Category 5 - Unplugged. lol
7:55:22 PM | ubu | The intro was fine
7:55:33 PM | ameriDroid | I agree with @bigkitty
7:55:37 PM | MI0RTX | good audio
7:55:52 PM | noeman5 | 1655 here
7:55:59 PM | MarshMan | https://tenor.com/view/clapperboard-director-cut-gif-10892387
7:56:05 PM | MarshMan | Take 3
7:56:26 PM | TheFu | 7:56p here.
7:56:54 PM | noeman5 | Gonna have to drop out folks, headed to dinner at my son's place. Have a good one.
7:57:09 PM | MarshMan | Enjoy @noeman5
7:57:12 PM | bigkitty | whay
7:57:22 PM | bigkitty | cazz cav
7:58:10 PM | MI0RTX | it go up here index is 1.6
7:58:47 PM | bigkitty | same here
7:59:59 PM | TheFu | beer and toilet in 20 languages will get you far.
8:00:16 PM | bigkitty | haga
8:00:25 PM | bigkitty | haha
8:00:58 PM | TheFu | Home haircuts - very funny, sometimes.
8:03:05 PM | Solbu | My mother have been cuttin my hair since about 1992 untill about 5 years ago.
8:06:54 PM | RobbieF | Wow, so sorry everyone.
8:07:22 PM | SadSack963 | All cool
8:07:24 PM | bp9 | No worries @RobbieF don't stress.
8:07:52 PM | Solbu | Was kinda cool having the blooper in the news. Reminds us of old times. :-)
8:08:12 PM | SadSack963 | @BekahF Mic sounds a bit tinny when speaking
8:09:02 PM | Solbu | SadSack963: I think Robbie mentioned that when we debugged the sound issues. The news is recorded earlier.
8:09:11 PM | SadSack963 | OK
8:09:12 PM | ubu | Yeah I wanna put some nuclear waste in my cell phone so I can stick it next to my head
8:09:26 PM | Solbu | Hehe
8:10:05 PM | Solbu | «My phone runs on wasted energy»
8:11:03 PM | SadSack963 | Satelites... Paint it Black
8:11:17 PM | bp9 | Can you imagine how much satellite internet will cost? Not cheap now...
8:12:42 PM | TheFu | Let me bury it in the back yard if 2KWh/month is possible. Living off grid = awesome.
8:13:16 PM | SadSack963 | I'm still using Windows 1903. Avoiding updates like the plague - or Covid
8:13:37 PM | RobbieF | You folks are all so gracious. Thank you.
8:13:56 PM | Solbu | We know. :-)
8:13:56 PM | RobbieF | Know that we are here, we are trying, and we WILL get there
8:14:39 PM | MarshMan | Hopefully before I can get to Canada. 😛
8:15:27 PM | Solbu | :-)
8:15:35 PM | MarshMan | You have about a year the way things are going
8:15:46 PM | RobbieF | Sad but probably true.
8:16:47 PM | MarshMan | Many of my clients are saying they will be back to work in the Feb to March 2021 time frame... maybe.
8:17:02 PM | MarshMan | Hope I still have a job by then
8:17:18 PM | Solbu | MarshMan: That actually sounds like a plausible timeframe.
8:17:45 PM | MarshMan | Reality
8:19:57 PM | Solbu | I remember when the birdflu was the scare going around. BBC had to stop showing a TV series they just made, where 90% of the whole worlds population died of a airborne virus. I think they ended up releasing it on DVD and online a year later.
8:20:32 PM | TheFu | bike wheel cards are back. ;(
8:21:08 PM | Solbu | TheFu: Yes, but it cleared up a bit after Jeff talked for a sentence.
8:21:24 PM | TheFu | Compressor?
8:21:32 PM | Solbu | I suspect so.
8:21:51 PM | Solbu | A Limiter would be better.
8:22:01 PM | Solbu | Oh well. :-)
8:26:35 PM | bp9 | Yeah the community is great at heckling -- erm, I mean constructive critisism LOL
8:26:58 PM | Solbu | Jeff, RobbieF: I like the new studio. It is nice having silent live moments like you just had, without server fans noise running in the backbround.
8:27:02 PM | matrix | 👍
8:27:16 PM | MI0RTX | Good night all
8:27:33 PM | SadSack963 | G'nite
8:28:01 PM | ameriDroid | Nice joining you guys tonight.
