Chat Logs for Episode 663 — #Category5 on /


With 43 Posts:Solbu
With 36 Posts:bp9
With 26 Posts:noeman5
With 21 Posts:SweSG
With 21 Posts:MarshMan

Chat Logs:

7:02:27 PMSweSG :P
7:03:02 PMSolbu You are alone this week?
7:03:25 PMSolbu Lift off.
7:04:15 PMSolbu Hehehe...
7:04:50 PMSolbu Yea, 2020 is the year we collect all bad experiences in one year.
7:04:58 PMhj good sound
7:05:11 PMSolbu Yes, the sound is good.
7:05:31 PMubu Sounds👍
7:05:54 PMMarshMan He is wired for sound
7:06:05 PMMarshMan Literally
7:06:12 PMbp9 weird? 🤣
7:06:12 PMSolbu :-)
7:06:37 PMbp9 made ya look @MarshMan 🙂
7:07:29 PMMarshMan 🙈
7:07:30 PMbigkitty hi
7:08:26 PMbigkitty cool time
7:09:09 PMbp9 There's a picture of it on the box @RobbieF LOL
7:09:15 PMnoeman5 I'm watching on my PBP.
7:09:50 PMSolbu bp9: I think that is called a teaser. :D
7:10:15 PMbp9 Solbu: Yup but I like to give him a hard time 🙂
7:10:21 PMSolbu Hehe.
7:10:36 PMbigkitty yes thay do that on tv
7:11:31 PMSolbu And later when he unbox it, out comes a … candy. ;-)
7:11:48 PMbigkitty haha
7:13:14 PMMarshMan Bosh? Canadians talk funny
7:14:12 PMbp9 I program in C on my PBP, using vi, cscope, ctags.
7:14:25 PMbigkitty yes see
7:14:26 PMbp9 Just like I would on my regular laptop
7:15:03 PMnoeman5 I use it for Python and Java. Also am going to try to hook it up to my 3D printer for controlling it.
7:15:32 PMnoeman5 Arc or Arch?
7:16:52 PMbp9 @noeman5 That should work, since you can likely drive a 3D printer from a RasPi and a PBP has better specs than a RasPi
7:17:19 PMbp9 I did have trouble with IDE like VSCode. What Java IDE did you use?
7:18:39 PMnoeman5 I'm just a beginner with Java, trying out a couple of IDE's, going to try BlueJ next.
7:18:51 PMMarshMan @bp9 try here for vscode
7:19:10 PMbp9 OK. I like IntelliJ IDEA but I don't know if it will be too heavy for the PBP
7:19:29 PMbp9 @MarshMan Thanks -- that's the one I installed -- headmelted
7:20:18 PMnoeman5 I like IntelliJ on Windows, haven't tried it yet on the PBP.
7:22:27 PMbp9 @MarshMan The headmelted version does not implement a good C/C++ environment for VSCode, and it's slow.
7:22:55 PMMarshMan ARM tradeoffs
7:23:02 PMbp9 Yup
7:23:54 PMMarshMan Is he really going to ruin Debian with GNOME?
7:24:19 PMbp9 Maybe I'm lagging, he's talking about LXTE, now MATE
7:24:57 PMMarshMan I am guessing
7:24:58 PMbp9 Oh, he's working up from the least popular options
7:25:19 PMbp9 You guessed right
7:25:22 PMbp9 LOL
7:25:36 PMubu Nooooo
7:25:40 PMbp9 It's gonna drag that PBP pretty badly
7:25:56 PMMarshMan I DESPISE GNOME
7:26:05 PMMarshMan Yes all CAPS
7:26:36 PMbp9 I'm surprised Blobby McBlobFace didn't warn you LOL
7:26:56 PMMarshMan I have Blobby under control
7:27:00 PMMarshMan 😛
7:27:21 PMMarshMan What?
7:27:22 PMbp9 Gnome! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
7:27:23 PMSolbu Plasma! :-)
7:27:23 PMSadSack963 All good
7:27:30 PMbp9 Sound is loud and clear
7:27:34 PMSolbu We hear you.
7:27:54 PMMarshMan @RobbieF made a commitment
7:28:02 PMRobbieF
7:28:05 PMMarshMan And he should be committed
7:28:17 PMbp9 Noice!
7:28:27 PMSolbu Nice.
