Introducing Telestream Wirecast 5

  • S07E10
  • December 3, 2013

Taking a first look at the latest major release of Telestream Wirecast.

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  • Category5 Technology TV is a member of the Tech Podcast Network - and the International Association of Internet Broadcasters -
  • {play 5:18}Thank you to those who have contributed to support the Indiegogo campaign.
  • {play 7:09}Greetings to our newly registered viewers.
  • {play 8:36}Sasha's desperate plea to Santa Baby to buy her a computer.
  • {play 10:27}Feature: Introducing Telestream Wirecast 5, the latest major release of the professional broadcast suite.
    • You can download a free trial of Telestream Wirecast at
    • Robbie was hesitant to upgrade from Wirecast 4 to Wirecast 5 because of the possibility of needing more time to configure the new software than he has available between episodes. Wirecast however proved itself by installing perfectly, with no issues, and even automatically imported our episode shots from Wirecast 4.
    • Wirecast's Virtual Microphone output allows other applications to use its audio output as an audio source.
    • BUTT is a real thing, and we love it.
    • What Wirecast does.
    • How the shot list works in Wirecast.
    • Using the shot editor to preview or modify your camera shots and audio for that shot.
    • Desktop Presenter lets you stream computer desktops (even the broadcast system itself) to Wirecast through your local area network at up to 60 frames per second.
    • Moving a camera around on our canvas using the shot editor.
    • Adding a new shot to our Wirecast shot list.
    • Contest Announcement: We are giving away a copy of Wirecast 5 Pro!
  • {play 26:09}Top Stories from the Category5.TV Newsroom
    • Amazon would like to start delivering your order via unmanned drones.
    • Google is working on replacing you with a robot. At least, on your social platforms.
    • A man from Newport accidentally threw out a hard drive containing $7.5 Million worth of Bitcoin.
    • Sony has filed a patent for a “SmartWig”. Yes, it’s just like the name implies.
  • {play 41:42}A creative Christmas gift idea: create personalized items through VistaPrint.
  • {play 47:12}Viewer Question: Our church has two Panasonic AG-HPX250 video cameras, a Wirecast 4 setup and an ATEM 1/ME Switcher. We need a couple more cameras, but we can't afford to buy two more AG-HPX250. Can you suggest some cheaper camera options that will work with HDMI output at 720/60p?
    • When shopping B&H please use this link: (they kick back some $$ to the show)
    • Canon XF105 supports HDMI and HDSDI and costs roughly $3,000 at the time of this episode.
    • Canon XF100 is the same camera as the XF105, but with HDMI output (no HDSDI) and costs roughly $2,500 at the time of this video.
    • Panasonic's new AG-AC8 has some impressive specs considering the price tag is only around $1,200 at the time of this broadcast. Has HDMI output and decent zoom features.
  • {play 56:20}Viewer Question: I use a program on Windows that allows me to control my audio very easily and keep all the volume levels the same. Is there anything on Linux that can do the same?
  • Accessing the chat logs following a live broadcast.
  • New Feature: Closed captions can be enabled for on-demand video with text from the chat room logs. Read Robbie's blog entry for more details here:
  • {play 59:54}Contest Announcement: ESET will be visiting Category5 TV and giving away VISA cash cards. Make sure you're registered on Category5.TV!
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