Season 10 kicks off with a 360 VR Video experience! This "Standard Version" has been converted for your TV, Computer or other non-VR ready device. Featuring Robbie Ferguson, Jeff Weston, Sasha Dirmeitis, Shelly Desilva, Erika Lalonde, Christa Wells and Lionel Lalonde. Take a look around Studio D and let's recap some of the great times we've had in the first 9 years of broadcasting Category5 Technology TV.
It took 12 hours short of 2 weeks to produce the 360 version, and now 2 full weeks later we bring you the standard version! Episode 471--the Season 10 Kickoff--is up in standard 16:9 format!
Featuring myself, Jeff Weston, Sasha Dirmeitis, Shelly Desilva, Erika Lalonde, Christa Wells and Lionel Lalonde.
Take a look around Studio D and let's recap some of the great times we've had in the first 9 years of broadcasting Category5 Technology TV.
We also took the time to directly thank our patrons--so watch for your name if you were a Patron on September 27th.
Thank you so much for all your support and for making Category5 Technology TV possible by helping us fund the free programming we offer.
Enjoy the show!