SAVVIS (CenturyLink) and the Cloud

  • S07E02
  • October 8, 2013

Robbie and Hillary speak with Dave Shacochis from SAVVIS (now CenturyLink Technology Solutions) about their recent partnership with VMWare and what it means to users of their services.

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Topics Covered:

  • {play 3:04}Interview: Dave Shacochis joins us from SAVVIS.
    • Understanding what SAVVIS is, and what they do for their clients.
    • The SAVVIS customer and who can benefit from their services.
    • The partnership between SAVVIS and VMWare announced at this year's VMWord event.
    • Understanding Infrastructure as a Service.
    • How technology has revolutionized business infrastructure over the past 10 years.
    • SAVVIS is helping accellerate VMWare's vCloud with more datacentre locations.
    • The future of SAVVIS and the aquisition of AppFog.
    • Find out more at
  • {play 14:44}Welcome to new registered viewers.
  • {play 16:25}Thank you to Music Pro for fixing the "crackling" sound on our mics that we were experiencing at the end of Season 6.
  • {play 17:34}Thank you to viewers who have donated to help keep the show strong. Don't forget that our big fundraiser starts on October 15th.
  • {play 18:50}Viewer Comment: Check out Fotowall. It is an open source program that allows you to create a collage.
  • {play 20:32}Viewer Question: I have Point Linux running on my laptop now, but during the installation process it asks me if I want to install GRUB to /dev/sda or /dev/sda1. I tried both, but it didn't work. I had to use a USB boot stick to get the system booted. I also can't get WiFi working. Any ideas?
    • Rescatux can fix broken GRUB and GRUB 2 installations.
  • {play 26:09}The Mac vs. Linux out of box experience.
  • {play 27:55}Viewer Comment: How to pronounce Sr. Wences.
  • {play 29:14}Top Stories from the Category5.TV Newsroom
    Note: We had a shot error with Hillary's shot and so the news segment tonight was inaudible. It has been fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    • Raspberry Pi has manufactured 1 million units in the UK.
    • A new level of cloud-based mobile device management has been released.
    • Annoyed at your stupid smoke alarm? Now there’s a smart one!
    • Adobe has been hacked, leaking personal information and product source code.
  • {play 40:23}netTALK and vtech have teamed up to offer a bundle including free long distance for one year, plus all the hardware you need: a netTALK DUO and two vtech DECT 6.0 wireless phones.
  • {play 43:24}I'm using KeyPassX to manage my passwords and Glipper as a keyboard manager. The catch 22 is that while KeePassX purges the password from the clipboard after a set number of seconds, the password remains in the Glipper dropdown. Any ideas how this could be resolved?
  • {play 46:04}Prize Giveaway: a NewerTechnology 7-port Powered USB 2.0 Hub.
  • {play 48:53}Viewer Question: I have an old XP computer and Windows 2000 server. Would your tutorial from Episode 313 where you virtualized a Windows 7 system work on these older machines?
  • {play 52:07}Viewer Question: On Episode 236 you talked about the Microsoft Studio Lifecam, and I went out and bought one, but I'm getting really low framerate. As you outlined in the episode, lighting makes a big difference, and I will test that, but is there anything else that massively improves the framerate?
  • {play 56:35}Viewer Question: I saw your episode where you suggested external harddrives with integrated encryption are a bad idea. But have you seen the Chameleon USB encryption device?
  • Tags


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