Exporting Passwords from PasswordBox

  • S09E51
  • September 13, 2016

Learn to use a copy-and-paste javascript to automatically save your PasswordBox password list to a CSV file ready to be imported into another password manager--before it's too late.

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With the PasswordBox password manager service [sadly] being shut down following its acquisition by Intel Security (which incidentally is now being acquired by yet another company), it's high time to export your saved passwords from PasswordBox so you have them locally, and so you can import them into another application such as KeePassX or LastPass.

This week I show how a copy-and-paste javascript can be used to automatically cycle through your passwords on the Chrome version of PasswordBox and export them as a CSV file ready to be imported. This'll work on any platform (Windows, Linux, Mac).

We've also been working really hard to touch on viewer comments and questions at least once per show, as we work toward bringing back more of that good ol' interaction that made Category5 what it is. So we also go through a great list of questions and comments submitted by viewers.

Patrons - Indeed I attempted to shoot this episode in 360 video for you to see what's coming on Episode 471. However, it failed. Well, I failed. I only captured a portion of the virtual space having apparently pressed some wrong buttons on the 360 camera rig before the show. It's a huge learning curve putting together 360 video on a live webcast. So, while I alluded to 360 video being available for this episode, unfortunately I'm unable to provide it. I'm going to try again next Tuesday night, but will also be doing some testing behind-the-scenes to ensure we're ready for the special in 2 weeks. Sorry I couldn't pull it off yet! I'll post updates to Patreon as we go.

Thanks for watching and for supporting Category5 TV!


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