Viewers who caught Episode 430 and learned to download YouTube videos on Linux have been asking us how to download them on Windows, so this is your show! We also cover in-field audio recording, and have some great news stories this week.
Hey there! Welcome to another week of Category5 Tech TV!
When we did Episode 430 (wow, 16 weeks ago!) I taught how to use youtube-dl to download YouTube videos on Linux using a great command-line tool. But that sparked a bunch of Windows-using viewers to ask, Hey, what about us?! - so that brings us to Episode 446!
NO, it's not all about Windows. But hey, we gotta give the people what they want. I think the Windows bit is about 1/8th of the show, and the rest is your usual Linux geekery! Well, one of the things I love about doing this show is we're general tech - we can talk about anything of interest and it'll fly! And we have so much fun doing it!
I love having Jeff Weston on the show. I feel like we could just sit down with a mic and cup of coffee and chat for 4 hours straight about some really interesting stuff. I hope you feel the same!
Sasha Dirmeitis also popped her head in briefly to say hi, and she'll be joining the show for the next two weeks as she has some time off work and wants to spend her Tuesday nights with you.
This week we also look at how I recorded a song for Easter and having it actually sound pretty good. I'll show you the kit I use to make it all come together.
Enjoy the show! And thank you so much for being a supporter of Category5 TV!