Adding Another Hard Drive to a Linux LVM

  • S09E40
  • June 28, 2016

Now that we've installed Linux with Logical Volume Management and learned to reduce the size of the Logical Volume, let's take the opposite approach and add another hard drive to the LVM, thereby giving ourselves more space.

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Welcome back to another exciting week of Category5 Tech TV!

This week we jump back on our Logical Volume Management series! We've covered installing Ubuntu Mate with LVM, reducing the size of a LVM Logical Volume and creating LVM Snapshots, and now we'll learn to expand a Logical Volume by adding another hard drive!

We also had some great viewer comments and questions, caught up with Jeff Weston on his new computer (he hates Windows 10 by the way), and have a great discussion about how Social Engineering-driven Phishing Attacks are getting smarter and more convincing.

Lots of great things on the horizon this summer! Thank you so much for choosing to support Category5 TV!


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