Becoming a Blogger

  • S04E19
  • February 1, 2011

Setup your own WordPress blog and get blogging with your own web site URL provided for free from WordPress.

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Turns out the problems getting the new HD camera to initialize were due to a faulty HDMI cable. Robbie lost 2 hours of prep time trying to get the show on the air tonight, and had to use an analogue camera input in order to make it happen. So the quality is not as good, but the show still went on.
This episode is sponsored in part by: Planet Calypso & Pogoplug.

Topics Covered:

  • Robbie Ferguson, Eric Kidd and Hillary Rumball present in studio.
  • Viewer Testimonials.
  • The Category5 definition of a Jackalope.
  • Viewer Comment: After reinstalling ubuntu-restricted-extras in Synaptic Package Manager, video is fixed on my Ubuntu computer.
  • Viewer Question: What diagnostic software should I use to figure out what hardware problem is causing my computer to run so slow?
  • Viewer Question: I can't get Windows XP to connect via Synergy to my Windows 7 computer. How can I get this working?
  • Viewer Question: When using my HTPC powered by Linux, it occasionally jumps over to a DOS-like screen and I can't get back to the GUI. How do I fix this?
  • Viewer Comment: Pogoplug has confirmed my issue with my iPhone app is a bug in the app. They're working with me to resolve the issue, using me as a test-case.
  • Hillary is using a Macbook tonight, squinting, because she can't see the chat room.
  • Robbie's been using an iPod Touch.
  • Enlarging browser fonts on a Macbook with Command +.
  • What would it take for Hillary to let Robbie install Linux on her laptop?
  • Hillary wants to use Windows, Mac and Linux.
  • Robbie looks at Antix, a light-weight Linux distro for older computers.
  • Top stories from the Category5.TV Newsroom.
  • Why Hillary smirks at the end of the news.
  • Robbie's concerns about the new bandwidth charges for Internet usage in Canada.
  • The Domain Registry of Canada: what a scam.
  • Feature: Becoming a blogger - getting your own WordPress blog for free.
  • Get your own copy of WordPress to install on your own server.
  • Registering your own blog with WordPress.
  • Activating your WordPress account.
  • Logging in to your WordPress account for the first time.
  • Posting your first blog on WordPress.
  • Changing your WordPress blog with one of the built in ones.
  • Adding new plugins to WordPress.
  • Updating your plugins in WordPress.
  • Announcing the Wirecast 4 giveaway and how you can win a free copy of the incredible broadcasting software from Telestream ($449 value).
  • Viewer Question: Can Wirecast be used to record your netcast?

Links to Relevant Web Sites:

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