Ryan Kalember is the SVP of Cybersecurity Strategy at Proofpoint and joins us to discuss the Proofpoint Q3 Threat Summary and their findings with regards to malware on iOS and Android.
Sorry for the delay in getting this week's show up. I made a little mistake Thursday morning which delayed things... I stopped in at the studio to get the files for the upload, but accidentally copied the wrong file. So when I began the upload on my lunch break, I quickly realized the show was missing... so I had to return to the studio after work, and that set me back a day in getting the video to you.
It's worth the wait!
What a great interview with Ryan Kalember from Proofpoint. We talked about all things mobile malware, and learned a lot about how the landscape of ransomware is evolving quickly from PC to mobile. We focus on the tricks malware developers use to exploit you and your data, and how we can protect ourselves.
Our news segment this week was also a blast. Sasha and Jeff need to learn to get along, because it's non-stop butting heads on whose opinion is correct. I think we all know, it's mine.
Enjoy the show, and don't forget to peek in on our new web site, which is growing by leaps and bounds each day.