Raspberry Pi as a Development Web Server - Part 2

  • S09E15
  • January 5, 2016

We continue setting up our Pi web server with PHP and a strong Linux firewall (CSF/LFD). We also get things going on deploying MariaDB, but haven't quite got there yet. On GIMP Tips, we look at creating gradients and how to make the edges super-smooth.

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As I mention at the end of the show, sometimes it's a good thing when stuff doesn't go absolutely perfectly. When we encounter issues, maybe our troubleshooting will help someone get through those same issues. At least, that's the hope.

We successfully got PHP up and running on our Raspberry Pi web server, as well as the CSF/LFD firewall, which protects our server from all forms of attack: from port scans to login attempts over SSH. We also set a password for our "pi" user and made it so we could login as root to perform administrative tasks. I failed to install MariaDB however, which I'll cover on an upcoming episode once I review what went wrong.

In our GIMP Tips series, we look at a simple tool: the Blend Tool. We'll take it up a notch by improving the quality of the gradient exponentially using Adaptive Supersampling.

Jeff presented The Category5.TV Newsroom again this week. Kelsey joins us again before heading back to school, and Adam ran camera.

Thank you for your continued support! Enjoy the show.


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