7:28:36 PMMarshMan Nyce
7:28:50 PMSweSG I like Xfce. You can change most things with it. Ugly stock. But can be really beautiful!
7:29:30 PMubu It looks like GNOME 🤢
7:29:35 PMbp9 I agree -- no argument here. I like xfce as well
7:30:11 PMSolbu I remember when «Wing Commander Privateer 2» came out, the logo used in the game is the Gnome logo.
7:30:13 PMMarshMan Voted for XFCE
7:30:19 PMbp9 @RobbieF , do me one favor -- open up a bash window then try to drag it around the screen.
7:30:22 PMnoeman5 Whoa, dead air, the bane of Television
7:30:47 PMMarshMan Had my wife and daughter vote for it too
7:31:09 PMnoeman5 There's the 11%. lol
7:31:19 PMSolbu Hehe
7:31:28 PMbp9 I didn't vote because I don't do twitter. I've already seen XFCE on PBP -- installed it myself 🙂
7:32:10 PMSolbu I don't have a twitter account either, I have an IRC account…
7:32:20 PMnoeman5 I'm still running stock Manjaro, I do have cards with Kali and something else lying around though.
7:33:18 PMMarshMan IRC , so 20th century
7:33:24 PMSadSack963 hear you
7:33:28 PMSolbu We hear you.
7:33:51 PMnoeman5 Found the other card, it's Fedora
7:34:41 PMbp9 Thanks -- that's not as bad as I thought it would be.
7:35:07 PMbp9 I was expecting all kinds of tearing
7:36:04 PMMarshMan Does anybody else see a dog in the Debian background?
7:37:24 PMSweSG Gnome is pretty fast today. A lot has happened with the performance.
7:37:55 PMSolbu Is it me, or is the audio a little delayed?
7:38:04 PMSolbu err, the video delayed.
7:38:57 PMSadSack963 @RobbieF Nice to see the amazment on your face. I think you were pleasantly surprised.
7:40:02 PMubu 40 BILLION!!
7:40:48 PMSolbu RobbieF: When editing this episode you want to check the audio/video syncronization. When you were live in the second part of the pinebook show off, the video was a little delayed. but it seems ok during the recorded news.
7:41:10 PMRobbieF Thanks for the heads up. Will do.
7:50:19 PMubu 👍🏼
7:50:26 PMSadSack963 All good
7:51:39 PMRobbieF Woot!
7:52:58 PMubu When you unplug your mic there is still some clicking sounds.
7:53:25 PMSweSG Tutanota mail has been down a lot of times lately. DDoS! :/
7:53:27 PMSweSG
7:53:58 PMSweSG
7:53:58 PMSolbu For a minute I pictured «S.M.A.R.T. data» from harddrives, when he spoke of the smart something. :-)
7:58:09 PMSweSG I do not trust S.M.A.R.T. data. Many times my disks showed well, and then died the next day.
7:58:34 PMSolbu But when they do show the drive is having problems, it is handy.
7:58:55 PMSweSG Yep!
7:59:24 PMSolbu also the «Power_On_Hours» variable is handy for checking which drives are old and might need replacement when they fail. Then you can plan for it and hvare replacements ready.
7:59:34 PMSolbu *and have
8:01:19 PMSadSack963 I don't trust Micro$oft not to damage Linux eventually.
8:01:59 PMSolbu Oh ye of little faith.
8:02:59 PMSadSack963 Cool jacket
8:03:00 PMubu Wow, so cool
8:03:40 PMSolbu Guess we know what was in the box, now. :-)
8:03:42 PMSweSG Solbu: If it works yes. Has a Samsung SSD that shows 810 hours. Been on for 1 year.
8:03:42 PMSadSack963 Don't forget to plug the mic in 🙂
8:03:56 PMbp9 Solbu I have a lot of faith that MS will ruin linux
8:04:34 PMSadSack963 All OK
8:04:42 PMubu 👍
8:04:43 PMbp9 Yes and Yes -- loud and clear
8:04:58 PMSolbu We hear and see you.
8:05:47 PMnoeman5 What, you aren't just going to bolt the camera to the ceiling?
8:06:06 PMSolbu Yes, captain.
8:06:13 PMSweSG Solbu:
8:06:16 PMSweSG It shows the same in Linux.
8:06:20 PMnoeman5 You likea the Leica?
