Digispark Attiny85 Arduino Module

  • Support for the Arduino IDE 1.0+ (OSX/Win/Linux)
  • Power via USB or External Source - 5v or 7-35v (12v or less recommended, automatic selection)
  • On-board 500ma 5V Regulator; Power LED and Test/Status LED
  • 8K Flash Memory (about 6k after bootloader)
  • PCB size: approx. 28 x 15 x 5mm
Getting Started: https://digistump.com/wiki/digispark

Associated Videos:

Digitspark Beginner Project: A Flashing LED with Arduino

Features - May 9, 2018

As we begin learning how to create basic Arduino projects, we'll start with the ~$3 Digispark board and a very basic project to test our success: turning on and off an LED light automatically every second. This is a fun way to learn basic controller-based project creation at any age, or a fun way to teach kids the basics.

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