Behind CDNJS

  • S07E31
  • April 29, 2014

Get to know two of the people behind CDNJS: Ryan Kirkman and Thomas Davis. Their service allows web developers to build faster web sites, and it's free.

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We used one of the Logitech C920 webcams for our main camera this week to see if we could get good picture without the flicker.

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  • {play 4:16}Feature: Behind CDNJS: An Interview with Ryan Kirkman and Thomas Davis from
    • Tonight's interview utilizes Skype's Group Calls feature, which was made freely available by Microsoft this week.
    • Some background info about CDNJS and how it got started.
    • How CDNJS speeds up web sites by putting your JavaScript files in the cloud.
    • How CDNJS is different from other CDN services, such as Google's or Microsoft's CDN.
    • The open, community-driven structure of CDNJS.
    • How CDNJS keeps its code up to date.
    • The reliability of CDNJS.
    • The astronomical growth of CDNJS, serving billions of requests per month on over 150,000 web sites at this time.
    • How CDNJS is able to provide its services for free.
    • Like many other services, CDNJS has run into problems in China due to the Great Firewall of China. CloudFlare helps them mitigate this problem, but developers in China have also taken the open source code and replicated a CDNJS service in China.
    • Sublime Text and JSFiddle are using CDNJS in an interesting way.
    • To support CDNJS, help maintain the service on GitHub.
    • A quick look at CDNJS and how simple it is to find and use their hosted JavaScript.
    • Getting in touch with CDNJS is as simple as opening their chat room.
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  • {play 54:55}Viewer Comment: I sent in the question about setting up a Kodak printer on Linux. There are a couple web sites I've found that have the driver, and you're welcome to connect in to my computer to give it a go.
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