1080p Webcam Battle: Microsoft LifeCam Studio vs. Logitech C920

  • S07E22
  • February 25, 2014

There are a few webcams that claim to be 1080p, and we put two of the main ones head-to-head in a broadcast battle. The winner is an obvious one.

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  • {play 10:30}Feature: The Battle of the 1080p Webcams
    • Our comparison is with the broadcaster (not "normal home user") in mind.
    • Both the Microsoft LifeCam Studio and Logitech C920 can handle true 1080p video, although the software that comes with the LifeCam only supports up to 720p.
    • Both cameras can be mounted to a tripod, but the mount for the LifeCam Studio is better than that of the C920 (which may not fit all tripods).
    • The Microsoft camera has a better mount altogether.
    • The framerate of the Logitech C920 is excellent in all conditions. The Microsoft LifeCam Studio camera can get a good framerate, but it is inconsistent. In our live demonstration, the framerate of the Microsoft camera was terrible.
    • In low light scenarios, the C920 framerate stays consistent. The Microsoft LifeCam Studio clocks down the framerate to increase the luminescense of the scene, which results in choppy video. Fine for Skype, no good for broadcasting.
    • The auto focus of the Logitech C920 are fairly good. The auto focus on the Microsoft LifeCam Studio is useless and leads to the camera needing to be set to manual focus.
    • The Logitech C920 is persistent, so when you reboot your computer, the manual settings remain. The Microsoft LifeCam Studio requires you to reconfigure the camera after every reboot if you're using manual settings. This makes the C920 much easier to work with for broadcasting.
    • WINNER: For web broadcasting and HD YouTube video recording, the Logitech C920 webcam is a clear winner. The Microsoft camera is fine for home use, but not consistent enough for broadcasting.
  • {play 27:51}Viewer Question: How do these webcams work with Linux?
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    • Congratulations to tachos! We look forward to seeing your show.
    • Some of the uses of Telestream Wirecast include churches broadcasting their services, schools broadcasting graduation ceremonies or classroom presentations, sports complexes wanting to broadcast their games (including live scoreboarding), wedding videographers wanting to provide live streaming of the ceremony, and so much more.
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