Saving Money Using Technology - Part 2: The Sub-$100 Multimedia Center

  • S05E35
  • May 22, 2012

Looking at the AIOS HD Media Center, which provides full HD video, music, BitTorrent client and more in a device that is commonly available for under $100.

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This episode is sponsored in part by: Eco Alkalines, Garden Gate Farms and Cordery Electric.

Topics Covered:

  • Robbie Ferguson and Eric Kidd present live from the Category5 studios in Barrie, Ontario.
  • Eric's new nickname, which will never stick.
  • The upcoming web site launch features the Community Photo Booth and you can use it now.
  • Eric is filling in for Rachel Xu, who is off sick.
  • Eric's upcoming recital performance has him accompanying a cellist.
  • Win a year supply of Eco Alkalines batteries.
  • Defining a "year supply" of batteries.
  • Eric's Question: What size batteries do Eco Alkalines manufacture?
  • {play 14:19}Viewer Questions.
  • Viewer Question: I usually setup swap on my Linux hard drive, but since I'm switching to SSD, I'm concerned about decreasing the lifespan of my drive if I do that. Should i instead put more RAM in the system?
  • Viewer Question: I'm trying to install DockbarX on Ubuntu 12.04. I followed the steps on Launchpad, but I can't get it installed. Any suggestions?
  • Installing DockbarX on Ubuntu 12.04 using the WebUpd8 PPA (
  • Viewer Question: I'm using Goldwave and Cyberlink PowerDirector, along with a Blue Yeti microphone to produce video with my Flip video camera. How can I match up the audio with the video?
  • Clapboards are available at
  • {play 32:07}Top Stories from the Category5.TV Newsroom.
  • {play 38:08}Contest announcement: Win a magicJack Plus and get free phone service for a year, followed by an annual phone bill of only $30.
  • {play 42:32}Feature: The Sub-$100 HD Multimedia Center.
  • The AIOS Multimedia Center lists for about $200 but it is available as low as $80-90.
  • AIOS includes a 3.5" hard drive tray to add an optional internal SATA hard drive (not included).
  • This HTPC has everything, but is very economical.
  • Connecting and firing up the AIOS Multimedia Center.
  • At first bootup, the AIOS device spins up the fan and generates a fair bit of fan noise, but it quiets down after boot.
  • A full-function remote control allows you to navigate the AIOS Multimedia Center.
  • Navigating the AIOS menu system.
  • The AIOS is a lower power consumption device.
  • The AIOS is for playback, but out of the box does not support recording (no inputs).
  • The AIOS Multimedia Center actually serves up your internal hard drive and connected media over smb protocol, which means you can access it just like any NAS.
  • The AIOS includes two BitTorrent clients (including Transmission!) which lets you download files without a PC directly to your AIOS set-top box.
  • Finding the IP address of your AIOS device on the network.
  • Accessing the AIOS hard drive over the network from a Linux computer.
  • Accessing the BitTorrent software which is built in to the AIOS.
  • Rescanning the storage on the AIOS so you gain access to any new video, music or picture files.
  • AIOS remembers where you stopped your video playback, so the next time you open the file, it allows you to resume.
  • The seek features of AIOS are really intuitive.
  • Demonstrating the zoom features of AIOS.
  • Accessing Shoutcast Internet Radio directly on the AIOS device.
  • AIOS includes a Web Browser, YouTube, Audio and Video Podcasts, Local Weather, and even Category5 Technology TV on-demand.
  • How to get the AIOS Multimedia Center for under $100.
  • Netflix, Hulu and other streaming TV/Movie services are accessible using the third-party PlayOn.TV service.

Links to Relevant Web Sites:

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