Category5 Lockdown Response: A Message from Robbie Ferguson

  • From Category5 Technology TV Episode 674
  • March 2, 2021

Our studio has once again been placed under a state of emergency lockdown. The global COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses to close their doors, and we don't want to be one of those. In order to ensure the longevity of our show -- our business -- Robbie Ferguson, owner of the Category5 TV Network, must take swift and decisive action. In this statement, Robbie will speak about what is happening, what is changing and why, and how viewers can participate in fun ways during this time of necessary change.

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As a point of clarity, the province of Ontario, Canada was placed under a state of emergency stay-at-home order on December 26, 2020, which lasted until February 16, 2021, at which point the province was placed in "red zone." Just 2 weeks later, on March 1, 2021, the region in which our studio resides (Simcoe County) returned to a state of emergency lockdown. This new lockdown is specific to our county, not the entire province.

UPDATE for viewers in Southern California: KVVB (Channel 33) will continue to carry our content, which will air Tuesday nights at 6pm. Their production team will be compiling our short form video each week into a single long-form program, combining the best of our Newsroom segment with our regular tech features.

Thank you for watching and supporting Category5 TV. Remember, we will continue to make our content freely available as it is released. There is absolutely no requirement for viewers to support us financially. Videos will continue to be published here on our YouTube channel every week, as our production schedule throughout the lockdown permits.
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