Robbie and Eric work through a slew of viewer questions, give away a copy of Telestream Wirecast and announce our Earth Day giveaway contest. Eric also plays a live set of original songs.
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Notes: The Enterprise NCC-1701-D is 642.5 Meters long. Nowhere near Robbie's guess of 5 kilometres, but still, pretty big.
Why you'd choose SFTP over FTP when transferring files to and from your web server.
Connecting to SSH via the Linux terminal, even if it is hosted on an odd port.
Viewer Question: What is the easiest way to backup my entire Debian system in such a way that if I have a crash, I can restore the entire computer quickly?
The alternative version vs "free" version of Clonezilla.
Why you'd use Ethernet instead of WiFi when creating an image of your computer.
Understanding the difference between an image and an incremental backup.
Viewer Comment: As people are asking about accessing the old Category5 TV episodes, I thought I'd point you toward the Wayback Machine's archive of the site located on
{play 26:03}Top stories from the Category5.TV Newsroom.
Eric is annoyed at all the junk he gets on Facebook.
Greetings to those joining us in the chat room.
Viewer Question: I just upgraded my VirtualBox, but now I can't get Mint to go fullscreen. It's just a square in the middle of the screen. Why can't I get it to fill the screen?
{play 42:38}Wirecast giveaway! Congratulations to Jens Jarke!
{play 44:22}Live Musical Performance. Eric Kidd takes the stage and plays a couple original tunes.
Announcing our upcoming feature which will save you a ton of money.