Dave Jevans, VP of Mobile Security at Proofpoint joins Robbie and Jeff to discuss the state of the Android and iOS marketplaces and how malicious code is finding its way into even seemingly legitimate applications.
I'm really enjoying having some exceptional interviewees on the show! Last week was author John Hornick discussing how 3D printing will rock the world. And this week we welcomed Dave Jevans, VP of Mobile Security at Proofpoint to the show to discuss the state of the Android and iOS app marketplace, and how malware is finding its way into seemingly legitimate apps.
Jeff sat in the co-host seat once again this week, and brought us the top stories from the Category5.TV Newsroom.
Discussions ranged from taking control of drones to Babylon 5 and Battlestar Galactica.
Enjoy the show, and thank you for supporting the Category5 TV Network!