8:28:38 PM | bp9 | You too @ameriDroid -- come visit more often!
8:28:45 PM | SadSack963 | Should be Jeff and I 🙂
8:28:51 PM | ameriDroid | Been extremely busy.
8:29:09 PM | ameriDroid | https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/495592877733183489/753411705958170754/20200902_150901.jpg
8:29:27 PM | bp9 | That's a good way to be @ameriDroid 🙂
8:29:50 PM | ameriDroid | This is an ODROID H2+ running Linux Mint
8:30:31 PM | MarshMan | Lovin’ Mint on the H2+
8:30:41 PM | matrix | Nice
8:31:05 PM | ameriDroid | Do you want to see the enclosure for the H2+?
8:31:31 PM | MarshMan | A special one?
8:31:33 PM | Solbu | ameridroid: is that RAID5?
8:31:39 PM | MarshMan | Yeah
8:31:46 PM | ameriDroid | @Solbu yes
8:31:47 PM | Solbu | RAID units are nice.
8:32:04 PM | ameriDroid | https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/495592877733183489/753412443060830228/20200901_132848.jpg
8:32:30 PM | MarshMan | Wowzers
8:32:33 PM | ameriDroid | It will hopefully contain 10x 10TB disks by the time I'm done.
8:33:19 PM | ABQTKY | L8r, all.
8:33:23 PM | Solbu | I help administer a server having 18 drives (8 TB drives) in RAID6, with one spare.
8:33:24 PM | ameriDroid | Custom printed drive enclosures
8:33:35 PM | ameriDroid | https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/495592877733183489/753412824025268284/20200901_133044.jpg
8:33:49 PM | ameriDroid | https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/495592877733183489/753412881101488208/20200903_120732.jpg
8:34:58 PM | MarshMan | I went for the other end of the spectrum
8:34:59 PM | MarshMan | https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/495592877733183489/753413172941291551/IMG_0149.jpg
8:36:09 PM | ameriDroid | KKSB case, nice!
8:36:29 PM | MarshMan | Courtesy of @ameriDroid
8:36:43 PM | ameriDroid | It would be too hard for me to cram 100TB of disks in that, though!
8:36:54 PM | MarshMan | Just a bit
8:37:01 PM | ameriDroid | My desktop H2+ is a bit more minimalistic.
8:37:31 PM | ameriDroid | https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/495592877733183489/753413811993837568/20200909_173720.jpg
8:38:10 PM | MarshMan | I would say so, yes.
8:40:16 PM | Solbu | This is the big raid server i help administer: https://images.finncdn.no/dynamic/1600w/2020/7/vertical-0/31/7/186/487/127_45656717.jpg
8:41:01 PM | Solbu | Supermicro X8DT6 24 bay.
8:42:31 PM | ameriDroid | Are all 24 bays full? What's the overall capacity and server OS? Just curious.
8:45:08 PM | Solbu | It runs Debian 10, hosting a few VMs.
8:45:16 PM | Solbu | lsblk -d|grep ^sd|wc -l
8:45:17 PM | Solbu | 20
8:46:05 PM | ameriDroid | What RAID level is it running?
8:46:17 PM | Solbu | raid 6
8:47:00 PM | ameriDroid | Are all 20 disks in 1 array? Or are there multiple arrays configured?
8:47:05 PM | Solbu | And two raid1's
8:47:12 PM | Solbu | There are 3 raids.
8:47:35 PM | Solbu | One of which is configured as lvm cache.
8:50:42 PM | Solbu | ameridroid: https://www.solbu.net/raid-server.txt
8:56:24 PM | Solbu | The two 1TB drives are SSD's where the OS is installed, configured as raid1.
8:58:59 PM | Solbu | Oh, and the huge RAID6 array are storing the owners huge video collection.
9:04:58 PM | ameriDroid | I think I met that guy online once. Didn't he have something like 45TB in videos on it?
9:06:42 PM | Solbu | He was on one of the early coffee breaks, yes.
9:06:47 PM | Solbu | Erik.
9:07:54 PM | Solbu | He talked about when he Lost 45TB the year before.
9:08:27 PM | Solbu | Now he has 97TB of video… :-)