DSLR Cameras for Broadcasting with Wirecast

  • S06E37
  • June 4, 2013

Is it possible to save some money and use a DSLR as an HD video source for Telestream Wirecast? Robbie and Sasha set out to find out on this episode of Category5 TV.

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Topics Covered:

  • Robbie Ferguson and Sasha Dirmeitis present from the Category5 studios in Barrie, Ontario.
  • {play 4:32}Feature: Can a DSLR (Canon Rebel EOS T2i) be used as an economical broadcast camera on Telestream Wirecast?
    • Why consumer camcorders don't give the same quality as a professional camera, or DSLR: depth of field.
    • Canon cameras can be hacked with Magic Lantern, which removes the overlays on the screen when outputting video via HDMI.
    • Connecting a T2i DSLR to Telestream Wirecast using an HDMI cable and Blackmagic Intensity Pro capture card.
    • Configuring function settings in the camera to test it with Live View shooting over HDMI.
    • Auto-focus on the T2i in video mode is entirely useless.
    • Checking source settings on Telestream Wirecast and making sure to deinterlace the 1080i source.
    • Removing the letterbox edges from your T2i source using scaling in Telestream Wirecast.
    • Testing the auto-focus on the T2i video mode. Useless.
    • Comparing live video from the Canon Vixia HF-R10 consumer camcorder and the Canon Rebel EOS T2i in Wirecast.
    • Abigail's wedding was shot with a Nikon D5100, and some wide shots were done using the Vixia HF-R10, and gives a good quality comparison.
    • Conclusion:
      • Since you can't use auto-focus with the T2i in live video mode, setting your focus and then keeping your subjects within the focal range is entirely possible.
      • Using a DSLR allows for the changing of lenses on the cheap.
      • The source from a DSLR is very close to true 1080i.
      • The T2i and other DSLRs will automatically stop recording after 20-30 minutes in order to keep the internal components from overheating.
      • If broadcasting a short (10-20 minute) show live, or if pre-recording can be done in 20 minute segments, a DSLR can be used as an economical option as a live camera source for Telestream Wirecast.
      • Because the T2i (and other DSLR cameras) automatically turn off to cool down, they cannot realistically be used on a 1 hour show such as ours.
      • Church services may work really well with Telestream Wirecast and DSLR, unless the preacher is long-winded.
      • Perhaps having two DSLR cameras in the demonstrated setup, and being able to switch to the second camera before the first turns off could be an option.
      • Even active auto-focus doesn't always work well for video. You might prefer manual focus.
      • Viewer Comment: I think the cons outweigh the pros.
  • {play 23:42}Top Stories from the Category5.TV Newsroom.
    • Microsoft returns the start menu to Windows 8, but it still sucks.
    • Visually impaired people are having trouble signing a petition to demand better accessibility because the form for the petition is not accessible.
    • Should the government be allowed to block Internet pornography by default?
    • If you can’t remember your password, would you remember to take a pill?
    • The makers of Minecraft have launched an open beta for a new battle game.
  • {play 34:41}Announcing the plans for our 300th episode.
  • {play 36:27}Viewer Questions.
  • Viewer Question: I have an old Pentium computer running the Arduino programming application on Ubuntu 10.10. I'd like to move it over to a newer machine, but it'd take some work to get it going on a new version of Ubuntu. Could I instead convert the running computer to a virtual machine?
    • Clonezilla disk cloning tool allows the creation of a hard drive image which can then be cloned back to a virtual machine and booted.
  • Viewer Question: I made a mistake that eventually lead to a scan of a passport being displayed on a social media site similar to Facebook. How bad is the situation?
  • Viewer Question: I've recently setup a Windows 7 computer as a server for Minecraft, but would prefer to use Linux. Is there a way to host this without having to place it on my main PC?
    • MineOS+ is a distro specifically built to host a Minecraft server, with a web-based GUI.
  • Viewer Comment: I was writing a database for a client which had to check postal codes, but without an Internet connection for an API. I used Google Maps to do some research, and interestingly it did really poorly with addresses here because on one side of the road the numbers ascend, but they descent on the other side.
  • Viewer Comment: I've been a Linux user for almost 15 years, and have already learned new stuff from just the few episodes of Category5 TV I've caught so far. I'm a CEO of a small industrial manufacturing firm and we have been using Linux more and more. When we migrate users from Windows to Linux, we first convert their Windows system into a virtual machine so they can still run it as they're used to if they need to, but we encourage them to use the Linux host for their Internet use.
  • {play 55:36}Viewers who are interested in supporting the show may submit donations to help us grow.
  • Sasha is going to Jamaica at the end of June.
  • Robbie saw the new Star Trek movie.

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