Nelson Hudes joins Robbie and Hillary to discuss how netTALK DUO is able to save you nearly $1,000 per year by replacing your existing phone company. And you can even keep your phone number!
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Robbie Ferguson and Hillary Rumball present from the Category5 studios in Barrie, Ontario, with special guest Nelson Hudes from NetTalk DUO.
The Google+ Hangouts happen each week during the live show.
The growth of Category5.TV in China.
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A quick check on Major Tom.
{play 8:30}Interview: Nelson Hudes from NetTalk DUO talks with Robbie about how his product saves users close to $1,000 per year.
netTALK DUO products allow you to keep your existing phone number.
The netTALK DUO device line uses your Internet connection to replace your phone line.
Switching to netTALK DUO can save you $900+ per year by allowing you to fire your phone company.
The true cost of netTALK DUO - hardware plus annual service, with no more phone bills, ever.
Is your Internet service not good enough? No problem; the money you're saving will allow you to upgrade to a better Internet service and still save money.
Where the netTALK DUO can be purchased.
Buying International phone service is $10 / month and gives you unlimited calling.
Month of Love promotion gives you free SMS messaging (coupon now expired).
Use cases for netTALK DUO. Students, travelers, family vacations.
With netTALK DUO, even if your kids go overseas, it's still a local call to talk to them.
The difference between the devices: netTALK DUO, DUO II or DUO WiFI.
netTALK DUO WiFi remembers multiple WiFi networks.
netTALK toll-free support provides a toll-free number for one-on-one help.
Viewer Question: Can you get a netTALK DUO outside Canada or the USA?
The features: Enhanced 911 service, Call Answer, Call Waiting, Call Forwarding, and more! Everything you'd expect from any high-end phone service. All included at no extra charge.
Viewer Question: Can you activate a netTALK DUO device on Linux?
The cost of porting your phone number to netTALK DUO.
Trying the netTALK DUO before you commit to canceling your existing provider.
Checking out the new birds, Pumpkin and Clementine.
{play 30:20}Top Stories from the Category5.TV Newsroom.
{play 35:56}Feature: Activating a netTALK DUO device and getting ready to save around $1,000 per year.
netTALK DUO WiFI unboxing.
Plugging the netTALK DUO into a Linux computer.
Using to activate our netTALK device using the credentials printed on the inside of the product box.
Setting up our login credentials for netTALK service.
Setting up 911 service with our netTALK device.
Selecting a phone number to get us started with netTALK DUO. Remember, we can later port our existing number if we like, so this is just our initial setup.
Accessing the netTALK Customer Account Manager for the first time.
Porting our existing phone number to our netTALK DUO account with just a few mouse clicks.
Activating some extra features such as Voicemail on our netTALK DUO.
Disconnecting the netTALK DUO from our computer and then moving it over to Ethernet for a more permanent setup.
Using the A/C power adapter for the netTALK DUO allows you to plug everything into a battery backup (UPS) so even in a power outage, your netTALK DUO phone service will work.
Now that the netTALK DUO is configured, your phone will ring once and the service is activated.
Making our first phone call (to Illinois) over netTALK DUO.
{play 49:03}Viewer Questions.
Viewer Question: I am looking for a way to change the color of individual folders. Do you have any suggestions?
We'll assume the viewer is using Nautilus.
Changing the folder icon for a folder in Nautilus.
Screengrabbing the existing folder icon and colorizing it, as a quick demonstration to get you started.
Viewer Question: Can you install Ubuntu Mobile on other phones, or just the Galaxy Nexus? Could it be installed on the HTC One X?
Viewer Question: How can I use ProxyChains on Debian 6? Or alternatively, is there a way to browse anonymously from Linux?
Viewer Question: What do you think of Firefox OS? Will it be better than Android?
{play 57:18}Prize Giveaway: A netTALK DUO WiFi with one year free phone service including Canada/USA long distance calling.