A Year of Batteries, Pogoplugs and Live Lag

  • S04E48
  • August 23, 2011

Robbie and Christa announce your chance to win a year supply of Eco Alkalines batteries, and offer a couple Pogoplug devices to give away. Many viewer questions are addressed. Lag on the streaming server unfortunately placed an unexpected delay on features, so viewer interaction was restricted, but a make-good episode will take place next week.

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Regretfully, tonight's show experienced severe video lag. We determined after the show that the delay for viewers was upwards of 23 minutes. The unfortunate thing is, this meant when Robbie requested people call the phone, nobody called--until several minutes later when they finally heard him say it. Also, nobody signed on to Click Race, since nobody knew it was going on until about 20 minutes after Robbie announced it. We have never experienced such extreme video lag, and hope that it was an isolated issue with the Internet or Justin.tv.
This episode is sponsored in part by: Eco Alkaline Batteries, Planet Calypso & Pogoplug.

Topics Covered:

  • Robbie Ferguson and Christa Wells present live from the Category5 studios in Barrie, Ontario.
  • Catching up with Christa Wells.
  • The new microphones are both up and running thanks to Music Pro and Behringer!
  • Information about the new broadcast server, which is now on order.
  • Announcement: Some upcoming contests require you to have a registered viewer account, so make sure you have signed up on our web site.
  • Space Fish is so still it's as if the stream has locked up.
  • Robbie is on Google+ [link to profile].
  • Today's earthquake gave Robbie a weird feeling.
  • Viewer Comment: On Episode 203 you told me how to setup Category5 TV on my XBMC system. IT WORKED!
  • Viewer begin to report lag.
  • Viewer Comment: The new microphones sound excellent!
  • Viewer Question: Can you please explain the "Only include these files" vs. "Exclude these files" options in Cobian Backup?.
  • Viewer Pictures - congratulations to Annoyance and Pyrosrockthisworld who both receive 100 Category5 Viewer Points for their submission.
  • Dvorak, and why Robbie wants to learn it.
  • Contest Announcement: Win a year supply of Eco Alkalines batteries. [Contest Details]
  • Thoughts about batteries and being environmentally friendly.
  • Viewer Question: What are Viewer Points, and what (if anything) are they used for?
  • Viewer Comment: Thanks for your help on last week's show. Here are a couple video site links for viewers wanting to learn more about PHP programming:
  • Top Stories from the Category5.TV Newsroom.
  • Christa opens up the CATPHONE, however due to a 23-minute video lag, calls did not come in until well after the request. (sorry gang!)
  • Robbie and Christa talk about HP's decision to shut down their PC/tablet manufacturing arm.
  • Viewer Question: I installed Scientific Linux but it doesn't load a GUI when you boot. What can I do?
  • Viewer Question: What is the average wage for a junior web developer?
  • Viewer Question: Annoyance from Georgia calls in via the CATPHONE and asks about a microphone issue he's having with Ubuntu 10.10. His mic isn't working in Linux, but works fine in Windows.
  • Introducing Click Race, an exciting new contest on Category5 which puts several viewers head-to-head in a race where the winner gets an incredible prize. Regretfully, due to the huge video lag this evening, viewers did not receive the information about it until after the show ended, and suddenly started logging in to the race (see the chat logs below starting at 8:12pm).
  • Viewer Comment: If I had paid $650 for a TouchPad, I'd be very angry that they marked it down to $100.
  • Robbie realizes at this point that lag is a serious issue, but expects the delay to only be a few minutes. Turns out it was a 24 minute lag.
  • Viewer Comment: When we call the CATPHONE, it says voicemail is full.
  • Announcing the new poll to vote for the best name for Space Fish. The winning entry will receive a Pogoplug and 300 viewer points.
  • Robbie suggests users do not use dictation software to play Click Race.
  • Viewer Question: Can you take calls by Skype?

Links to Relevant Web Sites:

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