Creating Space Scenes with the GIMP

  • S07E19
  • February 4, 2014

Learn to create photo-realistic style space scenes using the free GIMP image editing software for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.

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  • {play 6:26}Feature: Create a photo-realistic style space scene using the free GIMP image editor software.
    • Download GIMP for Linux (also probably in your repositories!), Windows or Mac OS X.
    • Creating a canvas of 1920x1080, or any size you like.
    • Filling your background with black.
    • Adding noise, which will become stars.
    • Removing some of our "stars" by adjusting the levels.
    • Desaturating our stars (removing the random colors from the noise hurl).
    • Adding a bit of a "sparkle" effect to our stars to give a slight flare or shimmer to the brightest stars. This step takes some experimentation to get the effect you're looking for.
    • Finding a good "rock texture" by using Google Image search. Try [our search]. This texture will be used for our planet's surface.
    • Resizing our texture to be a perfect square, and then making our layer fit the image size properly.
    • Using the "Apply Lens" filter in GIMP to give a 3D sphere effect to our texture.
    • How to fix a bad texture when running the Apply Lens filter, where the lower third of the rendered output turns green.
    • Using the Ellipse tool to copy our planet out of the canvas.
    • Placing our rough planet texture onto our starscape canvas.
    • Creating a giant shadow on our planet's surface.
    • Creating the sun which is casting the light on the planet using GIMP's Supernova filter.
    • Project File Download: Space On Air.xcf [6.7 MB]
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    • Next option would be Xubuntu. It's not as sleek and definitely not Robbie's favorite desktop environment, but it's extremely lightweight and very functional.
    • Another thought may be the young Q4OS project, which is making good headway in creating a distro that is easy to use for novice users who are accustomed to Windows XP.
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