Eliminating The Need For Photoshop

  • S10E32
  • April 26, 2017

Let's review some of the great feedback we've received from our community, and see how GIMP 2.9.5 can be installed on Ubuntu Linux to fix the one thing that kept Robbie from dropping Adobe Photoshop: blurry scaling.

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I upgraded my computer at work! But when I did, Adobe Photoshop CS2 deactivated itself and since it's such an old version, it won't re-activate. I literally only use Photoshop to scale images because GIMP 2.8 has horrible, blurry scaling. So, I set out on a quest to see how close we are to 2.10 (when GEGL promises to fix the scaling issue) and low and behold, the development release 2.9.5 has some of the fancy new scaling options!

So, this week we learn to work around the fact that Ubuntu only has GIMP 2.8 in the repositories and use a PPA in order to install the development release!

We also read a handful of the submissions that have been sent in for the Category5 Treasure Chest contest!

If you want to share some of the clips with your family, friends and colleagues, here you are: - How The Heck Does Ransomware Infect and Encrypt Your Files Even Though You Have Antivirus/Linux/Mac? - Category5.TV Newsroom: Top Stories for the Week Of April 26, 2017 - Installing GIMP 2.9.5 Development Release on Ubuntu Linux

Enjoy the show, and thank you so much for supporting Category5 TV!


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