Free Multi-Track Audio Studio Software

  • S04E05
  • October 26, 2010

The Halloween Special: Lieutenant Commander Robbie Ferguson joins Left Wing player Eric Kidd to talk about the free multi-track audio studio software, Jokosher. A brief talk about the disposable mentality of our society and how retailers are trying to force it on us. Answering a slew of viewer questions.

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This episode is sponsored in part by: Planet Calypso.

Topics Covered:

  • Lieutenant Commander Robbie Ferguson beams in from the Enterprise to pay a visit to our fair planet.
  • Viewer Testimonials.
  • Viewer Question:  I have installed a Microsoft Windows application on Linux using wine.  How do I add a shortcut / application launcher to both the Desktop and the Applications menu for my Windows program on GNOME?
  • What wine does.
  • Finding the executable (.exe) file of your wine-installed applications on Linux.
  • Copying a file location to your clipboard using Linux.
  • Viewer Comment:  There are community advisors in the gateway now to help new players learn how to play Entropia Universe / Planet Calypso.
  • Viewer Comment:  The date and episode on the footer is wrong.
  • Eric's Question:  With Google Calendar's embedded agenda view, it only shows the upcoming four weeks.  If there is nothing going on during that time, the calendar comes up blank.  How can I work around this?
  • Viewer Question:  I've watched your show since you visited the Lime-Technology (unRAID) forum.  How can I take content from a folder and populate a mySQL database with the contents of the directory?
  • Viewer Question:  I recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 and when installing, I had the option to install either the 32-bit or 64-bit version.  Which should I choose, and what is the difference?  32-bit vs. 64-bit Linux.
  • Top stories from the Category5.TV Newsroom.
  • Software Feature:  Jokosher multi-track audio editor.  Free software with installers for both Linux and Windows.
  • Robbie's thoughts on the "disposable hardware" mentality, and how retailers and hardware manufacturers are pushing it on our society.
  • Future Shop and their "Don't fix it... Replace it" mentality (as one example).
  • Feature:  Using Telestream Wirecast, an HD webcam and a green screen to create live video special effects.

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