8:06:55 PMMI0RTX robbie hood ( with out bow )
8:07:09 PMbp9 All my S.M.A.R.T. stats on my drives are reporting "pre-failure" because they've been running for so long. 🙂
8:07:40 PMSweSG Hehe
8:07:40 PMnoeman5 How about a 10.5 FOOT model?
8:07:40 PMSolbu bp9: Those variables _Are_ prefailure, even if zero.
8:07:53 PMSolbu «Prefail» is the variable type.
8:08:16 PMbp9 Well yeah, they will fail eventually
8:08:29 PMSolbu There is only two types: Prefail and Old_age.
8:08:42 PMbp9 So they are pre-failure even when brand new LOL
8:08:49 PMSolbu Prefail values are more critical than old_age
8:09:15 PMnoeman5 Prefail and post-fail. 🙂
8:09:53 PMnoeman5 Video and audio slightly out of sync again.
8:10:29 PMSweSG
8:10:55 PMnoeman5 Send me the specs for the base @RobbieF , I'll try to print you one.
8:11:03 PMSolbu SweSG: The GUI you use to check the smart data is wrong. The Power_On_Hours are the wrong type. it's ID number is allways 8, not 0C.
8:11:20 PMnoeman5 engine boobs?
8:11:32 PMnoeman5 Oh, loops.
8:11:49 PMSolbu Hehe, nice typo. :-)
8:12:13 PMSweSG Solbu: Is that so? :)
8:13:29 PMSolbu SweSG: This is how it Should look like:
8:13:32 PMnoeman5 I like the wall and blue lights better than the black drapes.
8:13:47 PMnoeman5 Or is it Blue wall and lights?
8:13:51 PMbp9 Yay, Nice job @RobbieF
8:14:34 PMnoeman5 I think @SashaR had the right idea, you should have called this season 12.5 and avoid the jinx.
8:14:51 PMSolbu :-)
8:15:20 PMubu Looks good
8:15:20 PMSolbu RobbieF: Nice uniform.
8:16:20 PMSadSack963 @RobbieF The show worked much better without @Jeff Weston and @SashaR Is that coincidence?
8:16:33 PMSolbu Hehe..
8:16:47 PMnoeman5 Shame on you @SadSack963 , bite your tongue!
8:16:54 PMSweSG Solbu: I have: 0C 00000000032A Power On Hours. No idea what that means. :D
8:17:54 PMnoeman5 SweSG - you are using astronomical notation. I think that's like 32 quadrillion hours. lol
8:18:13 PMSweSG Hmm
8:18:27 PMbp9 isn't that 0x32a = 810 hrs decimal?
8:18:40 PMSolbu Like I said, I don't trust SweSG's gui. :-)
8:18:45 PMnoeman5 Sounds more likely @bp9
8:19:25 PMnoeman5 Nice shot of your back @RobbieF
8:19:39 PMMI0RTX 0x0c =12 and 0x32a =810
8:19:49 PMSweSG
8:20:05 PMSweSG Everything I see.
8:20:13 PMSadSack963 Nice show
8:20:39 PMMI0RTX nigth all
8:20:40 PMnoeman5 Aaaand, we're out!
8:21:14 PMSolbu SweSG: from the pastebin: «Power On Hours : 5745 hours»
8:21:45 PMSweSG It's the second SSD. I have 2.
8:21:51 PMSolbu $ date --date '-5745 hours'
8:21:51 PMSolbu ti. 21. jan. 16:21:29 +0100 2020
8:23:46 PMRobbieF Thanks all! Hope you enjoyed.
8:24:14 PMbp9 Absolutely. Nice job, @RobbieF
8:24:53 PMSolbu RobbieF: Nice touch using the Orville uniform jacket. :-)
8:27:56 PMSweSG RobbieF: Thanks for the show!
8:28:42 PMnoeman5 Have a good night all!
8:31:15 PMRobbieF You too!
8:31:19 PMRobbieF thanks guys.
8:58:59 PMSweSG Good night! The time is 03 in the morning. Up at 08.
8:59:18 PMRobbieF Nighty night!
9:20:54 PMSolbu RobbieF: btw, the live stream is still on. Only black, silent screen, but still live.
9:21:47 PMRobbieF
9:22:37 PMbp9 Gnome -- extraordinary that it was picked
9:22:49 PMbp9 more extraordniary that it ran! 🙂


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