Turn Buildings Into 3D Prints or Video Game Models with a Standard Drone

  • From Category5 Technology TV S14E04
  • November 11, 2020

Using an assortment of free software, Henry and Robbie turn a real house into a significantly smaller 3D printed object. Henry uses aerial photogrammetry to turn his quadcopter into a pseudo real-world building scanner. He can import that scan into game engines, or even Blender. Robbie will demonstrate how he can also take the resulting file and turn it into a 3D printed version of the real-world object.

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Software Tools Used:

Site for buying or selling 3D objects (also includes free ones): https://sketchfab.com

Free Drone Flight Planning App: https://www.pix4d.com/product/pix4dcapture

Digital Reconstruction Software: https://DroneDeploy.com

Ultimaker Cura: https://ultimaker.com/software/ultimaker-cura
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