A traditional #Cat5TV dinner after a hard day's work! Anthony, Jeff and I headed out for a burger Wednesday night. Been wanting to do this for many weeks, but our workload made it tough. Finally, with some tasks done, it was possible.

Ubuntu Mate's first LTS releases in 2 days and we welcome Martin Wimpress, creator of the popular distro, to discuss what Ubuntu Mate means to both novice and experienced Linux users.
What an exciting week! Not only is it Sasha's birthday week, but this week also marks the release of Ubuntu Mate 16.04 ... the first long-term support release from the popular distro. To celebrate both, Martin Wimpress joins us by telepresence all the way from the UK. Yeah, he had a green screen, and we have Telestream Wirecast, so we figured... why not? I have a feeling with a little tweaking and a bit more time to figure out the settings, we could do some really great telepresence interviews.
I picked up a SIM card with Rogers this week (same provider as Debbie) to replace our previous provider (Bell), whose "customer service" leaves a foul taste in my mouth. The Rogers SIM works great in my unlocked BlackBerry Z10, but still will not currently work in our main modem since that device is locked to Bell. I need to buy the unlock code before I can switch over, and while we can get a refund for demonstrating it on-air, we still have to pay the initial $31.80 USD. If you would like to specifically offset that cost, please visit the tip jar. It's not a lot of money, but I am being very careful of expenses right now since our costs are currently outweighing our income. I appreciate everyone who continues to support us on Patreon, as well as those who see the current need and throw a little something extra into the tip jar to help out.
We planned to give away another netTALK Duo II this week, but we ran overtime and missed it--SORRY!--we will give away extras next week to make up for it. Please send your ballots, including your Category5.TV username, to contest@category5.tv for your chance to win! Good luck!
Hope you enjoy the show. Thanks for watching and supporting what we do at The Category5 TV Network.
A traditional #Cat5TV dinner after a hard day's work! Anthony, Jeff and I headed out for a burger Wednesday night. Been wanting to do this for many weeks, but our workload made it tough. Finally, with some tasks done, it was possible.
This was one of the first Linux comics I ever stumbled across, and I think it remains one of my favorites. (Using it in a new article)
It's finally out! #DataDrivePodcast Episode 11 was a learning experience to produce! In the end, I had to add an SSD to my computer and configure it as Virtual RAM to be able to load the MASSIVE project. Every episode is a learning experience and I'm loving the ride. Pun intended. :) Enjoy the show!
What a neat time in tech that my fridge just sent me a message that its air filter was due to be changed, along with step-by-step instructions on how to do it. RTFM is finally dead.
THAT'S what came to mind? 🤣
Seeking to find the balance between great sound quality and looking like a pop star... I think I've found it! #DataDrivePodcast