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Video Content
Hokie doodles! We make a lot of video, and have been doing so since 2007! Browse this site to check out some of the great content, and enjoy! We give it away for free.
System Administration
NEMS Linux Robbie's world-famous enterprise asset monitoring distro for single board computers. Because sysadmins can't be standing in front of every computer all the time, NEMS Linux will alert you to potential problems, failures and more.
Pinecraft Installer (Minecraft Server Installer) Robbie makes it super easy to get a Minecraft server up and running with his popular Pinecraft Installer. You can turn a single board computer into a Minecraft server, and get up and running quickly with an optimized multiplayer game server.
Minecraft Player Lookup Tool Get your player UUID and some other useful information about your Minecraft player.
reits.csv Canadian Real Estate Investment Trusts pricing data, updated every 15 minutes. Powered by Robbie's free project, reit2csv.
Robbie's Chia Plot Calculator Calculate the settings for Chia plotting by feeding your system information into the calculator.
Current IP Address Output your current IP address without any extra junk like ads. Also supports programmatic and JSON output because that's how Robbie rolls.
Set Linux Date and Time If your single board computer's date is wrong, you won't be able to browse the web, do system updates, or even perform an NTP clock sync (perhaps ironically). Robbie wrote a tool to make it easier for users to quickly fix this issue with a quick copy-and-paste line of code.
3D Printing
Timelapse GCODE Injector Take a picture with your DSLR in between each layer of your 3D print by injecting it with Robbie's Timelapse GCODE.