This week, the co-hosts become the hosts as for the first time in 498 weeks Robbie Ferguson does not host or op the live show. Check out an exceptional electronic maker starter kit with Henry, learn all about the hosts' real life phobias and favorites, and jump into the news with Sasha.
In 498 weeks of doing Category5 Technology TV, I've never had a live show off! The closest to a week off I've ever had was Episode 300, where former co-host (now host of New Every Day) visited to look back over the years. That doesn't really count since it was pre-recorded, and I had to both write it and produce it.... but this week, Jeff, Sasha and Henry gave me the night off. For real!
Backstage Pass
- Here's me just before the show: - Here's me during the live show... with my feet up:
This week, the team introduced our new Maker series - a line of products and on-air tutorials to help introduce you to beginner electronics. I can't wait to see what we come up with. From Raspberry Pi customizations to DIY television repair. It's going to be a blast, and I can't wait to learn along with you!
You'll also get to know the team a little better as Jeff fields a questionnaire for Sasha and Henry.
Plus, Sasha's got this week's top news stories, and they crack into some interesting viewer questions and comments.
Enjoy the show, and don't forget to give it a big "thumbs up" on YouTube! We appreciate that.
Thanks for your continued support, and welcome to our new Patrons this week! YOU make this show possible (as well as our other content). Thanks!