See Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon in full effect for the first time: how games run on this cutting edge operating system and how well it detects new hardware.
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Topics Covered:
- Introduction to the Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon (7.10) desktop and new
- Followup to last week's topic re. Acer Orbicam drivers
- Plug-and-Play Printers and Scanners in Gutsy Gibbon
- Three misconceptions about Linux: It doesn't support hardware, it's
ugly, it doesn't have good games
- A look at the included software in Ubuntu 7.10 ( 2.3,
The GIMP 2.4)
- Filetypes supported by OpenOffice
- Ubuntu Update Manager
- Using CompizConfig Settings Manager to change 3D effects
- Ubuntu Tracker search features and potential
- FREE Linux Games in Review: Tremulous and Nexuiz
- KDE Version in Kubuntu Gutsy Gibbon 7.10
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Skydomes on my personal site:
Interfacelift Wallpapers:
BZFlag (Phil's recommendation):
I should just mention, as I answered Phil's question about Teamspeak, but
never actually explained what that is. It's a program that lets gamers talk
back and forth live (like a party-line) using headsets or computer