Solidifying Passwords by Understanding Entropy

  • S07E04
  • October 22, 2013

Make your password much more challenging for computer programs to brute force by taking entropy into account when planning out your password. Don't worry, we explain in easy-to-grasp terms.

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  • {play 13:52}Feature: Securing your password by understanding entropy.
    • Note: in order to avoid the overly-complex mathematics of finding true entropy, we have designed some easy-to-understand samples to conduct these demonstrations. Mathematically, they are not entirely accurate and do not take into account all variables, however the facts demonstrated remain (eg., the difference in strength between password types) and this was done intentionally to simplify a very complex lesson.
    • Who we need to be most concerned about when it comes to our password strength.
    • Entropy is the measurement of the unpredictability of data.
    • Uncertainty influences entropy.
    • Some simplistic examples of how to understand the randomness of data.
    • What we generally think of as a strong password is in fact not stong at all. aT3!o5 would take a modern computer just fractions of a second to figure out.
    • Simple word-based passwords can be stronger than hard to remember random passwords for brute-force attacks. projectorfireplace would take a brute-force attacker 334 million years to guess (but only 4 days by dictionary attack—read below).
    • Adding random characters to the simple word-based password will improve the password for dictionary-based attacks.
    • Figuring out the maximum number of tries it would take to brute-force your password.
    • Now that we've created a password that is strong against brute-force attacks, let's strengthen it so a dictionary attack has more trouble guessing your password.
    • Note: Based on what we've learned, a dictionary attack could figure out projectorfireplace in only 4 days (based on 1,000,000 words in the English language). So it is important to also add some protection against these types of attacks. pRojectorf1replace@&*monitor would take a modern computer up to 525 decillion years to crack. Not too likely to happen.
    • Using common sense not to share your actual password, test your password security using the How Secure Is My Password tool. Also check out GRC's "How Big Is Your Haystack" page.
    • Don't use the same password on any services.
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  • {play 57:54}Please support Category5 TV on our Indiegogo fundraiser.
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