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DMX512 Lighting Controller

Whether branded as CO-Z, Uking, Lixada, or any number of made up names, the DMX512 is an affordable entry into the world of DMX (Digital Multiplex) lighting. Control lights, fog machines, motors and even our DIY Raspberry Pi Pan/Tilt hack from a single control board, resembling an audio mixer.

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Crew Conversation: A DIY Pan-Tilt Idea for Raspberry Pi HQ Camera Using DMX Lighting

Features - July 8, 2020

DJ Lighting kits are available for cheap. They use the DMX (Digital Multiplex) protocol to control lighting and motors. A pan/tilt light can be bought for roughly $90. So Robbie contemplates whether 3D printing a revised faceplate for that light would allow him to embed a Raspberry Pi HQ Camera, providing a high quality pan/tilt camera that could be controlled from the DMX board.

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