Viewer Question Extravaganza and an iPad

  • S04E46
  • August 9, 2011

Robbie Ferguson sits down for a little one-on-one with the viewers, answering a wide assortment and large number of viewer questions. He also demonstrates the upcoming new version of the Category5 TV mobile site using an iPad.

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This episode is sponsored in part by: Eco Alkaline Batteries, Planet Calypso & Pogoplug.

Topics Covered:

  • Robbie Ferguson presents live from the Category5 studios in Barrie, Ontario.
  • Welcome to new viewers.
  • Using the Category5 Viewer Location Map.
  • Why it's actually not creepy that Category5 keeps a Viewer Location Map.
  • How to make a yummy pot of iced coffee.
  • Robbie hides his identity since he actually got an iPad this week.
  • A demonstration of the upcoming Category5 Mobile Site Version 2.
  • Viewer Comment: The iPad is way too slow.
  • Robbie replaced the protective case for his iPod Touch with one that covers the Apple logo.
  • Viewer Comment: The iPad is nice, but a tablet based on Linux would be really nice.
  • Viewer Comment: Next thing you know, Robbie will be wearing an Apple shirt.
  • Viewer Comment: I'd take the iPad just so nobody else has to.
  • Viewer Question: Do you code PHP on the iPad?
  • Viewer Comment: I just bought an Archos tablet, and I am actually pretty dissappointed in it.
  • Viewer Pictures: Congratulations to brimurray (50 Points), Emiel and Zando (100 Points).
  • Viewer Question: When you say you're programming an app for the iPad, are you using Object-Oriented C?
  • Robbie explains what he is currently developing for the iPad/iPhone.
  • Viewer Question: Are you no Google+?
  • Why register on the Category5.TV web site.
  • Viewer Question: I found Category5 TV while looking for video editors. What do you use to capture DV on Linux? I've tried Kino, but it seems to lock up.
  • Warnings for users of digital video cameras with regards to file storage and protecting your video files and data.
  • How to get Robbie's attention in the chat room.
  • Viewer Question: Is there a way to use my Pogoplug for my Linux /home folder rather than storing it on my local hard drive?
  • Understanding what Pogoplug is, and perhaps what it isn't.
  • Top stories from the Category5.TV Newsroom.
  • Viewer Comment: My unRAID server changes IP addresses when it reboots, so if you were going to use it for a home folder, you'd need to set it to a static IP.
  • Viewer Question: Are you using an Intel i7 processor at this point?
  • Viewer Comment: The i7 supports ECC now!
  • Viewer Question: What is ECC?
  • Viewer Comment: If you'd like an easy way to fix your bootloader, check out Boot-Repair from Ubuntu.
  • Viewer Question: I bought a TouchPad 11. I am having problems accessing past show videos, or watching the current show on the device because the TouchPad doesn't support Flash playback. Is there a way to get it to work on your end?
  • Viewer Question: I can't seem to find Category5 TV on XBMC. Where do I find it? Do I have to install something?
  • Viewer Question: I'd like to install multiple desktop environments on Ubuntu without getting all the extra applications that are included with each DE. How can I do this?
  • Viewer Question: Could you show us how to make an actual drop-down menu for a web site?
  • Grabbing Son of Suckerfish to create a base for your drop-down menus, which can be entirely styled using CSS.
  • Why text-based menu systems such as Son of Suckerfish are better than graphical or Flash menus.
  • Viewer Question: A while ago, Robbie showed us a web site to generate a font from our own handwriting--it was very good. But I can't find it! Where can I find this? - Note: Here it is -
  • Viewer Question: Synergy is a fantastic tool! I have a machine at home and one at my office, and a laptop I take with me. I'd like to make my laptop the main keyboard and mouse at both locations. Do you know how to make this happen?
  • Viewer Question: What is your id on Google+?
  • Viewer Question: What is AHCI? Do I need it in order to hot-swap my hard drives?

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